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The economics of abstinence

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    The economics of abstinence

    MOW - My poor son, now 22, was never taken to Disneyland/World or anything
    Disney when he was a child. We (his Dad & I) just didn't want to go. So he grew up "deprived". Well, he just went to Disneyland (California) with his girlfriend - and he wasn't too impressed. So there you go. We parents still know a thing or two, fancy that!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      The economics of abstinence

      MOW, your little redhead will feel right at home in Eire! I truly did. Genetic memory, perhaps? I'm not much of a mystic, but I swear I felt that everyone I met over there was a long-lost cousin! Ireland just felt...right, deeply right. As if my DNA was connecting to theirs. Have fun on your travels!
      Jane Jane


        The economics of abstinence

        WOW! Congrats to you on your 80 days!!! It is amazing the amount of money that we spend/spent on alcohol. I can't believe how much money I have saved in the last year. I was a daily drinker. I would spend on average $16 dollars a day on alcohol and another $7 dollars a day on cigarettes. I have spent around $50 dollars on alcohol for myself this year. I quit smoking almost 2 months ago and have saved a ton already in ciggies....

        Have a great shopping trip. It is well earned!


          The economics of abstinence

          Thanks Accountable For Me, love that cat!

          I checked and I do have lots extra in my bank account, which is way fun. My hubs spotted a detox in Surrey and said I should go-know what? I don't think so! or not until I have looked at lots of options-bit like sucking a sweet!

          Limers-100 euros a week will bring you a lot of spending joy! You should have around 200 euros to spend on treats for yourself this weekend? For yourself, remember, not all your lovely kids! Any redheads?! Go, girl! I will be thinking of you shopping in Ireland but OMG isn't it expensive there? Used to cut my alcohol intake right down when I was there as I couldn't afford as much as here in the London supermarkets LOL! Let us know what treats you choose. Mmmmmmmmm I'm thinking massage mmmmmm.

          MOW! I am certain your daughter is a redhaired godsend, but lest we forget and fail to read above, I was actually looking at us pampering and treating ourselves with our piggy bank money! Glad you guys have nearly reached an amicable conclusion re Disneyworld! Oh and you gotta go to Ireland, but I would say that wouldn't I, being Irish and all. My parents come from Cavan and Sligo and I was born in the North.

          Thought you might all be interested to know that,according to my pocket Irish Phrasebook,there are different words for the various degrees of inebriation! Here they are:

          drunk ar meisce (pronounced air meyshka)
          very drunk ar deargmheisce (air jaregveyshka)
          quite drunk olta (aulta)
          blind drunk caoch olta (kayokh aulta)
          tipsy sugach (soogakh)

          Says at lot about the importance of drink for us Irish! And yet my father didn't drink, neither did my mother, apart from the odd glass of white wine.

          My favourite words nowadays are:

          sober stuama (stooama)
          sobriety stuaim (stooim)

          healthy cheers!

          Anna :h

          ps I've got ?10 pounds hard cash, well okay 2 five pound notes, already in my new piggy bank(it's actually a huge hairy bag made from silk and hemp) started with this thread - I'm not into money usually so this is going to be interesting!
          Anyone else doing the same?
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

