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    Well Done UKblonde ....

    Twosox and Ratana, welcome to the thread, nice to have you here .......

    Love & Hugs, BB xx



      Hi Everyone,
      Just checking in Day 3 DFD day 2 AF, (This is going to get confusing!)
      Monrose, Hi and your post was great, Knitting always a problem for me end up with more stitches than should have!
      Keep up the good work!
      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.



        BB, Sorry forgot to add HAPPY 40th!! they say thats when life begins.........
        In life we can live out our dreams its true
        the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.



          HI its not my 40th till the 17th, as much as I would like double the greetings I will wait ...........

          Thanks anyway ........

          Love & Hugs, BB xx



            Just checking in.. made it through the weekend DF.. I was not AF, but did not overdo. My goal is to have more AF days in December than November so I better get going and save those few days I do want to have a drink for special occasions!!

            It is wonderful to have the support.. I have had more AF days since finding MWO in August than the last 20+ years. I am anxious to continue progressing.. and sometimes feel frustrated that the desire/habit/craving/need/want does not just go away and I can be comfortable being someone who does not drink or knowing that I can drink in moderation. I don't even know which I want, but the fear is always there when I have one drink that it will lead to too many.

            This did not happen overnight and it wil not cure itself in 3 months.. so I preach patience to myself and recognize each small victory.

            Thanks to everyone... and here's to continued success for a DFD!!

            "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, and prosperous. I am healthy and wise and open to an even greater good. I approve of myself."

            Fall seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb



              Well said Leebo, "Recognize each small victory " Love that saying !!!
              Enjoying a blistful AF day
              We can do this everybody !!!!
              Betty, I love what you have started here , xxx

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                Hey Boopster
                I made that cake recipe. It tasted just fine to me................until I sobered up.
                Those days are long gone thank goodness. I'm in and I'm good. Look all you friends - we are all going to do this together and have the best holidays ever! Looking forward to this!
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                  Drunk Free December

                  I'm so there!


                    DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                    Me Too !!

                    Hi Betty Boop,

                    If I'm not too late, please sign me up ! I'm AF tonight and would love to have a DFD.

                    Thank you so much, and I'm definitely pumped up :boxer:
                    Miss October :blinkylove:


                      DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                      Still hanging in....gosh after the day I have had just hope I can sleep tonight...


                        DRUNK FREE DECEMBER


                        I really really like the idea of drunk free december.

                        I wanted to kick mine off with an AF week. So I am at the end of day three into that.
                        I know I won't have a problem for the rest of the week as I have no plans to go out.

                        I have to say, I am really finding that once you stop the drinking at home to relax habit you start to feel like moderation may be possible and you feel a lot less like a drinker.

                        It's been over three weeks since I had a drink at home.


                          DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                          Hi Nancy,
                          My problem is the same as yours drinking at home is a no-no for me too, Why is that? Wish I could see the difference it might help me to understand.

                          BB , SINCERE APOLOGIES (saw someone elses congrats thought I would add mine)
                          In life we can live out our dreams its true
                          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                            DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                            Hi guys! Interesting isn't it - all the different way we 'get to the bottom' of our thinking/habits. All I know is that there doesn't seem to be one single habit in the universe that is the same yet they hide under only about 7 separate file names!!!!........... So, we have to get to the bottom of our own ones only....then I think it becomes easier....

                            So, I'll risk my version!!!....I'm the opposite! I can have my little 100mls wine-with-water at home...sitting quietly, (not walking around with it (them!) a la old days!) with my little bowl of peanuts while the supper cooks.....very sophisticated!!!!! But when I go out (if!)...I don't want it - certainly in a pub as the measure is too big. I have AF lager (Becks) or tonic & soda (seltzer) with a few drops of Angostura bitters - or Coke if none of the above are available......and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk!!!! (Who???? ME?!?!?!??) I am lucky I never associated partying with boose - just people!!! I drank at home cos I was lonley and bored and scared....yet it is just now where I feel 'safest' to take my occasional.... weird or what?

                            So, different. But we're all really, really valid bods (bodies=people!) who deserve to be proud of everything we discover and do.......

                            Christmas is comng and the..................booze EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Does this planet have a 'problem' or what!?!? 14,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of ethanol (wot makes rockets fly!) in 'honour' of a tiny baby in a manger 2007 years ago.............?? (Well, you 'follow my drift'!!!) Bring on the Coke and herbal teas!

                            Just think of our clear morning heads vs all those puking, thumping and think-headed, heavy, miserable, 'I'll-never-do-it-agaaaain' folk over Crimbo!!!!! (Not meant to sound that flippant...I feel for personal empathy is alive and well!)

                            Happy Tuesday all!
                            FMS xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                              Great post FMS , Made me laugh :H and is just soooooooo on the nail!
                              In life we can live out our dreams its true
                              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                                Hi Everybody! We finally have electicity back here! It went out Sunday night @ work. I served my last few tables in the dark with a flashlight.
                                Later on my drive home, I got almost halfway up river and came around a corner to find a HUGE tree(the trunk was probably over 2 feet across) down blocking both lanes of the road!
                                I had to turn around & go back main highway & go a whole different way to get home. Thankfully the road was clear(sort of) that way. There was still a lot of debris from all of the wind.
                                We've had winds of 110 mph gusting off & on since Sunday! Lots of trees & powerlines down all over. It's finally calmed down this morning.
                                Had power in town last night but not @ home, till later.
                                It's nice to be back on the puter! I've missed ya guys!:h
                                I felt so far away & alone! Maybe that's why I was so grumpy yesterday! Had no power @ home... got ready for work in the semi dark... and had to drive to town in the storm to serve food...I wasn't in the mood for it!
                                Glad to be back.
                                Glad I don't work outside too! My God it's been brutal!

                                In town people have lost their roofs, sheds, sections of buidings...full on hurricane.
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

