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FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

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    FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

    It's a full moon on anyone else feeling a bit (!) weird yesterday/today? I am feeling really 'not nice'...kind of spacy....disassociated...'full-moony' and would be glad to hear from anyone feeling similar or who knows what this moon 'holds'...? MM - do you know? I know it can be worse in the days leading up to the, tomorrow worse then?...oh no!
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

    Oh, yes.. I am always weird around full and also new moons and cannot sleep!!! That's when I get the o' sleeping aides out - twice a month.

    Full Moons are traditionally associated with temporal insomnia, insanity (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) and various magical phenomena such as lycanthropy (werewolves - aawwwooo) - kidding!

    We are made up of more than 70% water - so many believe that the moons gravitation pull affects the body like it does the tide.

    This moon phase is good! I have been waiting for it.. An auspicious time for affairs and businesses which are at an expansive stage of development, as well as for new beginnings. A growth phase: stimulate the growth of plants which bear fruit above the earth now. - that's what I am told...

    Your astrological sign will tell you a lot - what is yours? This moon is in Gemini and Sagitarius....

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

      Wow! Um, Scorpio with Cancer as my rising sign??

      I don't have a business but what sort of affair?!?! Do I get out the 'pretties'?!? (LOL!)

      But it does feel like a big growth spurt...sort of emotional growing pains... Does that make any sense? As in I wont know in which direction I've grown until later, but it still 'hurts'!

      Thanks MM! Hope this one is all you're hoping for for you.

      FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

        I am Gemini.....don't know about 'nuttin else astrologically speaking...LOL Should I buy a lotto ticket then? :H


          FULL MOON - feeling wierd?


          Not Kidding :alf:

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

            There is no doubt that the Full Moon has powerful effects on our bodies and our psychie's, but the Full Moon is also a New Beginnings, a time to manifest those ideals and goals that we have put into the universe since the time of the new moon. The time approaching the Full moon (2-3 days prior) is often a time of introspection.

            You can find a lot of interesting info on this and other astrological information at

            May we manifest happy sobriety!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

              Here are some interesting factoids (I love saying factoid!)

              Full Moon in Gemini: Saturday, November 24, 2007, 9:29 am EST:
              This normally bright and breezy Sun-Moon opposition sprinkles ideas and information across a wide landscape. Now stern Saturn squares both luminaries to diminish the potential for brilliance. Exciting conversations and concepts can be sidetracked by mundane responsibilities and practical limitations. When it comes to ideas, only the strong survive because there's less tolerance for random theories. Avoid an information overload or talking when listening is really the key to connecting.

              This Full Moon is the Snow Moon, so to counteract these moon occurances there is an actual Snow Moon meditation:

              Prayers for the Snow Full Moon
              After invoking the angels, bring to mind those projects and situations from the past and present that seem to have dragged on. Make a list of such concerns. This will help you concentrate and further clarify your intent to complete them.

              I am not alone in my need for completion. The Divine Helper and all Its angels are with me, inspiring, fortifying and guiding me to close and consolidate pending intentions and projects. I am part of the One Mind, which brings anything It starts to a successful conclusion, and the One Mind works perfectly in and around me to facilitate the completion required in every way and project. Conditions are now coordinated, people are brought together and motivated to right action, and any other necessary miracles are being worked to generate divine consolidation, in me, for me and through me now. I give thanks for the divine assistance I am receiving for successful completion now!

              Repeat thoughts like those above, slowly and with feeling, at least fifteen times around the Full Moon portal, and then daily, at least until the next New Moon. Expect miracles and remember to give thanks as each blessing for consolidation, small and large, appears on your path. You will receive help, and your gratitude will in turn help bring these divine interventions to their fruitful consolidation.


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

                Right! Thanks MM! Hmmmmm indeed! But amazing the amount of 'talk' about consolidation, "pending intentions" and "...situations from the past and present that
                seem to have dragged on..." Um, think I might have been going on about that rather a lot here?!?! and on...and on...and on....!

                So, that would/will be good!

                Thanks for posting all that - I really appreciate it!

                Oh, and, Satori?!? Call that an "AAAAWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" ??!

                This is a real Ceridwen (Celtic Lunar Goddess - me!) howl....!


                Love FMS xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

                  Wow, how do you invoke the Angels, or am I too late, has it been. I am a pisces will it work for me. Can't believe its a snow moon, seems too hard tobelieve, really is like someone is trying to tell me something. I love snow. :-) Please MM tell more, I'm bursting with curiosity. As to feeling a bit weird, since getting sober - you have no idea!!!!
                  :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


                    FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

                    Finding My Self;227794 wrote: Oh, and, Satori?!? Call that an "AAAAWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" ??!

                    This is a real Ceridwen (Celtic Lunar Goddess - me!) howl....!


                    Love FMS xx


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

                      I think it's because Flip is back.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        FULL MOON - feeling wierd?

                        OK I really don't know much about full moons other than they are beautiful...but with that said...I have been extremely anxious over the last three days, abnormally so. I have related it ot turning 40, Thanksgiving, holidays....... drinking more than I wanted to...I drank because I am very anxious??? So I fiqured I was just out of sorts. could it be the full moon?

