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    Thank you!

    I've been reading here for about three weeks now, and I wanted to let all of you know how thankful I am for this place and for all your posts. So far, I've had 11 AF days this month, and even though they have not been consecutive days, I haven't come anywhere close to that in the past 16 years. Last Thursday was an AF day for me, and at 11 o'clock that night I got a call from my sister telling me she was picking up our dad who lives next door to her, because he said he needed to go to the emergency room....thought he was having a heart attack. She asked me to meet her at the emergency room 45 minutes from my house. Before I found this site I would most certainly have finished my one and a half bottles of wine by that time, and while I never drive while (or after) drinking, I would have driven that night, and I shudder to think what could have happened. Even if I'd made it to the hospital safely, I would have been so embarrassed for my family to see and smell what a mess I'd have been. They don't know that I drink every night, nor the extent of my drinking. As it turned out, he was not having a heart attack...just intense pain from almost total blockage of four arteries, and is scheduled for bypass surgery tomorrow morning. I'm so grateful for all of your posts. I haven't read a single one that wasn't helpful....all the victories, the slips, the personal problems, the sharing...they've all helped tremendously. I'm not on any of the medications, don't have the CD's, nothing except all the advice and comments from all of you, and it's helping me so much. So thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you for all your posts. You have no idea how much it's helping people you don't even know. And tomorrow morning when I get up at 4:00 am to be at the hospital early before his surgery, I'll have a clear head and feel up to the days to come. Juli :thanks:

    Thank you!

    Hi Juli86 -
    So glad we got to meet you tonight, before such a challenging morning. Those hospital scenarios can be so very strressful. Sounds like your Dad is having his surgery at just the right time - it's serious stuff, but I bet he'll get through it just fine. These days, those bypass surgeries are so very common and have amazing results, even though the initial recovery is not easy. My Mom had a quadruple bypass about 15 years ago and she's stll doing great! Thank God for the miracles of science.

    Good luck tomorrow - let us know how you and your Dad made out. And congrats on the AF days this month - sounds like you're off to a really good start!



      Thank you!

      Hi Juli and welcome.
      Ah, the wonder of synchronicity. How great it is that you have gotten a grip on your drinking at this time.
      I wish you and your family well, especially of course, your dad.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        Thank you!

        Hi Juli, hope your dad comes through with flying colors! Pop on here tomorrow and give us an update.

        I'm glad we're helping you..



          Thank you!

          Hi Juli & :welcome:

          This is an amazing place. So glad you're here. Do keep us posted on your Dad's condition...
          I just seemed to have stumbled across this place myself almost 2 years ago... when I REALLY NEEDED it.
          Funny how that happens.
          Peace & prayers Hon
          :l Judie
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Thank you!

            Juli, good luck today. my husband had open heart surgery in Jan. and is doing great. he's had several "heart" issues before that and like you i was so grateful i was never drinking when i had to rush him to the hospital. i'm on my 3rd week a/f and i swear that's the best thing i can do for him and his heart. he hated my drinking but never really said to much about it. bottom line is i hated it more and something happened a couple weeks ago when i stumbled on this site. ever since then i haven't wanted to drink. well...i have wanted to but just have resisted! so.....hang in there. it's gonna be tough dealing with your dad and his recovery but the best way is to do it a/f. you'll need a clear head. you can do it! every day gets better. prayers are with you and your dad!


              Thank you!

              Thanks for the replies and the concern about my dad. He came through the bypass surgery with no problems and is still in intensive care, but may be able to return to a regular hospital room tomorrow if all goes well tonight and tomorrow morning. I agree with all of you that finding this site seemed to happen at just the "right" time. One thing I know for sure....I'm sticking around here! And my best to all of you.


                Thank you!

                Great news Juli! Hope his recovery is quick and he starts feeling better soon.



                  Thank you!

                  Hi Juli!

                  I wish your Dad well! Remember if you've been drinking you can always call 911. People that don't have cars call 911 for very minor medical emergencies all the time. If your case is considered a lower level emergency they usually send out a private ambulance and they will send you a bill for it later.

                  Great job on being in control!!

                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    Thank you!

                    Hi Julie....hope your dad continues to get better :l

                    :goodjob: on your AF days.....that's great progress. Maybe you'd like to join a 30 day challenge when the time is right? It's really helpful to start out with a specific bunch of people to help each other along.

                    Stay close to us.....hoping we'll hear more good news about you and your dad.

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      Thank you!

                      Hi juli86 and welcome.
                      Wishing your dad a speedy recovery and love and strength to yourself for your journey.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Thank you!

                        So nice to meet you Julie. It sounds like both you and your Dad are on the road to recovery. I look forward to seeing you around the boards.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Thank you!

                          Way to go Julie! Doesn't it feel good to be sober when things like this happen? I feel so ashamed when my kids ask for a ride somewhere after I've had a drink and I have to tell them "no". Makes me feel like a lousy parent. Now I don't have to feel that way anymore but its definitely one day at a time. Good luck to you and your dad.


                            Thank you!

                            I appreciate all your responses and your best wishes. My dad has been moved to a "regular" hospital room and is doing great. I was feeling some stress today, and the thought crossed my mind several times to drink tonight. I kept thinking of how bad I'd feel tomorrow morning on Thanksgiving with my kids home from college and the crowd coming for lunch, and the visit to my day. so....I promised myself a nice cup of ice cream later tonight. I figure with all the calories I'm saving from the wine, I can afford it. And it's worked...I'm looking forward to that ice cream! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

