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My Ireland Trip

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    My Ireland Trip

    Well it started out we arrived in Ireland for 3 weeks with $7 which equal 4.90 euros, no credit cards that worked, so no rental car.

    The morning of, woke showered, looked for $400 on table. Not there. WHAT? Had no time to look much, got in cab, had $9. Cab wouldn't take credit card, had to run in and get check book. Arrived at airport after cabbie almost killed us turning onto median :H Joe writes check I go in. He comes to me and takes $2 for tip. One which I think is cheap but also, THAT"S ALL THE MONEY WE HAVE!!! When he get's back I say why not write another check!!!~! Oh well.

    Trip uneventful. Get to Ireland some 20 hours later. Get to rental car. Credit cards won't work! After exchange of $7, 4.90-not enuf for bus fare! Just enuf for toll bridge but who cares no credit card works. It's Sunday and mine is doing some kind of maintenance, PLUS it's a banker's holiday in Ireland. No one in family knows we are there. We wanted to surprise everyone. So I say call Bernie-Joe's oldest sis. We don't have number. We call ma. She wonders why so clear connection, but gives us number. Waits by phone to hear from us........ Bernie there!!! yeah!@! Gives her credit card to hold. Find out when we change to ours Tuesday....wasn't her credit card. She gave wrong number! LOL

    Anyway, Ma is not doing well. We are seriously thinking of moving there for a while. More about that later. Beautiful weather. Walked daily. Did drink too much :blush: and alcohol content is MUCH stronger there.

    Everything very expensive 1.49 Euro to our dollar. But, what can you do. Didn't meet w/Star as she was indisposed, so decided not to go to Scottland, will do so another time.

    Missed talking on MWO, really. Then I COULDN"T CHAT!!! But now all that is better too.

    Am going to get back on the wagon next week. Am looking seriously at jobs in the UK, hopefully w/relocation expenses paid. Don't think Ma will last very much longer-smoking, emphysema, etc. And Irish health care not the best, plus at her age she won't press docs. Generation thing.

    Looking forward to chatting w/u all.

    My story and sticking w/it.

    My Ireland Trip

    Good to have you back hart. You did not miss much around here except a great halloween contest with great prizes from monakitty!


      My Ireland Trip

      Hart welcome back.
      Sounds like a stessful trip...
      Glad you got to spend time with your Mom:h
      We missed ya.:l
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        My Ireland Trip

        Hi Hart-

        Sorry to hear about your mom. I thik its terrific that were able to go and even better that you may be able to move over and be with her. Not every daughter is a tough as you.

        Funny about you money trouble. What a story. No one wants to hear about a completely hassle free uneventful trip anyway!

        Would love to see some pictures. I've never been, but it sounds like such a great place to visit.

        Welcome back!!!!



          My Ireland Trip

          Great to see you back.......sounds like quite a trip........I pity the poor bugger whose credit card it was!!! :H

          Sorry Joe`s ma ain`t too good. Chat soon.

          Starlight Impress x


            My Ireland Trip

            Welcome back Hart! We missed you! Sounds like you had some challenges, but had a good time nonetheless. Sorry about Ma, hopefully she will perservere and get better. Talk to you soon, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              My Ireland Trip

              Nice to have you back Hart, so sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like the trip was quite stressful, so sorry it could not have been more relaxing. Looking forward to chatting with you soon.
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007

