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    Hi everyone

    :new: :new: Today is my 2nd day.....I feel better, but my tongue still hurts, andmy face is flushed all the time now...maybe I have damaged my body somehow. All I know is I still want to DRINK on Thanksgiving day!!!! I want to stop, but I keep allowing myself to think I can drink on special occaisions...How am I going to be motivated to quit altogether???

    Hi everyone

    Hi Tiger....

    Baby steps. Small goals.

    Read the book if you haven't already done so. Some people here just take the supplements, others do the meds. Some do the whole program, others tweak it like myself. Either way, post & read-it helps a lot.

    Above all-know that it can be done. The more AF days you get under your belt the better you will feel. Everytime you conquer an occassion AF, you will gain confidence that it can be done. You can do it.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Hi everyone

      Hi Tiger :welcome:

      You don't have to drink on Thanksgiving and you can still have a great time. If the rest of your family is drinking, then what are they drinking? My family gathering is always very small and they all know I am an alcoholic so it is not a problem. but if you are not so open with them about not drinking, then hopefully some of them will be drinking beer. I find some of the AF beers (best of them if Clausthauler-by far) or even an Amber Odouls if you have to. Excuse could always be the extra calories. No one is going to argue with that. Just buy some and bring it with you. Say you are counting calories, have to drive, etc. I think you will find it is no real problem for others. Only a problem for you. don't use others as your excuse.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Hi everyone

        Oh man, I needed to read that..........thanks Mag. I, too am worried about Thanksgiving. I know all the excuses I could give and none would be questioned. My family doesn't see me as having a problem because they don't see my secret drinking.....after the turkey dinner they aren't around to see that I don't stop drinking once I get home. I have tons of reasons why I have to drink on being to show I don't have a problem. The other is I don't know if I can tolerate my family without it!!! But I think thats another website!


          Hi everyone

          That's my problem-- tolerating the family. Alcohol sure makes it easier, doesn't it? But I have done it last Christmas AND Easter (without alcohol). The days never seemed to end, but I did get through them and felt way better at the end-- As Breez says, you gain confidence you can do it.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

