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    Okay, I hate the idiot box. Bunch of idiots that just fulfilled the Andy Warhol prophesy. "Hey, look at me. I’m a no talent ass clown that gets on TV, and acts like an ass!!!" Yeah, I just got home. Worked really early today. I'm watching this show call Dora the Explorer. It's pretty good. I'm not joking. It's for kids, but it's perfect. I don't have to look at pretentious assholes to melt my brain. Hey, I have enough intellectual stimuli through the course of my day. I don't need to turn on the idiot box, when I want to get stupid (let's face it, that shit lowers your IQ.) How does this shit exist? Well, just another nail in the cross that exemplifies the stupidity that human beings exhibit. Wow, look at me? I'm on TV. What a joke. I'm embarrassed. In the mean time while people look at these pathetic reality TV shows, I'll sit there laughing at these cartoons, dreaming of a simple life, when I was young. I know my niece likes that show. One day, she'll grow up. Sadly, she'll be exposed to a bunch of fucking idiots. Does anybody else feel this way?
    where does this go?


    I just love the old classics, like The Aristocats, Junglebook,(Old) Bugs Bunny(a lot of that Chuck Jones stuff is definately made for adult audiences!....the Magic Helmet episode!LOL)
    Thumper in Bambi is one of my favorites!
    The land before Time is pretty good too! Yep! Yep! Yep!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



      I'm totally with you in your revulsion of "reality" shows. And it scares me how many adults watch wrestling...shudder. But I do like some of the shows on tv, I like CSI and Law and Order and a lot of shows on TLC. Does that lower my IQ? I hope so, because when I hear about what's happening in "real life", I think if I were dumber I'd be less scared, worried and saddened. But hey, there's always good books!!!!



        Yes Hart. It does lower your IQ. Just kidding. CSI is not a reality show. I want to school for this, but I'm a screw up. I'm actually going back. Chemistry and Biology.
        where does this go?



          Oh Morrison, Dora is a nutter - everything is just behind her - she is so stupid. My young daughter and I have been watching her for years in order to fulfill out laughter quota for the day. When she stands there and says "can you see the....", we cry "yes you moron it's right behind you" and other variations on that theme

          It's been very educational for Sophie!!! Sorry can't agree with you that it's seriously any good. We are just waiting for her to find something fast and resolve her "looking around for a moment" issues (Dora that is).

          Sophie does not like reality TV - I think we have effectively brainwashed ther out of it by sitting through it with her and being so sarcastic about it all that she picked up on it and now she has our views!! That's our standard practice with her = if she thinks she might like it, let her watch it but make sure to watch with her and point out how utterly stupid it is! Works for us

          Your neice will be exposed, but there are different types of exposure - Soph got "aversion therapy!!". Parents do have power - the TV can spout stuff, but it's in our control to spout right back at it!

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon



            Then again, perhaps Dora is just not to Aussie tastes - though I hear they are looking for an Australian girl to be the "new voice of Dora" - could be change in the air

            "I know where the castle is, is behind me", and if you can't see it yet well...."

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon



              My 2.5 year old daughter has been addicted to Dora the Explorer since she was just over a year old. It is making me go flat broke with all of the stuff out on the market, but putting that aside, my daughter is actually speaking some spanish now. It is absolutely amazing how much she learns off of that show.

              Everything has been Dora the Explorer for over a year - but that is OK with me because at least she has been getting something out of it.



                Deleted because I was being a wise ass. I know the show is stupid(for adults that is.) I just long for a simpler time. Sorry for being so arcane.
                where does this go?



                  Spongebob squarepants does it for me every time when I just wanna turn the brain off for a bit and have a good laugh. My 3 year old daughter loves it as well!!. Does anyone remember the lovable Bing and Bong in Tiny Planets?

                  Here's a link for a bit of nostalgia with my fav. episode of tiny planets! (I cannot believe I'm actually doing this!!)

                  Kids games, videos, stories, crafts, lesson plans - worlds of stuff for kids!
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009



                    Hippie. That is where I was going. Thanks for getting it. I've been so burned lately on things, and I just sat there laughing at this silly kid's show. I can't expect everybody to get me, because I don't even get me. I'm strange. I admit it.
                    where does this go?



                      Yeah, I was talking to my kids the other day about having a TV, computer free week the other night. I would just like a few days of quiet. Theres so much more to do. I was an army brat and we lived in Germany for awhile. The TV was all German and nobody watched it. All the kids found plenty to do and never thought about TV. Seriously, I wouldnt mind living in a non-electric cabin somewhere spending all day searching for or growing my own food. Riding a horse to get where I'm going. bird



                        got to admit kids shows are addictive, i spent years with my son watching silly shows only to realise he d got bored an was off playin an using his imagination, but it is nice to switch of an not think, ie simpsons isant that a cartoon but 4 grown ups? kids an grown ups love it cos theres something 4 every1, so dave just chill an enjoy dora!! have u learnt any spanish from her!!



                          bird. I'm with you on the non-electric world idea. It would take a bit to acclimate, but growing your own food would be nice. There is not a natural thing about Vegas. I miss the woods, the water, being able to grow my own vegetables. I lived in PA. before I came here. I hated the weather, but I could always go fishing or hiking, and had a nice vegetable garden. Hmm. I need to find a place I can live like that, but doesn't have crappy weather like PA. Any suggestions?

                          atlast. I don't think I'll be watching that show again. Haha. I just caught it by accident, and found myself watching it, thinking about my niece(she's probably too old for that show now.) I don't have any children of my own, which is a good thing. Maybe if I can get my act together. Anyway, I do like kids. Having nieces and nephews are cool, because you can have fun with them, but not have to put up with all the responsibility. Haha. I won't be going home for the holidays this year. Well, I'm not sure. If I can get some antabuse before then, I'm thinking about it. Otherwise, I just know I wouldn't be able to be around old friends without getting smashed. :upset: I get sad thinking of how my life is passing by, and it is all because of this stupid drink. I know I can't let myself think of how things would be if I didn't have this problem. Sometimes, I can't do anything but think of how things should be, and I get a bit sad.
                          where does this go?



                            Once I was surfing the net and happened upon this place in the north Georgia mts. called Enota. It was a campground but had a little community of people that ran the place and had a garden and animal refuge the people worked at. You can live there for free and they will give you a little money to help work the place but you have to be AF. They have cabins and yurts and the pictures were really nice, waterfalls etc. I always thought well there is somewhere I could go if I ever get straightened out but never have. I've thought about just buyin a couple acres and start growing some stuff but I really dont want to live here forever. The summers are murder. bird



                              Dora is a kwonk.........

                              When my daughter was younger, we didn't even have a was fabbity fab...we used to go down to the local park where a group of families (quite alternative) used to gather daily with their brings back good memories... I can remember sitting with the minimelon and my friend and her grandaughter on a park bench after the sun had set watching for shooting stars and singing 'two little boys'....class music......

                              as for cartoons...older tom and jerry is IT!!!!!!...I like the bowling alley one, and the one where tom has to be quiet because spike the dogs nephew is sleeping, but jerry ties hooters to his feet..........................
                              Easily pleased.............

