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Christmas drinking

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    Christmas drinking

    It's such early days being AF for me (2 nights so far) that I am taking things one day at a time and haven't thought about where I intend to go with this medium or long term (as in mods or AF). However, Christmas is at the back of my mind. Living abroad means that my family will be with us for 5 days. They can't just pop over for Christmas day. And because wine is such a part of our hospitable culture especially at Christmas, I feel that I cannot NOT offer it. My father and sister drink moderately. They enjoy it but know when to stop. My mother knocks back quite a lot. I also find drinking relaxes me (which is very necessary for me when my parents stay as I can find them EXTREMELY stressful). Infact, I didn't even want them here for Christmas. But my mother said 'we'll be all alone' etc. and I found myself (drunk of course) inviting her over the phone. I choose not to talk to my parents about my drinking problem and I don't wish to turn it into an issue or public knowledge over Christmas. My sister who is also a GP, does know. Whatever I decide to do for myself, I feel it would be impossible not to offer wine every night. So my nice little hermetically-sealed wine-free house will have wine in it and I will have to watch people drinking in front of me (or join them). How am I supposed to handle this so soon into this programme? If I drink it will be bad for me, if I don't I'm worried I'll get so stressed that I'll be unpleasant to be around. I think I'm hoping for a magical effect of not drinking from now on to give me a new strength to tide me over CHristmas. But to be honest, that might be pushing it... I know I cannot be alone in my fear. What do you all think?

    Christmas drinking

    I think your jumping the gun a little worring about christmas! Its natural that it would be in the back of your mind that its coming but not the forefront of your thoughts. At day 3 your focus should really be getting through today and christmas will take care of itself .It sounds like your a little wound up ,couldnt you go for a facial or a hair do or something that makes you feel better about yourself and relaxes you . Congrats on 2 nights af and heres to many more... As Flip said in a post before {at least I think it was flip} its building 1+1+1+1+1+1day at a time! Good luck.


      Christmas drinking

      Limers is right Cooking thats all any of can do. Take it ODAT (one day at a time), dont worry about the future just get through today without drinking. I am thinking of stocking up on AF wine and beer for the holidays as I find the AF beer does help. Good luck.



        Christmas drinking

        Cooking - Right now - you need to concentrate on how to deal with today first and foremost - the future will to a great extent take care of itself.

        If it is any comfort, after 30 days AF, I was quite comforatble to be going out to bars and being around people drinking in my home while staying AF myself.
        By that time AF - I was seeing the great improvements in my life being AF brought - made it an easy choice to stay AF.

        Christmas will be right around that no of days for you.

        Be Strong - it is SO worth it!


        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Christmas drinking

          Cooking - I am with Satori on that one..... day 3 is fantastic - well done. 27 more one-day-at-a-times will bring you to 30 and nearly Christmas....but you WILL feel a whole heap better about it than at day 3... New ideas of what to say, what to do, how to be...and a strength inside that will amaze you.

          I promise....

          So, what to do? KEEP GOING!

          Love FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Christmas drinking

            Ditto what everyone said. Wake up each day saying: "today
            I choose not to drink". Build up those days. There is no need to worry about it now.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Christmas drinking

              Cooking, I'm with the rest of the group. Just concentrate on yourself. Day 3 is fantastic! But you are right in the middle of the initial days of AF and it's quite possible that The Beast is putting these thoughts into your mind. It's telling you that there's no way you can not drink at Christmas because of the circumstances. It's worried that, god forbid, you could actually be successful in quitting drinking. How would the rest of your family survive if you were to be sober?
              When Christmas is a little closer, you could simply inform everyone that you've decided to quit drinking. You don't have to go into great detail. You could discuss it with your sister in advance so she can "be in on it". You also don't have to have your home looking like a liquor store. It is your home, and the tone you set is the way things will go. Those who don't have an issue with alcohol won't mind, and those that do just might think about their own habits.
              In any case, just concentrate on today. We have a long time to come up with a plan for you for Christmas....



                Christmas drinking

                Thank you. I loved the way you said 'we' have time to come up with things. I like not feeling alone.


                  Christmas drinking

                  Dear Cooking - you are very, very, very definitey not alone! Remember that....we're all in this together and thinking of each other all the time.

                  Hug FMS xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Christmas drinking

          's a long way to Christmas! Stay focussed and you'll be feeling different by then. Don't even think about planning 'strategies' that involve 'only having one glass' or 'only spritzers' etc.,.......that's just the Beast trying to get under your skin. Once you let him get you with that he'll undoubtedly say 'well, if you're going to drink a little at Christmas why not start now??'. You know how he is....:devil:

                    Keep close to MWO.....remember, it's not even December yet!

                    Suze xx
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

