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Oh well....

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    Oh well....

    So much for the latest medication that was so bloody brilliant I could weep - have been doing so quite a bit the last few days.

    The mood stabiliser i'm (was) on has a label warning about rashes - well guess who got a damned rash on Thursday last...muggins here.

    So off to emergency, pumped full of hydrocortisone, adrenalin, etc etc. In hospital for 2 days where they farted around and cause they didn't know what to do they took me straight off the med which has caused gross withdrawal. Can't go on to another med till can get into a private facility and be monitored (probably Friday when I have a job interview for a great opportunity - i'm going to that I don't care!!!!).

    So am sitting here drugged to the eyeballls on stuff that sedates me so badly I just sleep all the time and it's almost impossible to go to work - I am halving the dose tomorrow so I can get in there - we can't afford this crap.

    Sorry to rant....

    Anyway (more rant), Sunday I had to have a drink or 3 didn't I! It's like the mood stabiliser switched off and I went straight for the number 2 mood stabiliser - proved to me that self-medication is a reality! Well got so groggy after 3 beers went to bed. Have not had another since though feel like one today I can tell you! I can cope with most bull....when i'm stable but when i'm not....jeees!

    Swinging from pole to pole Cashy
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Oh well....

    Oh crap, muggins, I'm sorry, that really stinks. Really!

    I hope you'll find another equally as good, soon.

    Good luck on the job interview though, I'll cross fingers and toes.

    m. xx :l
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      Oh well....

      Did you get the Lamictal rash? It is sooo common, many people only get it initially and then they are fine. It sounds like your current situation is kinda (ok, VERY) sucky though, sorry to hear that!! Damn Cashy, I hope it get straightened out ASAP.
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Oh well....

        Yes indeedy - the lamictal rash - whatever that is! Basically they are not prepared to put me back on it cause had swollen tounge and obstructe airway etc so Lamictal now a no go - will have to go back to one of the oldies (probably carbamazepine - Tegretol) which I have not been on without an anti-depressant as well, so may work much better now am not on one, but then again who knows - hit and miss time again.

        But the timing is crap. I had a job interview on Monday as well and I should have postponed as was barely coherent - but didn't want to let them down (at least they saw the rash and knew I'd been in hopsital - brownie points for dragging myself there!).

        Now have another interview Friday - oh bugger....self-pity time "why me" etc etc etc.

        Could kill for a glass of wine and a ciggy, but it would only make me fall over - no fun in that I guess.

        Groan loudly!!

        Really p.....d off and drugged to the eyeballs Cashy
        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Oh well....

          Hi Cashy,

          I've heard that Topamax is also a mood stabilizer, have you tried it? The side effects sound scary but I guess I'll try anything once

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            Oh well....

            Oh yes i've been there done that! Fell asleep at my desk at work - sent home in a cab. I reacted very badly to it - bummer cause wanted the weight loss side effect!!
            I lost cognitive function, couldn't think to save my life.
            I have tried: Lithium (could not reach therapeutic blood serum levels - body too efficient even tho followed all rules and regs), Sodium Valproate (threw up incessantly), Topamax (as above), Lamictal (rash!), Gabapentin (worked for a while then pooped out) and Tegretol - which didn't control the mania but was on an anti-depressant at the time which may have been pushing through the therapeutic effects - so that's the first one to try again as no significant side effects 'cept didn't work!

            I am the mood stabiliser queen

            Anyway back to your question - no way Topa - bad juju!

            Thanks for your answers and concern though i really appreciate it, am so very down, just trying to stay focussed on the future and that all will be well, which is kinda hard, pessimism would be much easier.

            Love Cashy xxxxx
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Oh well....

              Thanks for the heads up on the Topamax, I didn't realize....

              I think Tegretol is pretty mild, both my son and husband have taken it.....slightly mellowing, that's about it. My husband is thriving on Lithium, I don't know how he does it because that stuff makes you SLEEP like there's no tomorrow but to each his own I guess.

              Why does one need to be blood tested for "therapeutic levels" on Lithium? Why can't you just take the dose that feels best? Who made up this rule??? It's frustrating. I would gladly take Lithium if it weren't for those stupid blood tests.......maybe some people just need a baby dose, ya know?
              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                Oh well....

                Hi Cashy.
                So sorry to hear you`re having a rough time.......hope you get your meds sorted soon.
                Good luck with the job interview.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Oh well....

                  Thanks Star

                  My heart - blood tests have to be taken with lihium as it is highly toxic at high concentrations. This is cause it's not a produced medicine but a salt. High levels of salt are not good at any time, and high levels of lithium carbonate are potentially fatal. SO regular tests need to be done to ensure the levels stay within the therapeutic range and do not get toxic. It's a complicated med - need to drink water, but not too much! Need to watch salt in diet, but if you cut out salt the lithium levels increase - complex stuff

                  However, it is a brilliant mood stabiliser and i would gladly have the bloods done if it would work on me - its the doctor's first choice everytime. and was invented by an Aussie!!

                  But you can't just "have a little"! You need to make sure that you are in the therapeutic range (I was below and couldn't get into it!!!!).

                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Oh well....

                    Oh Cashy, that sounds awful.

                    Big Big BB hugs on their way over cyberspace ............hang in there you are one tough cookie ..........


                      Oh well....

                      Thanks BB, not tough, just crazy

                      At the moment I can't concentrate for more than 2 minutes on one thing - just sitting here looking at the computer.

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Oh well....

                        Sorry to hear you are having a rough go of it right now, Cashy.

                        I spoke to my doctor after you and I PM'd each other and he actually took me off of the Trazodone (3 weeks ago) and I am only on the mood stabilizer now. What a difference. I went from soooooooo depressed and thoughts of suicide to feeling pretty normal. I am sure some of my feelings were because of my recently failed marriage, but I honestly feel better being on the mood stabilizer alone.

                        I hated the feeling of being so tired all day from the anti depressant. I can so relate to that horrid feeling. ALL DAY LONG, JUST BAGGED.

                        However, I have noticed my night time anxiety attacks are slowly coming back. Which sucks, but I am hoping it is only the immediate stressors in my life at the moment. I will have to monitor them - they get really, really bad.

                        I really hope they can get you on something to help you quickly. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. This Russion Roulette with meds just bites ass. I wish they had a magic pill, but then again, I guess we all wish they had a magic pill for something or another.

                        Hang in there!


                          Oh well....

                          Hey Accountable, you're a legend - come so far so quickly! Your anxiety may just be remnants of situation - if get bad there's always some good alternatives - have you ever heard of seroquel (quetiapine)? It's an a-typical antipsyhcotic but at low doses is absolutely brilliant for anxiety and panic (I take 100 mg at night, sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed - people with psychosis take like 800mg). Ask your Dr if that might not be a short term alternative to "get you through the night".
                          Mood stabiliser alone is the only way for me. antidepressants shot me straight into mania - too much serotonin for my little wired brain

                          Anyway - good news - I am going in to the clinic tomorrow - they fast tracked me - so thank goodness for that - soon a little relief ( and I have had a ciggy or 2 but have resisted any more booze after the 3 beers!).

                          Wish me luck guys, love you all you're all rocks.

                          cashy (soon to be a little less crazy)
                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            Oh well....

                            Good Luck, Cashy. Bring on tomorrow!


                              Oh well....

                              Thanks Tawn - yep, bring it on!!! Drugs and no sex and no rock'n'roll. 1 outta 3 aint bad!

                              Will check back in as soon as i'm tucked up tight and wired to go.

                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

