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Drink Driving

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    Drink Driving

    Hi guys

    Not sure if any one knows - I did post it on an obscure thread in here a few weeks back, but I lost my (UK) driving licence in Summer. I hadn't had it long but for the first time in my life I went near the car within 36 hours of drinking (that is no lie either).

    As the first step towards getting my licence back I took up the option of attending the Drink Awareness course which was offered to me by the Magistrates Court. The first part of which I completed on Thursday and Friday this last week.

    It was quite an experience and I just wondered if anyone here on the forum has been on the same course or anything similar and what their experiences/thoughts were?

    Drink Driving

    Hey UKblonde-

    I've done a course like that here in the U.S. after a DUI about 5 years ago. Since it was my first offense, I was given that option instead of a full conviction. It was once a week for I forget how long - but it was 8 or 12 weeks I think - and we had homework each week. Some of it was actually pretty interesting, and it was also a very amusing mix and match of people in the course. I remember some chilling videos we watched about consequences people had had from drinking and driving - one of which I will never forget. And there was also some interesting info on addiction, how booze is promoted in the media and lots of other stuff. Though I am loathe to admit it, I think I actually did get something out of it.

    Howz your course?
    wonder xx


      Drink Driving

      So, did you get a ban or any other punishment? I have a 16 month ban which will be reduced by 25% when I complete the course. It is the best part of 3 days (16 hours not including coffee/lunch breaks) and costs ?155. I also got a fine of ?360 but I did hold my hands up in court, admit to a problem - they also know I lost my car and had to pay for it to be towed and scrapped.

      There is a lot of info about drinks, the alcohol content, units, health and consequences of drinking. A lot of folk on the course didn't know anything about drinks measures and strengths before. The legal info is also very useful about police powers, breathalysers and being in charge of vehicles etc.

      I came top of the class in the quiz about alcohol on the first day, that's because I have read so much info about drink because of my problem. It's mostly men on the course, not sure if that reflects the average profile of drink drivers. They say 2/3rds of non-jailed offenders take-up the course. I just did some basic maths and just say the remainder are all women then yes that would make it around 50:50 so we can't draw a conclusion there.

      It was a bit scary, and I am the only one who has admitted to having a drink problem. I am also the only one who is trying to abstain. I am also one of the few who can admit to some of the real bad side effects of drink and know the medical terminology. I think I have held my licence the shortest time, am the only one who destroyed their vehicle and possibly the only one who hasn't driven influenced before.

      I am always the odd one out in life. I am probably going to be accused of being an under cover police officer on the last day (1st December) - this is something I get a lot, in detox a guy was sure I was a plant by his wife. Nancy Drew eat your heart out!


        Drink Driving

        Interesting UK - it's all coming back to me from reading your description - we did have all the stuff about how much alcohol is in different drinks and the police stuff too. Our group was small - maybe about 12 people - and it was maybe 8 men and 4 women. Like you, I also seemed to know more than others going in from my own research. I don't think we talked about who "had a problem" or not in the group. And also like you, it was maybe the first time I drove while under the influence. Maybe we were spared something worse down the line?

        I was very lucky not to have my license taken away. There was no accident or anything either - maybe that's part of why I got off so lightly. I did have to pay for the course, but that was it - no other fines. Sounds like you've had a much bigger ordeal, to say the least. Laws must be stricter about such things over there. But it also sounds like you have a really good attitude about it - I'm sure that will help get you through it. Rough not being able to drive for a year, though, eh?



          Drink Driving

          yep been there done that. am now much further down the line and am hopefully about to get license back. have been reading mwo for about a year searching for info like this, and what happens when you try to get your license back. had to have medical last week, so if anyone is interested can let you know. as for the course you mentioned i did it 6 years ago, it was very interesting, if embarrasing to start with. i was surprised at how little most people knew.perhaps the only downside was that nearly all of us went straight to the pub after (it was on a friday night)


            Drink Driving

            Wonderworld - over here if you are found drink driving over the limit it's an automatic ban for a minimum of 12 months plus a fine.

