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one week AF hopeing for a week

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    one week AF hopeing for a week

    tomorrow will be one week. it fells really good. it will be hard though because football is on and its like a habbit to drink on gameday. everyone else i know does it. but tomorrow i think i will watch the game bye my self, i really want to make it to 30 days.:crazymonkey:

    one week AF hopeing for a week

    good luck tomorrow oneshot! your name is funny to me because that's where my problem is....shots! (of tequila) if i could only do one shot i wouldn't be in the mess that i am! anyway...i just figured out tonight that the best thing to do is think about this thing one day at a time. i started getting nervous and sad about things i like to do and drink while i'm doing them and i thought....just get thru tonight and deal with the other stuff when it comes up. who knows...tomorrow may come and you may think...hey, i don't even feel like drinking anyways. at least you'll remember who won. go chargers is all i have to say! anwyays, best of luck to you tomorrow. i honestly think it's better to watch football sober anyways, but what do i know, i'm a girl!


      one week AF hopeing for a week

      Good on you shot!!!!! Maybe a plan to watch by yourself...a lot of temptation can come just from past drinking habits, best not to compound the issue with others waving cans of booze under your nose.
      Here's to the 30 days bud...



        one week AF hopeing for a week

        Yes, watch the game alone. Maybe have some of your favorite snacks to treat yourself. And after a few alcohol free games, you just might realize you enjoy watching them without booze, then can rejoin with your buddies with confidence that you don't need it.
        Good luck!
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          one week AF hopeing for a week

          good luck oneshot. i know what you mean. i had decisions like that and just had to be on my own doing the thing we would normally do drinking. its to mjuch of a trigger. im not counseler on this, but what i would do is for now stay awy from the triggers, and then later try to learn to slowly make your way. im likie u, striving for 30 days. im taking antabuse but last night was sat, and it was damn hard...


            one week AF hopeing for a week

            Hi oneshot

            Well done for the week, good luck for the 30 days......

            Good idea to watch the game on your own if you feel your friends may influence you....

            Sounds like you are really positive......

            Hats off to you.

            Mr Boop
            TIGGER1 :l

            Formerly Mr Boop


              one week AF hopeing for a week

              thanks everyone for the support, what games sober and had a good time bymyself. won on my fantasy team but a real bummer on my chargers. well anyways thanks agian you all are awsome for the support.


                one week AF hopeing for a week

                oneshot...good for you! terrible to say but the chargers almost drove me to drink yesterday! what's up with that team? have a great week. if you can get thru this week a/f you will feel me.

