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The economics of abstinence

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    The economics of abstinence

    Hullo everyone!

    Today I have been AF for 80 days and with one thing and another I reckon I need a treat. So I started doing a few sums in my head and put very simply I reckon I have saved ?5 x 80 days by not drinking which should give me ?400 to spend on myself? Well, tomorrow I will take a look at my bank balance and would be very happy to find said ?400 pounds in my account! Have a sneaky suspicion it will not be there!

    So, from today, I am going to put ?5 somewhere each and every day I do not drink. I found the money before for 1+ bottles of wine, so now I'm going to find it and watch it build and then I am going to spend it on something special.

    It would be so good if some of you would join me and start a Treat Savings Plan!! Every AF day counts! The more AF, the more cash in the piggy!

    :h Anna:h
    Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

    The economics of abstinence

    I have extra cash in my account just from not stopping at the wine store every day.
    think about $60.00.
    It's amazing. my life is slowly changing
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      The economics of abstinence

      What a fabulous plan Londoner!!!! I love rewards!!!! It gives us a sense of accomplishment and shopping is always a good idea!:goodjob:

      Positive economics can also relate to more procuctivity in every aspect of life, clear mind, optomistic outlook, higher energy levels, improved overal health.

      OOOOOO....I just thought of something, with the transfer rate, in the US, this would be about $9.00 a day!!!!...................Now,, where is my piggy bank!:wow:

      :h KateH
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        The economics of abstinence

        Hi Anna,
        Like yourself, I am so much better off financially since I quit my nightly wine. Haven`t really bothered to keep the money I would have spent on wine for myself personally, but have enjoyed buying some treats since I clothes, new mobile, stuff for the house. Is amazing to look around the house and see actual items that I`ve bought with the money I used to waste on drink.

        Am currently a bit stressed out, so haven`t managed to quit the fags just yet, but can`t wait to have even more spare money to spend on even more treats once I`m done with smoking also. turning into Miss Goody Twoshoes here!!! :H

        Starlight Impress x


          The economics of abstinence

          I just figured out today is my 147th day AF - that would equate to about $735 savings for me. In all truth, it was rare that only one six pack was enough forme daily so I am sure that number should be nearly doubled! Wow, oddly enough I don't happen to have that much extra in my check book, though I do notice I ALWAYS have cash in my purse now - as much as $60 all the time. That was a rarity before.

          Geez, I can hear my liver thanking me as I type!!
          Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


            The economics of abstinence

            I like the Idea of actually keeping that money aside in a piggy bank, not just in the checking account London as mine is a joint checking account. I'd like to keep the money I am saving by not drinking for myself. (hope that doesn't sound selfish). Plus, I can just see it add up better that way.

            I should be able to save about 150.00-175.00 dollars a month this way.



              The economics of abstinence

              I recently got a freelance job, in addition to my full-time job, to keep up with monthly expenses. Turns out, though, my monthly expenses aren't what the used to be!
              So now that extra paycheck will be saved so I can take my daughter on vacation for spring break.
              We're going to Disney World!!
              (somebody talk me out of it, please please... I don't wanna go!!)
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                The economics of abstinence

                Starlight Impress;224237 wrote: Hi Anna,
                Like yourself, I am so much better off financially since I quit my nightly wine. Haven`t really bothered to keep the money I would have spent on wine for myself personally, but have enjoyed buying some treats since I clothes, new mobile, stuff for the house. Is amazing to look around the house and see actual items that I`ve bought with the money I used to waste on drink.

                Am currently a bit stressed out, so haven`t managed to quit the fags just yet, but can`t wait to have even more spare money to spend on even more treats once I`m done with smoking also. turning into Miss Goody Twoshoes here!!! :H

                Starlight Impress x
                how cute are you wearing bobby socks and ribbons?
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  The economics of abstinence

                  trixietrack;224306 wrote: how cute are you wearing bobby socks and ribbons?
                  EEk :wow: - I hope she is wearing more than that - its freezing here - she will catch her death!


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    The economics of abstinence

                    well I spent 10 euros a day on booze and more at the weekend, friday about 12 euros ,saturday about 25 euros( i would probably go for a wine or 2 on the way home from shopping,5 euros a glass of wine here!) and sunday I would spend about 12 euros ,more if I went out for a wine or 2 so I reakon I save between 80 and 100 euros a week by not drinking !!! (wow. thats alot!!) 12 days today af so it looks like a shopping trip this weekend!


                      The economics of abstinence

                      [pre]So now that extra paycheck will be saved so I can take my daughter on vacation for spring break.
                      We're going to Disney World!!
                      (somebody talk me out of it, please please... I don't wanna go!!)[/pre]

                      Don't do it. We went there a couple years ago. So crappy-- incredibly fake. Clean, yes, but boring and annoying, cheap and chintzy. There is so much better you could spend your money on.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        The economics of abstinence

                        Yes, I know Beatle. It's so unlike me to do something like this - I hate the commercialism, fake crap, etc. I remember even hating that about it when I went there when I was 10. But there was also some magic to it, for kids, and I promised my daughter I'd take her there when she is 10. So we'll go to DW this year, then save up for our trip to France and Ireland in a few years!
                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                          The economics of abstinence

                          Hi MOW! Not a Disneyworld fan myself, but I can tell you that your girl-child will groove on it! She's the perfect age. Younger, she'd not remember it, and older, she'd barf just like an adult would at all the commercial hype crap.

                          I confess I avoided it. When Little Jane/Baby Jane were about 8/10-ish, my husband took them down to Orlando for a Daddy Trip. He knew how much I hated those phony theme-park things. They had a GREAT time without me! Ate all kinds of unhealthy foods, spent all day riding rides, talking to Mickey, Goofy, and Cinderella...whatever one does down there...they were thrilled! So was I, back home...

                          Ireland! You gotta go...
                          Jane Jane


                            The economics of abstinence

                            Yeah, that's why I decided I'd take her when she is 10. It's perfect.
                            You sure lucked out, JJ!

                            I have to take my red-headed little girl to Ireland! Funny tidbit about that - I told her a couple years ago that if she never takes a drink of alcohol before we go, I'll buy her her first beer in a pub in Dublin when she's 18. So she tells her grandma, "Momma's taking me to Ireland to drink beer!!"
                            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                              The economics of abstinence

                              well, I don't agree. PM me if you want. DW sucks. It was not fun for our kids. I actually think we grown-ups had a better time. But you decide. If you are intent on going there, I will give you advice if you want it on how to avoid the worst. Let me know.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