            Alex - I don't have to take the medical, my reading was lowish and it was my first offence so should be more straight forward.


              Drink Driving

              UK - I am realy interested here..... and going cold all over.

              I was stopped 2nd Dec last year and lost my licence for 21 months....because it was December and they could stop me even though they commended me for my careful driving in nasty conditions (heavy rain and high winds)...they needed one more for their targets that night by was 22.55. If it had been November it would have been 12 months. I was "to be held up as an example to the community" and got 21 months...and the local paper ran a whole column on page 2 on, address, both businesses, age and hobbies......

              I am dreading this course next year; to be told stuff I now 'know' only too well....stuff I 'knew' only too well before but was just b***** stupid that night.... in a room full of people still, not only drinking, but on their second/third offence and not bothering to 'do' anything about it..... (I know I sound a bit sweeping here but this is what I've heard....) And 3 days of having my stupidity rammed down my throat....I am dreading it. I don't know I actally have to do it...I could just do the whole 21 months, instead of having it drop to 19 months, and pay even more for insurance...but it would 'reflect badly' on my intentions when, God knows, all the work that has gone into being here....... I don't want someone who thinks it's funny and will do it again or needs 'those' videos to scare them (don't they have any imagination of their own?) to get 'preferential treatment'...nor do I want to share my journey here with people. It's too precious.

              As you can see...I am pretty wobbly about it! I have never been able to handle being told I got it wrong when I am only too aware of's not that I am in denial about it....just that 21 months without a car, the shame and guilt, the whole damned sherbang has 'done it' for me.....just to have it all dragged up again and get the finger wagged in my face.... help.

              (MTW - I have to book now for next June as the spaces are so limited...there are so many people having to do the course..... that is
              scary! )

              Good luck to you UK - you've had a rough time...I hope everything else has settled down a bit...sorry I've not said anything other than 'ruffling' things on your thread! It was good to get your feedback though...thanks.

              BTW - a medical????? What???? And is it true that we have a criminal record for ever now??

              If only one could turn the clocks back eh?!?!Sigh.

              FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Drink Driving

                Finding, you actually get your ban reduced by up to 25% so you could be looking at a 5 month reduction i.e. only 16 month ban. Make sure you are booking the course at the earliest opportunity because you do have to do it within a certain time limit.

                The mdeical is there for 'high risk offenders'. That is anyone refusing to give a sample, anyone with a high reading (I think it's around the 100mcg mark in breath) and 2nd time offenders (within 10 years).

                They don't ram it down your throat at all. The idea is not to slap wrists. It's actually to inform people of the facts. Most of the first day was all about difference drinks, measures and strengths. The second day was half about the health effects of alcohol, and half about the powers of the police to stop and breathalyse you. Some of the stuff is useful to avoid it in future! So far I have not been told off once or been made feel bad or ashamed of what I had done.

                So it would be silly for you not to do it especially if you can get the 25% reduction as it would make a massive difference to you.


                  Drink Driving

                  about the medical. you only have to have this if you are a high risk offender (see website). this means a) you were way over the limit-like me:upset: b)refused to give a specimen or c)have been caught twice in 10 years. if you were a hro i'm sure you would know, but they tell you all about it on the course.

                  about the course. there will be no people laughing or not taking it seriously because not everyone is offered it. the court has to be certain you are remorseful and that you will take it seriously. it is NOTHING to worry about. like anyone i was shitting myself begore i went, but it was really good. you have to do a drinks diary and share with everyone (25 people?) every week. this was entertainment in itself and i had my own personal pinnochio-ometer switched on for this. sniggers were audibly heard as various people told us how they had only drunk the recommended limit in the past week. they tell you the obvious time after time, so that you make up the hours; there is a reason the courses are always at antisocial times! remember, not everyone is aware of dangerous drinking levels and you will be horrified at how little some people know. there will be people there who have no idea there are 9 units in a bottle of wine, or that a pint of stella is almost 3 units.

