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Medical confidentiality?

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    Medical confidentiality?

    I'm very freaked out by a message that was posted under Consequences of Treatment,.

    A co-worker told a boss that this poster had a drinking problem and now she has to give random drug screens etc.
    I thought medical records were confidential and could not be divulged or used against an employe.

    I'm worried about this because I have the same "alcohol dependent" diagnosis but I get my insurance through my husband's employer, not my own. I figured that would make it very hard for my employer to discover my problem. Now I'm wondering/

    If these records aren't confidential, why would anyone ever even seek out medical help?

    Here is the original post:

    Hello to all you people on MWO. I have been here intermittently for about a year and a half. I posted mostly on the Alcohol in Moderation then the Abs boards. I have not been here in several months, mostly because I feel so embarassed and almost ashamed of my decision to go to treatment.

    I decided to go to out patient treatment this past summer because no matter what I tried, I always returned to my 4 or so glasses of wine most evenings. I wanted to break out of this in the worst way.

    About 2 weeks after this 4 week treament, I was notified by HR at the clinic I practice in that I would have to sign myself up for the state health care provider monitoring agency because of my "diagnosis" of "alcohol dependence." Despite the facts that I had absolutely no work consequences, no dwi, no consequences whatsoever (other than my own frustration with getting buzzed every night) I am being required to participate in this monitoring.

    Monitoring includes: Random urine screens twice/month, I have to call the tox line every AM to see if my color has been called. Regular AA attendance with reports from a sponser that I have attended and stayed "sober" , psychiatrist evaluation, therapy visits at least 8 times/year, a work site monitor who reports I have my lipstick on straight (my feeble attempt at humor). All of this goes for THREE years or they will report me to the nursing board. I don't know what there is to report but I guess putting ones self into treatment necessitates a violation of the nurse practice act?!

    I have tried my best to have a decent attitude about this but no matter what I can't maintain peace because it is so WRONG! I love being free of my wine cravings but living with this and the way it makes me feel is honestly worse. I truly would never have gone to treatment had I known I would be treated like a criminal. I thought it was a private matter, but there was/is nothing private about it. I don't know how I could have been so stupid/naive to think my going to treatment would stay private.

    I have been in despair since the end of July when I found out what would be required of me. There are days I would give up my nursing license if I could afford to because this feels so demeaning. I have spoken to a few other nurses who I met at AA meetings who also had to do the monitoring program. All of them had stolen narcotics at the hospitals they worked.

    Is there anyone else who is familiar with this? I know all professional organizations utilize such monitoring programs. After being involved in this program and attending AA, I truly don't even believe I am alcohol dependent because I fit none of the criteria except and inability to stop drinking alcohol. I obviously had a problem and am truly grateful I am not drinking anymore. After treatment, I had an inablitiy to stop eating hot fudge sundaes! Then it struck me that ice cream had become just like wine! Ahhh! With that recognition came freedom from the ice cream too!

    Anyway......hugs to all here on mwo.

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    Medical confidentiality?

    I just responded to the other thread so you can go back and read what I wrote if you like. Bottom line is nothing is 100% confidential and while I do not know about all employers I do know insurance companies are allowed access to our records. I am no expert in this field but I think it is better to err on the side of caution when divulging such things to your doctors.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Medical confidentiality?

      Isn't that the very reason that this website is so successful. Once diagnosed as "alcohol dependant" everything changes and we may not be able to get coverage etc. etc. and this happens quite outside of the fact of all the shame and the ever continuing downward spiral. Hence, the MWO success - help without consequences and judgement. Once again, thank you RJ, you are brilliant.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Medical confidentiality?

        Sorry my story freaked you out. Remember though, it wasn't my medical record that was shared. It was my word spoken privately to a very few I trusted in my workplace. But I have come to the point that I believe there is no confidentiality of the medical record or anything else. I have become that which my mood icon reflects tonight....cynical.


          Medical confidentiality?

          Hi MaggieD,
          Wow, so sorry to hear that you are having to go through this.

          The thing is that the Hipaa Laws do protect you from others seeing your medical records, even your employer. Medical Insurance companies do see your medical records and these records may be accessed when you are applying for individual health insurance.

          The thing that I have had to learn the hard way, many times, is to keep my most private thoughts and issues, Private. There are very few people that I share with. My family and a couple of long time close friends. The work place is never a good place to share our most private thoughts.

          and remember, This too Shall Pass

          Hang in There,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Medical confidentiality?

            KateH1;223654 wrote: Hi MaggieD,
            Wow, so sorry to hear that you are having to go through this.

            The thing is that the Hipaa Laws do protect you from others seeing your medical records, even your employer. Medical Insurance companies do see your medical records and these records may be accessed when you are applying for individual health insurance.

            The thing that I have had to learn the hard way, many times, is to keep my most private thoughts and issues, Private. There are very few people that I share with. My family and a couple of long time close friends. The work place is never a good place to share our most private thoughts.

            and remember, This too Shall Pass

            Hang in There,
            Hi. Thanks for the info about HIPPA laws. I thought the same thing. It turns out, this incident with MaggieD was the result of her telling someone about the diagnosis, and that person passing the info on. I'm sorry. I misread, I guess. And Maggie, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Shame on that co-worker.

            You're story scared me to death. In fact, it kept me sober yesterday and will today. Thanks so much for sharing.

