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    We're going to a big birthday party tomorrow night. I think it will be noisy, lots of people, gallons of booze.....

    I will not be drinking alcohol, and this will be the first 'big bash' party I've been to since being AF. I am very happy to just drink soft drinks. But I don't really like those sort of parties anyway....I prefer smaller things where you can actually talk to people. Previously I would drink lots in order to 'enjoy' it........but that's over now.

    Any thoughts/advice about how to get through the boredom of it?? :H I'd rather not go, but it's an old friend and she'd be hurt if we didn't.

    Suze xx
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.



    TBH Suze - been there, done that recently.

    I too am not a fan of the big drunken bash type party - but had to attend one recently.
    I remained AF - but have to admit - I found the early part of the party very boring.
    The things the drunken adults there were finding rivetting subjects of conversation, and were getting heated and passionate about - I'm afraid I couldn't really find much enthusiasm for.

    In the end, luckily there were a lot of teenagers (including my own sons)there who were too young to be drinking - and I spent most of my time - after the adults were drunk - with them.

    TBH - I found their company much more rewarding than that of the adults.
    I invariably found all these young folks to be really nice, interesting people just on the transition to adulthood, with well developed views about a variety of important subjects and, more importantly, still with a sense of FUN and optimism about the future.
    I was actually surprised that they would want to include an old wrinkly like me in their conversation (and playstation games LOL!). But they did so happily - and I am glad they did.

    I came away with a much more comfortable feeling about the future having spent my time with them.
    Too many adults have a negative view of teenagers and put them down - but they don't spend enough time actually TALKING to them.

    So - if there are any young people at the party - seek them out - you may find it an interesting party after all!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



      OH - BTW - it was interesting the views of these young folk about the behaviour of the drunken adults at the party!
      The kids were embarased about their drunk parents and were almost all saying they hated how their parents always got drunk when they went out anywhere!
      I think perhaps that is why they were OK with me - I wasn't drinking!

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



        Oh to be young and full of life, I work with shed loads of young dudes and they are truly ace. Love 'em and if truth be known, get a tad envious that they have it all to do? If I could turn back the clock, and do the last decade again I would, I plan to the next ten with great style though. If I new how to put a happy jumpy smiley there I would. Slightlysuze, I think Satori is right, you can learn a lot from non jaded peeps.
        :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



          Skid Row;227898 wrote: ...... If I could turn back the clock, and do the last decade again I would, .....
          Just the last decade Skid? - I'm afraid I would have to turn back quite a bit more than that!


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



            Well truth be known, can't remember how long, naah only kidding. But I guess I only lost control (if you will) about 10 years, not long really if you say it quick. But the old deamon has been an issue (me thinks) for way longer. Still - keep walking forward I say - getting back to who I am, deciding where I'm headed and generally feeling a little excited about this whole living a life thing. How are you today? I hope you are well.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



              Me personally, I just wouldn't go/make an excuse ... but that's because I am having lots of fun learning to be selfish and do what I want after a long time doing stuff for others that I didn't want to do. But as you say, it's for an old friend and that is important. How about keeping yourself busy helping out? Pouring the drinks, any food to hand round, plates to clear up? Go late and leave early? Do you smoke? Go outside and talk to the smokers - not that they will be any less pi**ed necessarily but at least you will be able to hear yourself think for a while.

              Hope you manage not to be too bored!!

              Bessie xx (curmudgeonly old cow who hates big parties too)



                Curmudgeons are cool!

                Cuddle a curmudgeon today - that's what I say!



                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



                  Skid Row;227905 wrote: How are you today? I hope you are well.
                  I'm great thanks Skid!

                  Looking forward to the weekend so I can get well plastered .

                  Er..... yep....actually...I DO have a plasterer doing some work at my house this weekend :H .

                  What did you think I meant

                  Hope you are OK too - have a great weekend!




                  PS - love that avatar BTW - I am off to Colorado early next year for a spot of that!
                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



                    Well, it seems like normally you could just say no to this one. but the friend will be hurt. So, you should go but only go for an hour and a half or so. Make up a reason for why you can only go for that amount of time. And get a nice gift to make up for the early departure.



                      I would be surprised if you didn't find others there who don't drink or who drink in moderation. Personally, I find that I probably drink more than most of my friends. I have some friends who don't like alcohol full stop. Why don't you try and find those people at the party? It will be good too, as you'll make different kinds of non-binge-drinking friends.
                      Have a good party. I envy you. I'm not at that stage yet.



                        Thanks everyone....yes, I think we won't stay late and I'll look out for people not drinking and stick around with them!

                        I will also enjoy thinking of myself as an undercover curmudgeon.....secretly going 'bah! parties! humbug!'........

                        Suze x
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

