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Have to

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    Have to

    Yup I do. I have to stop (sorry for language) dicking around and starting today. I'm not going to drink today. I want to say that each day. I have been using excuses after excuses.

    As someone said, yeah we all have our reasons for not wanting to cope w/emotions. Past shit, present shit, hell, will be future shit.

    But I cant live my life in an alcoholic fog anymore.

    Thank you for reading this. I just don't like my self, my actions and my excuses anymore. Going AF, today :damn:

    Have to

    Hart, I know how you feel. I've felt that way oh so many times. There has been so much excusing in my life. No more excuses! Let's go for it!
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Have to

      Oh yeah, I too know the feeling - being so fed up with it.
      Be glad to be at this point Hart! Good luck.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        Have to

        I do agree with you Hart, I have had every excuse in the book to drink, but really
        there is no excuse only reasons, which we have to learn to cope with. I haven't
        had a drink for a few days now, and feel so much better now the fog is clearing.
        Good luck to you. You can do it.


          Have to

          I'm very proud of you, Hart, for posting. I know you have been struggling lately. We all care deeply about you. I will help you anyway I can. PM me, call me to chat, email me, whatever you want. Let's do it, girl...



            Have to

            Thanx Paula, MOW BEATTLE.

            I do know I can do it. I did it for 34 days a few months ago. I'm taking my Campral. Thanx for your support. Am reading and posting now to firm my resolve


              Have to


              The pain of drinking is worse than the pain of quitting...

              Remember that,



                Have to


                That was quite a profound and moving comment!!

                Hart...when we spoke on chat last were NOT enjoying your buzz... It is so not worth it. I am struggling as well, but, realize that it is soooo not worth it.

                Let's do this. We can.

                Hope you are feeling better. Hey think how good we can feel....

                formerly known as bak310


                  Have to

                  I do so agree Don, but why does it take us so long to realise it.?
                  Keep on trying Hart, you will get there.


                    Have to

                    Paula-I think it's always there but the wanting to be "normal" overtakes those realizations.
                    We quit, we feel better, we think for some reason we are "cured" and test the waters. We want to be like "normal" people who can have just one-take it or leave it. Deep down inside we know better but for some reason the acceptance of the facts at hand are the hardest to acknowledge. It's a vicious cycle. It takes strong legs to stand alone without the crutch of alcohol. Hart-you can do it!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Have to

                      Wow, Good morning!

                      Great post Hart!

                      Hi Paula, Beatle, bak310!

                      Hey tree! Hey Breez!

                      Chief is so right, and drinking just becomes more and more painful, never less.

                      Most of us have to face the fact that we cannot drink.

                      I promise a while you won't miss it, your sober life will be so wonderful!

                      You will be so awake, so alert, so creative, so peaceful, calm.....

                      So ladies, you have my best, welcome to a sober world. Life here is good.

                      magic xx
                      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                      I am in the next seat.
                      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                        Have to

                        Hey Hart, you know I love you. Thinking about quitting, like Chief said, is worse than actually doing it. Just stay distracted as much as possible, keep reading/posting/chatting. I feel SOOooooooo much better now being af (somewhere over 40 days), feel stronger, more confident, not anxious and not depressed, even though I have plenty to be anxious/depressed about. So hand in there and take good care and come here to get a helping hand whenever you need it. Love and big hugs, j
                        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                          Have to

                          Hart, there comes a time for most of us when enough is enough. I wish you all the best in your AF.


                            Have to

                            Take HART! The news is good! If it's a bottom you've hit then you've been given the greatest gift of all! At least, as for me, until I got so completely sick and tired of being sick and tired and I hit that ROCK BOTTOM, I kept crawling back for more.

                            It takes a little time, but living sober is like heaven on earth. . . I never thought I'd say such a thing.
                            Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


                              Have to

                              Hart sweetie, you rockola like old fashioned cola!!!!

                              love chatting with family over tonight so no telling my schedule but we'll keep up the crazy factor in chat as much as possible. XXXXX
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

