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Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

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    Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

    Hi there -

    I am looking for information about the difference of the Hypnotherapy Cds - seems there are 3 choices for sets to start out with. Sorry, to start a whole thread, but I have serached and can't come up with more info.......Help Appreciated

    6 Days ABs
    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

    Which Hypnotherapy CDs?


    my two cents is the Wendi series are just plain amazing. My only warning I would offer is that they really embrace new age spirituality. They don't shove it down your throat, but it is in there, so if 'hippie' stuff is tedious to you, you might get annoyed at times.

    I also have the MWO CDs and I fully intend on trying them. But, if I had only one life-preserver to throw, I'd throw the one that was thrown to me - Wendi rocks.

    Although, now I have an uncontrolable urge to drive to Taos and eat granola.....



      Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

      Dave - what are the Wendi cds? Where do you get them?

      Go2Goal - I bought the MWO original 4-CD set. Been listening for a month and they seem to be working!


        Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

        I love the MWO CDs too. They really helped and I cannot really explain why but I just know they did. Great job on 6 days!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

          Hi all-

          here is a link to the wendi CDs.

          Quit Drinking with Hypnosis, Alcohol Freedom!!!

          Besure and look at how long I have been at it as opposed to Lushy: she's got WAYYYY more experience and insight. I only have my one experience to go on.

          Get what ever you need any way you can!!!



            Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

            I, too, have the MWO set and think they really helped me the first month. In fact, my wife and I have one on everynight while we're falling asleep. She really loves it, just like falling asleep at the ocean...



              Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

              I don't think there were three choices a few months ago when I ordered them. I think it was just the standard set and the one for mothers. I guess there is one for abstainers now?

              But anyway, I have the standard set... it is for both abstainers and those that want to moderate. I want to abstain, and therefore would have preferred one for abstainers, but the one I have is 90% fine for abstainers. It is mostly about gaining contol over alcohol, so the idea is the same.

              I don't know if the CDs help me with alcohol or not, but they certainly help me relax and sleep. The clearing one is very good for just getting rid of garbage in your head and letting your body relax, whether it is nightime or not.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Which Hypnotherapy CDs?

                Thanks everyone for all your input. I think I will order a set and give it a try.

                "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

