I hate the word alcoholic, as it seems to be a word used by a society just chomping at the bit to put a judgemental label on a humans existence.
So I got to thinking, why is there no such thing as a tobaccoholic? That word does not exist. They are just called "smokers". It does not matter if you smoke 1 cigarette a day, or 4 packs a day, you are still just a smoker. It can be qualified by light smoker, or heavy smoker.
So why isn't if you just drink one drink a day, or 20 drinks a day you are still just a "drinker"? Light drinker, or heavy drinker would be the modifiers to stay consistent with the tobacco model of definition.
A semantic difference, of some significance I would think. A smoker can be just as out of control as a drinker with addiction, if not more so. Same effect of physical destruction.
How about sugarholic? Gambleholic? Nope. Not there.
Anybody care to comment on this? Why the moralistic double-standard?