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thoughts on moderating???

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    thoughts on moderating???

    Hello all and Happy Monday,

    I am wondering about moderation. Last week I went 4 AF days M-Th and felt really good. I knew the weekend would be harder. I only had 1 beer on Friday and on Sat, 2 beers and 2 glasses of wine. Ditto for Sunday. I plan to go AF again this week and I think? this will not be too hard yet I find myself thinking that if I can not "last" through the weekend w/o any I (still ) have a problem even if my drinking was "in control" and not excessive? I have read around the boards so much and see most veteran members are totally AF...a dream for me? I don't know? What are ya'lls thoughts on this????

    thoughts on moderating???

    Come check out the moderation threads if you like .:welcome:
    Some of us have been there for quite a while...
    Almost like a "bad penny":H
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      thoughts on moderating???

      Hi there, I'm not in a disimilar situation myself. I think most people say you need to do the 30 days AF before you can really consider whether or not you can moderate. To me if the thought of not having any alcohol over the weekend is so totally overwhelming - then yes the problem is still there. It is also very very easy to slip back and let your intake gradually increase again. This is partly why many of us can't moderate. I'm going to try an alcohol free weekend and see how I get on as I feel it is the only way forward for me. Good luck with your decision and let us know how you get on.

      Nicole x


        thoughts on moderating???

        I agree with Nicole. It's been suggested to do the 30 days AF before making that final decision. This disease is tricky. When you least expect it, when you have your guard down, it sucks you back in. That's why this is known as a "chronic disease".

        Good luck with whatever road you decide to take.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          thoughts on moderating???

          There's an old saying, "if you've ever wondered if you might have a drinking do"


            thoughts on moderating???

            precisely-if you have to question it~there's your answer.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              thoughts on moderating???

              Unfortunately, you still have a problem even with the successful AF days.

              Even after a long stint of going without booze, people can still have problems.

              I think that anything you can do to get better is valuable, no step is too small.

              The problem with thinking you are over it and can drink again is that any one single slip can be the disastrous one. it could be the night one decides to drink and drives. or lately we have had a number of incidents of people approaching exes all upset and drunk.

              so I think you always need to be vigilant, forever.


                thoughts on moderating???

                hey girl. well, if your heading towards the weekend, looking forward to goin out and having fun, in my opinion its quite normal to want to go out to a bar, or a place with dancing. im 26 years old, and i live in ny. people are party animals here. lol. so it doesnt necesarrily mean you have a problem. everyone wants to go out and have fun. however, it could be the pre stages to alcoholism, as my pyschiatrist put it towards me, when i described myself awhile ago. im worse off now than i was then. it doesnt mean u will GET to the point that some of us are at, but it means u could. or u could grow out of it, depending on whether or not u were born with the disease.


                  thoughts on moderating???

                  I have been pretty much moderating since March. was 96% or maybe a little less for the past month.
                  like Nancy said, I wouldn't have done this if I hadn't been super vigilant.
                  Right now I am a bit bothered that I had 2 glasses of wine last night. but my intentions all this time have been to moderate.
                  I think the reason why we are all here, is because we have issues with alcohol or people in our lives who are heavy drinkers.
                  We are not all at the same level in terms of how far we have abused ourselves or our loved ones, but we still recognize that booze is a big part or our lives, and that it's hindering the way we function whether people notice or not.
                  I know that I will forever have to watch myself so I don't become a sick drunk. Otherwise I will never grow, I'll just remain a heavy drinker, and I don't want that anymore

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    thoughts on moderating???

                    nancy;226619 wrote: Unfortunately, you still have a problem even with the successful AF days.

                    Even after a long stint of going without booze, people can still have problems.

                    I think that anything you can do to get better is valuable, no step is too small.

                    The problem with thinking you are over it and can drink again is that any one single slip can be the disastrous one. it could be the night one decides to drink and drives. or lately we have had a number of incidents of people approaching exes all upset and drunk.

                    so I think you always need to be vigilant, forever.
                    Oh yes - I know I can NEVER moderate - I have tried and failed.
                    I have been AF only 126 days - so am controlling it at the moment - but I know if I take that first drink, that I will be right back where I started in a heartbeat.

                    I will probably NEVER "beat" this addiction - all I can work at is controlling it!

                    Some here CAN successfully moderate - but I know - I can not.

                    I strongly suggest you do 30 days AF before making the AF/Mods decision - not to sound harsh - but the tone of your post regarding the weekend suggests to me that you are still struggling to imagine your weekend without alcohol, so I don't think you have entirely got rid of that monkey from your back yet! :H

                    Take care - and Good Luck - whichever path you chose.


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      thoughts on moderating???

                      that is true. i went af free during the week for a while but then i found myself craving for those saturday nights when i could have a drink. then you end up on that slippery road. been there don't go out at the weekends much now and struggling to stay af free. hey ho life is always an up hill battle. stay positive.