                  a bit more about what happened to me. due to drinking an awful amount of vodka i drove and crashed, thankfully no one was hurt. i admitted to a drink problem, got 3 years ban 6 months suspended prison and ?500 fine. this was 7 years ago. the only plus was that it wasn't reported in the paper, as if it had i would have lost my job. since then i decided i wasn't going to drive again until i was sure i would pass the medical. you have to have a blood test, and if you drink anything significant you have to have abstianed for 3 months. for various reasons i finally did this this summer. i went to the gp with a bad back, and also said i needed to stop drinking. she agreed and i have had 2 sets of liver function tests since. in the first set of tests my ggt and mcv readings were "slightly elevated". i couldn't believe it. if she'd said i was in end stage liver failure i would have been less surprised. that was june and i've been af since (141 days today). i went back to gp about a month ago and all liver function tests plus b12 and folate were fine. she was as pleased with me as i was myself which was a great help. went for the dvla medical last week, at a dr they choose, near but not your own gp. i'm waiting for my license now. i'm not sure what the worst bit has been, but the stress this has all caused is probably the worst. it has cost me ?85 to apply for my license back, and ?93 for the medical. i'm sure i was drinking more a month than this before. my next challenge is getting in a car and driving; and that's presuming anyone will insure me. if anyone has experience of this i would love to hear.
                  this is only my second post and i am nervous to give too much detail yet, so sorry if my account seems a little cold. i f***ed up big style and will pay for the rest of my life. as far as having a criminal record is concerned, look at the rehabilitation of offenders website. if you are in any job requiring a crb check it will never go away (guess what!). if not all crimes have a period after which they "don't count".


                    Drink Driving

                    about the medical. you only have to have this if you are a high risk offender (see website). this means a) you were way over the limit-like me:upset: b)refused to give a specimen or c)have been caught twice in 10 years. if you were a hro i'm sure you would know, but they tell you all about it on the course.

                    about the course. there will be no people laughing or not taking it seriously because not everyone is offered it. the court has to be certain you are remorseful and that you will take it seriously. it is NOTHING to worry about. like anyone i was shitting myself begore i went, but it was really good. you have to do a drinks diary and share with everyone (25 people?) every week. this was entertainment in itself and i had my own personal pinnochio-ometer switched on for this. sniggers were audibly heard as various people told us how they had only drunk the recommended limit in the past week. they tell you the obvious time after time, so that you make up the hours; there is a reason the courses are always at antisocial times! remember, not everyone is aware of dangerous drinking levels and you will be horrified at how little some people know. there will be people there who have no idea there are 9 units in a bottle of wine, or that a pint of stella is almost 3 units.

                    a bit more about what happened to me. due to drinking an awful amount of vodka i drove and crashed, thankfully no one was hurt. i admitted to a drink problem, got 3 years ban 6 months suspended prison and ?500 fine. this was 7 years ago. the only plus was that it wasn't reported in the paper, as if it had i would have lost my job. since then i decided i wasn't going to drive again until i was sure i would pass the medical. you have to have a blood test, and if you drink anything significant you have to have abstianed for 3 months. for various reasons i finally did this this summer. i went to the gp with a bad back, and also said i needed to stop drinking. she agreed and i have had 2 sets of liver function tests since. in the first set of tests my ggt and mcv readings were "slightly elevated". i couldn't believe it. if she'd said i was in end stage liver failure i would have been less surprised. that was june and i've been af since (141 days today). i went back to gp about a month ago and all liver function tests plus b12 and folate were fine. she was as pleased with me as i was myself which was a great help. went for the dvla medical last week, at a dr they choose, near but not your own gp. i'm waiting for my license now. i'm not sure what the worst bit has been, but the stress this has all caused is probably the worst. it has cost me ?85 to apply for my license back, and ?93 for the medical. i'm sure i was drinking more a month than this before. my next challenge is getting in a car and driving; and that's presuming anyone will insure me. if anyone has experience of this i would love to hear.
                    this is only my second post and i am nervous to give too much detail yet, so sorry if my account seems a little cold. i f***ed up big style and will pay for the rest of my life. as far as having a criminal record is concerned, look at the rehabilitation of offenders website. if you are in any job requiring a crb check it will never go away (guess what!). if not all crimes have a period after which they "don't count".


