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not going to make it!

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    not going to make it!

    I really feel like I am really scewing up my life, not only w/ the divorce etc, drinking and other things, I am gettin worse by the day, Mike just called and doesn't remember anything from yesterday, he was trashed of course, so I drank.................I am hanging on with my toenails!! I really don't know how I will make it through the day.

    I will take any advice, already been reading and posting, and still feel like shit, (sorry)

    I need someone to rescue me, cuz I feel so weak and fragile and helpless, hopeless...............:upset:


    love you all:h :h
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    not going to make it!

    Hi Cowgirl, you have loads of friends on here, so it could never be hopeless. Please don't feel that way. You are going through a really tough time that would test the strongest of folk, and it seems to me that you are doing a great job. Anyone would feel the strain and buckle a little under in your situation. Hang in there, you will come through all this. I am thinking of you. Keep tapping those keys, and keep strong. Big Hug.
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


      not going to make it!

      jeez Cowgal
      is there anyway you can find a place by yourself, so you don't have to be around HIM?
      he seems to really trigger you, you poor thing.
      I truly hope this ends soon so you can heal yourself.
      don't be cruel to yourself, it will only make things worse.
      wishing you better times and peace

      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        not going to make it!

        cowgal, you need to swing those saloon doors shut and bootscoot on outa there. I cannot think of one single time where alchohol actually helped, only ever made things worse. why do we keep abusing it, I reckon if we knew the answer to that one we would be rich! the best thing you can do for yourself is try to stay sober, drinking will only further depress you,get on here whenever you can. YOU CAN DO THIS!

        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          not going to make it!

          Mary Ann I wish we lived closer by. I'd be there right now to take you for for a hike, or ride on those horses... out to lunch... anything to get ya out of the house & away from all that stress.
          You're going to get thru this and come out smelling like a rose! Just keep your eyes on the horizon, and know this will pass. Remember, YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU REALIZE!:h Dig in your heels!
          Visualize what you want for yourself & your kids... YOU CAN DO THIS!:l
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            not going to make it!

            love you guys

            Judie, Maxman, trixie, skid row, I appreciate the support, just lost a really dear friend today and am soooooooooo sad about that, it broke my heart, which is already so fragile.............thanks for the vote of confidence Judie, I have met you and you are one wonderful lady!!! Strong as could be!!! All others, I will pull through, cannot say how long it will take for me to get over all these losses, but I know I have been through so much and survived, so this too shall pass....................

            off work in a while, but will check in tonight, I love you guys!!!!! You are helping me tremendously!!!:thanks:

            MA:h :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              not going to make it!

              Aww, Cowgirl, I just want you to know that you aren't alone Hon.
              Sounds like this fella is toxic to you at this time... Maybe forever ? You are worth it to be happy... You deserve all the happiness in the world... Hang in there and know we are all here for you... Take care of you, and your family... 4-leggers included

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                not going to make it!

                aw cowgirl. i'm going to pm you something and i want you to know something..... you can do this. but it is going to require something of you. you can do it though..... it is in that strongest hour of need that all things are really granted. guess it is when tinkerbelle comes out and graces us with her presence. so here you go also have you loaded up on:::::
                kudzo and ll glut at least? and have you thought about if nothing else antibuse? i know it's harsh but if you don't want to touch the booze button. well you won't be touching that booze button. so it depends on how bad you want it or are you just wanting to want it?
                sending you love hon and will be pming you right now..... we find comfort around us when we can hold hands and stick together. boots


                  not going to make it!

                  Sink or swim I know you will swim or you wouldnt be here

                  Cow Girl, I agree with max man, drinking will make it worse and will further increase your feelings of powerlessness. You may not have any power over that guy but you do have the power to not pick up the first drink, if you do pick up then you are letting him control you. Maybe he wants you to keep drinking so he can have a hold over you. Maybe that is why he is increasing the pressure. Please don?t pick up the first drink.
                  We are all thinking of you.
                  :h :h :h


                    not going to make it!

                    Hey there
                    You have already started by doing the right thing - asking for help. Hang in there and post when you get back. You can do this!
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      not going to make it!

                      cowgal;226340 wrote:
                      I need someone to rescue me, cuz I feel so weak and fragile and helpless, hopeless.............
                      Cowgal, you are not weak or fragile or helpless or hopeless. None of us are. You need to be strong for yourself and only YOU have the strength to make it through this. Yes we can all be supportive, but you are the one person that can make yourself succeed.

                      Be tough girl.


                        not going to make it!

                        You are drinking because you feel you are too fragile to handle the painful reality you are in but the alcohol is actually making you more fragile. It's OK to feel, even negative emotions, it's life. Anyway that's what I've learned, I hope it is of some help to you. Stay strong, you can do it!
                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          not going to make it!

                          Hey cowgirl. i feel the same as you. i am mostly sad and depressed, if im not on a medication, which im not right now. that was because i just recently hav ebeen af for two weeks. i couldnt take the meds before. but i know exactly what you mean. i feel very alone.


                            not going to make it!

                            You hang in there! I've been there too, maybe for not as long. And it was a long time ago. But here I am on the other side, and it WILL be tough getting out just like it is with any storm, but the sun always comes out again.
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              not going to make it!

                              cowgal just checking in. hope you have a little more inner peace.
                              big hug to you dear

                              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

