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All in One - how do you take it?

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    All in One - how do you take it?

    Trying it in a smoothie - ok as long as you don't leave it to sit too long (yesterday's concoction turned the colour of overcooked spinach!) As it it taken in the morning, anyone got any palatable breakfast type ways of taking it? Don't always fancy a smoothie on a cold winter morning. If you use a juice, which one is best to disguise the taste?

    Anyone tried it In porridge? (sorry to offend anyone north of the UK border with that suggestion!!:H) Mix with jam/marmite spread on toast? Made into an omlette, scrambled egg (getting silly now.....!)


    All in One - how do you take it?

    I do a smoothie, and thanks to All One, I've become addicted to my morning smoothies!! It truly has made a difference in how I feel. I use frozen blueberries (so very high in antioxidants!), soy milk, and a green powder. I'm going to start adding flax seeds. I know what you mean about the cold morning trouble - but I don't have my smoothie til after I've warmed up with a couple cups of coffee and had the heater on for an hour.
    I use a Magic Bullet to make my smooties (MUCH better than using a blender!!!!) - but it broke the other day. So I tried mixing All One with just juice and soy milk - and just got globs. Couldn't drink it.

    I'd wonder, if you want to use it in real food, if heat does any damage to the nutrients.
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


      All in One - how do you take it?

      What's in the green powder? And what the heck is a Magic Bullet?!

      I got over myself this morning and just downed the smoothie in one hit after my usual pot of tea. Not really that hard.

      bessie (who has stopped being wimpy about drinking cold drinks on cold mornings!)


        All in One - how do you take it?

        I find it hard to have a cold smoothie in the middle of winter as well so here is my trick for just mixing it with juice. I get a jar, put an ice cube in there, add some juice (I like some sort of pomegranate juice, but orange would be good, or any flavor), add the All-One, put the lid on the jar and then shake, shake, shake. The ice cube breaks up any clumps. Drink it fast, because like you said Bessie if you let it sit for too long it takes on a very unpleasant color.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          All in One - how do you take it?

          Bessie, the magic bullet is a sort of blender thingy, here's a link
          The Magic Bullet Blender - Official Website
          If you want to get one I recommend not buying it from this site. They have buy-one-get-one - but it's like 100 bucks. I bought a new one yesterday at Macy's on sale for $50. Didn't want to spend the money but like I said - I'm addicted to my smoothies!

          Here's a link to the green powder I take. Amazing stuff.
          MacroLife Naturals: Home of Miracle Reds and Macro Greens!
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            All in One - how do you take it?

            I love it mixed in a glass of cranberry juice...very refreshing



              All in One - how do you take it?

              all in one

              I just mix it with some orange juice, accept that this is medicine and not a yummy drink and knock it back. If there are dregs left in the cup I add OJ and swill it around.