                      Drink Driving

                      UKblonde - thanks...I really appreciate that. I know! it's just silly me...I don't really need anyone else to castigate me or not...I'm too busy doing that to myself!!!!!

                      Thing is, cos I was on meds as well, my level was 101 (I think) so I will probably qualify for the medical....I guess that'll put it on my medical notes even though I know my bloods have been A1 since a week after stopping drinking back in May... and were never higher than "a possible glass or two or a cold" on the day before I stoppped.... I'd love to know what they call a 'medical'....Bloods? Examination? Talk? Proof of....what exactly???? Horrible.

                      Interesting about 'up to' 25% off....I wonder how/when I find that out? I rang immediately last December and was told not to ring to book until December this year at the earliest....??

                      I have a colleague I just discovered lost her licence in the UK 30 years ago....she was staggered how things have changed since in the, "we'll never let you forget it" stakes....she was able to simply learn her lesson and put it behind her. No records of any kind...b***** beaurocracy!! One has to ask whether it really makes a difference!

                      Thanks UK....hope I'm not invading your thread!!!
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Drink Driving

                        FInding, the Magistrates will have specified this in court during your sentencing when they offered you the course. You will also have received paper work the following week after appearing in court detailing your punishment and allowing you to do the course. If you still have these documents dig them out and check.

                        Your high reading in the reason for your lenghty ban - not the month. My reading was 56mcg, the legal limit is 35 and they don't prosecute under 40. So I go 16 months, you got 21 because you were so much higher. During the medical they want to check you don't have a drink problem and will take a blood sample. This is to see if there is any evidence of liver damage. If there isn't then you will be ok.

                        At the end of the day we have broken the law and have to be treated like any other criminal, that means a record. I don't dispute any of that. I am lucky I didn't kill anyone, myself included.


                          Drink Driving

                          Alex - welcome!! And a huge thanks from me!! I guess being offered the course was good then. If you had to fill in a 'drink-tracker' long was your course then?!? And, yes, I am amazed and saddened how little people know about alcohol levels.

                          Apparently, the course now tells you who to apply to for insurance? There are a handful who specialise in it? Get it from ?2,500 to ?1,500...... oh, ha ha! What have you discovered UKblonde?

                          Thing is, is anyone going to believe me that I stopped drinking? Oh well, I'll start to 'get at it'...the only way out is through... one day, Dog willing, this'll be in the past. Never, in all my days did I think I'd be looking at the 'rehabilitation of offenders' site...... Damn and F******** blast!!

                          Good luck to you Alex - I'm nervous about driving again and it's only been a year so far!! 7 But absolutely excellent for 141 days! That feels good doesn't it!

                          UK - when's your last course day? Let us know how it goes.... thanks for all this.
                          FMS xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            Drink Driving

                            Yes. You are right. Just flies in the face of building up shattered self-esteem a bit. (Not you!! What I did!!)

                            I'm just sh*t at 'shrugging my shoulders'....this hurts soooooh much.

                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Drink Driving

                              Sorryyyyyy!I don't half get down in the dumps when I'm here in this house!!I took myself out, had a lovely discussion about labels and stigma (that they started!!!) with a couple in the bookshop coffee place (sort of akin to the biography (Stephen Fry) I was persuing and that they asked about) that reminded me my failings are not the sum total of me and that some will look at failings and some successes in everybody - we all have both - and that's their view point and not the person themself....

                    ,'s your thread back...!!!!! LOL!
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

