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Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

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    Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

    Was prescribed citalopram and had put my faith in it........was on it just 2 and half wks., but didn`t suffer any of the common early side effects many experience with it such as nausea, so thought this drug would be my saving grace.

    I know very little of serotonin levels etc., but I suspect that mine had been very low, as despite this type of drug reputedly taking several weeks to kick in, I started to feel a little more motivated and less tired when only 2 and half wks. on it at 20 mg per day.

    Then it all went crazy and I was coming up in hives every night........itchy, all over me.....I looked like Mrs. Blobby......horrendous. Doc says I was allergic to the citalopram and that it was attacking my immune system, so she stopped the drug and prescribed me an antihistamine to flush the drug from my system and combat the hives. Am no longer getting hives and have stopped the antihistamine.

    Well, doc has already given me script for new antidepressant which I`m to start this coming Thursday. Am very concerned at doc`s choice of drug.......cipralex, starting at 5 mg, which doc says is a sister drug to citalopram??? worried this could again bring me up in hives. Anyone have experience of cipralex ? Really need advice on this.......I do need an AD, but don`t want to go through similar allergic experience again. Also, can anyone tell me if it`s likely that any AD would cause this type of reaction in me now?

    Starlight Impress x

    Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

    Star I've never heard of that anti d, however, if your doc prescribed that instead of the citlopram, he must expect you won't have the same reaction. There are so many different anti d's available that I'm sure your doc will be able to get you one that agrees with your body.

    Let us know how it goes.


      Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

      If that drug is a "sister" drug to Citalopram I would be worried too. I had my doc of some twenty years prescribe something to stop my asthma and it triggered my epilepsy. Had grand mals which I hadn't had in years. My doc should have known better. So, me, I don't automatically think a doc should know "better". And I LIKE my doc. I don't know how your drugstores/pharmacies work there, but here they are a fountain of information. What I would do is call one and ask.

      Of course, computers are fountains of info to and you can research it there also.

      Don't assume w/ur health! You are to valuable Star.:l


        Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

        Can you just call your doctor and ask her these questions or, like Hart said, ask the pharmacist (or chemist I think they're called in Scotland)?


          Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

          Well Star, I just googled Cipralex and rash and itching is a side effect? So, I would be hesitant as well? There are a whole lot of anti depressants on the market, so perhaps your doc might know of one in which this isn't a side effect? Good luck to you.
          Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


            Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

            Hi Star,
            Gosh, sorry to hear that you are going through this. Our bodies are so complicated. It is unfortunate, but true that medicine is not an "exact science", sometimes coming up with the correct treatment involves a little trial and error. That is why being proactive is always a good idea. I have found my doc's to be very open to discussion when I bring my research to them.

            I also agree with the idea of talking to a few chemist's, and using the internet. WebMD is a great starting point.

            Hope you get to feeling better very soon!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

              agree, best to raise these concerns with doc before you start taking it. I also agree there are so many anti-d out there, it should be possible to find one that is not a "sister" to the one that yoru body rejected. Good luck, sister.. keep us informed!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                Hi Starlight,
                I have just checked in my BNF(British National Formulary)Book of drugs for Doctors etc.and i really can not see any difference in the make up,however for what is is worth the side effects are low blood pressure on standing,runny nose,fatigue,and taste disturbances,you may also suffer an increase of anxiety.I really can not understand why your GP has given you the same drug just different dose?.I know it can be difficult to challenge the medical proffession,but would urge you strongly to be assertive and get all the information you can regarding his/her choice of treatment,so you can make an informed decision.i applaud you for being inquisitve.You need to have what works for you.Wishing you well xx


                  Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                  Star, I have SO much experience with anti-deps. I had allergic reactions like yours to both citolapram and cipralex, so I think your concern is very well founded.

                  If you think the seratonin is the main problem, tryptophan and 5-HTP do the same thing in a much more natural way (not a chemical way). If you haven't tried that, I would give it a go while you recover from the citolapram. They kick in right away, too. My new doctor, who is also a naturopath (in addition to being a medical doctor), swears by this for depression and sleeping problems. RJ posted on the holistic forum about 5-HTP, and gave a few web sites with much information about it.

                  Also, what has helped me perhaps the most is lithium oratate. It is natural and not addictive. It has a higher success rate than SSRIs for mild (or medium) depression. You can get this OTC in most countries, I believe. It also helps for anxiety and sleeping disorders, as it is very calming.

                  Depression is so damn depressing, Star. I've suffered for years. After trying drugs for years, I have finally found a lot of help in the natural "medicines". As long as I don't drink much (which I don't do anymore), they keep the edge off of that monster and I even feel very positive most of the time.

                  I wish you luck. You deserve to feel good. You ARE good.

                  And please PM me if you want more details about my experience with anti-Ds.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                    Thanks guys........your comments have reinforced my opinion of starting not going to start it. I did question my doc giving me it after reacting to citalopram as I did, but I didn`t like to question her in case she thought I was trying to undermine her medical knowledge in any way.......know what I mean?......sometimes docs can make you feel intimidated. So saying, alarm bells started ringing in my head just as soon as she mentioned that both drugs were related.

                    I`ll go back to doc this week and just be upfront and tell her that I am too nervous of cipralex and ask her to prescribe an alternative anti depressant.

                    I am interested in natural AD`s too beatle, it`s just that I feel I don`t have a lot of time to spend on "trial and error" to find something that will help me as I`m really feeling exhausted and drained and I can`t stand feeling like this. Then again, it looks like the anti depressant route may well prove to be a case of trial and error also.

                    Thanks all.
                    Starlight Impress x


                      Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                      Hi Star. I used to be on Citalopram and found it great but maybe its not for everyone. I just googled Cipralex and it doesn't say anything about allergic reactions but does say you can feel more anxious or depressed during the initial stages of taking it, until it starts working...after 2 to 4 weeks. As you have suffered a reaction to Citalopram, the doctor will have pre-scribed something that has no severe reactions (I would have thought) So try not to worry, and let it do its magic!

                      Love, Bella xxx


                        Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                        yes, Star, the anti-dep route takes a long time because it takes so long for the drugs to kick in. You can try tryotophan or 5-HTP and/or lithium oratate for just a few days (you can take both, just space out when during the day you take them), and you should start to feel the effects almost immediately.

                        As you know, my experience makes me prefer the more natural "medicines", but I do know many people are helped by SSRIs. I'm very happy I can get control of my depression in a more natural way, but I do think everyone's body is different and you should find your own way. That said, of all the SSRIs I tried, I think Zoloft had the least side effects. The main side effect was restlessness, kind of like I had too much coffee all the time.

                        Good luck whatever you choose. You WILL get there. It just takes some time and trying.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                          best of luck star, I had a bad reaction to zoloft, couldnt stop shaking, on efexor now and it seems to do the job when I dont forget to take it

                          max xox
                          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                            Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                            This is all so complicated and a bit magical to me. I am so suspicious of so many meds. That means no advice from old Mags. Just to say I'm sorry for your problems and hope it all gets straigtened out soon. Depression is my terrible enemy and I do think that good old fashioned Prozac has helped a little but who knows??? Good luck, sweetie.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              Allergic reaction prompted change of antidepressant.

                              Hey Star

                              Didn't read this first b4 msged ya

                              ask about Luvox - really good one according to hearsay in the old loony bin!

                              anyway out of the loony bin now and woozy but calm - now wait for woozy to go away and calm to stay

                              Everyone's brain chem is different so may have to try a few....I usually felt the effects in a week when on anti-deps - so two and half is not weird.

                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

