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Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

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    Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

    Thanksgiving could be a a great time, we get to relax with friends and family and to feast and enjoy food and drink.
    Some people for some reason cannot moderate whether it's the fatty foods, the sweets or the booze.
    Does anyone have a suggestion or two, to keep us strong during this time of temptation?
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

    Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

    What works for me is LOTS of water. I try to drink a glass for each beer or wine I allow myself. It also just keeps something in your hand... (as opposed to "something else".)

    Also, I take extra L-Glutamine before going out, and keep some in my bag as well.
    Make sure to take all of your supps.. I do mine first thing every morning.
    But I do take extra L-Glut & Kudzu during holidays & special occasions,& if I know I'm going to be around a party atmospere.

    L-Glut is great for alcohol & sugar cravings.
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

      Drink water, club soda or Ariel non alcoholic wine. Ariel's Chardonnay is pretty good.
      September 23, 2011


        Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

        Be the designated driver. This is my favourite. I'm so popular and it's so easy.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

          my suggestion is not to pick up the first cocktail and you will be safe!


            Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

            Yep - the holidays are a tough one for sure. I liked Judy's suggestion with the water in between the drinking. It will slow you down, keep you hydrated and you will have something to hang on to.

            Seeing I don't drink anymore, I wouldn't bother even tempting myself by accepting the first one.


              Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

              mmm accountable, sounds like being AF is much easier. Just stay clear of the booze and drink seltzer or juice, and when people start getting tipsy, say night night.
              I think I am begining to get it.

              Trixie learn slow
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                You know waters all well and good but juice seems to work better for me. The sugar helps with cravings and temptations. The water just reminds me more that I can't drink because it doesn't satisfy me. Plus I can pretend its a screwdriver without the screw!


                  Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                  Yep Trixie - AF IS much easier - takes away ALL the internal agonising about Do I? Don't I? How Much? When? Where? Too Much? and then the worry / guilt if you DID drink slightly more than planned etc etc etc.

                  Just go for it!

                  AF is wel kool! innit?

                  Love :l


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                    satori;227582 wrote: Yep Trixie - AF IS much easier - takes away ALL the internal agonising about Do I? Don't I? How Much? When? Where? Too Much? and then the worry / guilt if you DID drink slightly more than planned etc etc etc.

                    Just go for it!

                    AF is wel kool! innit?

                    Love :l


                    I like your way of thinking Satori!

                    I don't even have any substitutes myself these days!. I simply choose not to drink and my thinking has been changed so much by staying A/F for the last 5 months.

                    always good to read your posts mate!

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                      when is thanksgiving ?


                        Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                        It's today - all day!


                          Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                          I find that if I am never hungry I don't get cravings. Even if it means having something sweet as a treat it is better than having the alcohol you shouldn't be having on that day. A low blood sugar for me often triggers a craving.. I recognize that and have something like fruit or yogurt instead of opening a bottle of wine. I does work like a charm My mind body and spirit thanks me for making the right choice

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            Any suggestions on how to moderate now that the holidays are upon us?

                            I have a new cocktail!!! half cranberry juice, have sparkling water and a squeeze of lime......yummy!!

                            After two months of modding, with quite a bit of success, though much of it was white knuckling my way, I fell on my face and got drunk last week, woke up in the morning feeling horrible, depressed and sick. It hit me, this is not the mods that MWO suggests.......this is hell on earth and being tied to the beast, always on the edge of a cliff!
                            Drink for me is not the "relaxing" reward at the end of a day, a glass of wine for me is not the delicious liquid compliment to a great dinner......nope! For me alcohol is the spoiler of all good is day 4 AF for me!

                            When my mind starts to go to the thought of drink.....I search posts by Satorie, Chief, Star and other AF's that inspire me..........Thanks you Guys!!!

                            Happy Holidays!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007

