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    Hi everybody!
    DFD! I remember in school saying "BFD" whenever something was ridiculous, or obnoxios, or we were just trying to be that ourselves!...(I think we usually succeeded too!)
    It stood for Big F***ing Deal!:H
    Just a little blast from the past!

    I'm off to get some chores done. Good day Ya'll!:welcome: The weekend with strength & love!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



      Here we go. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful drunk free weekend. We got a little snow to start mine off. Looking forward to a nice little AF weekend. Have fun everyone.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



        Hi eveyone,,, I had a great (sober ) birthday yesterday. I had alot of happy birthday wishes from the site... Thanks everyone... DFD keep it up!!!
        TIGGER1 :l

        Formerly Mr Boop



          Just checking in. I'm still enjoying a DF December. I'm actually teaching myself how to moderate. Something I never thought I could do. It seems that giving myself the OK to drink, just not get drunk, seems to be working. I'm drinking like a responsible person for the first time in my life and enjoying waking up without guilt (and a hangover!).
          I hope everyone has a great Drunk Free weekend!




            Snap Shelby....isn't it great! Sensible and why didn't I stay that way before....OK, loads of reasons....but soooh much better to remove/change the reasons than keep'em and then block them out with booze!! DUH!

            Happy and DF for D...and J and F and M and A and M and.........I soooh hope - well, plan.

            Love to all
            FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



              Hi all, sorry i've been neglecting this place, i've just been really busy lately ......

              Went out for a gorgeous Thai meal last night for Mr Boops bday, shared a bottle of wine and had an Irish coffee, we came home and opened another bottle which we shared, now this is a dangerous area because I usually would have carried on till oblivion, however I actually remember saying 'I don't want anymore to drink' ...... Now that is a first ..

              So I feel really really good today ........

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                Hi everybody,
                I made the mistake of stopping off for "one" beer after work last night.
                Good news is I only had one beer.
                Bad news is, I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a long time....and ended up doing 2 shots of tequila! Bad girl!
                I haven't done that in ages. I feel ok today.... Thank God I don't have a headache. I came home & drank lots of water, and thought about how stupid that was.
                With the holidays coming up I need to be MUCH more vigilant! It didn't even taste good. I even said no the first time they asked me. Then the second round came by and poof! It was in my hand & down it went!
                It was @ a bar I very seldom stop at, but one of the girls from work was there. Just one more reason for me NOT to frequent that place.
                Just glad I left when I did.

                Having a serious talk with myself today...


                I don't even drink hard liquor anymore! At least I haven't in ages! Geez! Duh!

                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                  Hi Judie, hope that you are doing well today ........

                  Where are all my DFDers????????

                  This is really helping me, I am really concious about drinking less...........

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx


                    DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                    Hi all

                    It's about one week into DF December. I had a bit too much the other night but I wasn't drunk. I also had a couple of drinks at home for the first time in 3 weeks and I am really going to work not to slip back into the home habit again.


                      DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                      Hi all.. Still DFD'in... Still having a few drinks at night, but not going mad....
                      I hope everyone that posted a DFD is still doing well... Keep posting, you know it helps!!!
                      TIGGER1 :l

                      Formerly Mr Boop


                        DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                        Hi Ya'll.
                        Still DF here.
                        Stopped @ the little local "watering hole" on my way home from work last night. There were a lot of people there, which is uncommon @ that time of night. Found out an old friend & long time resident we all grew up with had died yesterday. Very sad.
                        Even more sad, to see so many completly hammered drunk. I mean litteraly falling down. I guess that's how a lot of people deal with pain... especially those "big tuff guys"...
                        Lots of loggers around here. Well, there IS a sawmill in the frontyard where I grew up...still operating.

                        I had one & left.
                        In memory of Willie Miller.:h
                        He used to babysit me & my brother & sister.
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                          Sorry for the loss St Jude but good on you for having just one.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                            Sorry for your loss Judie! Thinking of you.... Very proud of you though for only having one drink! Way to go!


                              DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                              Hello all, sorry to hear about your loss Jude...
                              I haven't been on the computer atall lately and have lost touch with everybody... Sorry for going awol... Betty good for you at saying " no more "... I've been pretty good lately, but just really busy is all... Will stay more connected Hugs and lets enjoy the rest of this December with a clear mind..

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                                All OK down here in England's toe! Wet and windy BIG TIME!! Had my little half glass...but I didn't enjoy it much tonight; daughter wanted to make the Crimbo cards and I like to just sit and enjoy now, not 'drink & do' at the same time. That's when it used to disapear without me noticing! So I made cards and then cooked supper....and finished it with my meal..... I feel sensible and it's good!!

                                What joy to go to bed having had a taste earlier, enjoyed it and realising that I never wanted any more.....YEA!

                                Hugs to all - FMS xx
                                :heart: c: :heart:
                                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

