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    If I can't do this, then I might need to look into Vivitrol for the new year (basically, that's a once/month injection of the same ingredient in Naltrexone). Because, dang it, that Naltrexone works if I just TAKE it!



      Hi again all, wow this thread got busy again .........

      I'm still DF, although slightly overdid it a few nights, but certainly not tumbling drunk as I was last year ........

      Well done everyone ........

      BB xx



        Well, I'm happy to report that my DH's office holiday party was DF for me tonight. I only had 2 AF days under my belt before his party tonight so I wasn't that eager to start testing the waters yet. But, I would feel more weird being the only one not drinking at all so I had two glasses of wine. I totally nursed the second one. The Naltrexone worked like a charm. No desire to drink any more than that. My DH's boss even offered us extra drink tickets and I said no thanks and meant it. :->



          Adagirl - well done! It's a good feeling isn't it to not want more! I hope I stay there too! And BB, I hope you're doing OK.....

          I hope we DF-ers keep posting on this thread - thanks BB - coz it's really important...but a hard one; it's easier to report on AF and possibly even a total crash - but the DF line is more ambiguous and possibly (?) one where we might feel more open to 'judgement' (not that I think we'd get any here amongst friends!) where our old friend guilt might lurk big. So we don't come here...and risk a major slip?

          Perhaps for me, I just mean we need to keep reading and posting in December full stop....obvious but I know I'm not making the time for it amongst all the 'busy-ness'. And triggers and learnings are coming up. And if I want to maintain and feel secure around my mod-ing, I must 'keep coming for lessons' !! (I want to: it's just the making time.)

          What does anyone else feel about this?

          I think I might 'make myself' do a thread in General - I don't like this 'lurking' feeling...not of actual drinking but of the feelings I used to assosciate with 'needing to get rid of them anyway I can........'

          It's a lovely but tough time this Christmas thing! I've realised that most of the time I'm not reacting to reality but to 75% of the time!! So, as those memories were (mostly - not childhood though!) linked with drinking Crimbos....which were probably, in themselves, linked to memories, some of those childhood's and some to different relationships: wistful, poignant, grieving the passing of, sentimentality as well as throughly bad and sad memories. So, as it's the memories of the memories of the memories, I must stay in the present and view this Crimbo as if through the eyes of a very young child (or a visitor from Planet Zog) and just wonder at it. Otherwise it will be all too much....and not good.

          Any feedback out there?!?

          Love and DF hugs
          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



            Hello DF ers !!!
            Well done on making improvements from last year everybody !!!
            This evening I have to work so I'll likely enjoy a couple glasses of wine in the hot tub with hubby later on Today our Christmas tree goes up,,, because we heat with wood and our tree is real, it dries out quickly, so we have likely 2 1/2 weeks before needles are everywhere... Have a great Saturday everybody

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



              Finding My Self;240965 wrote: Perhaps for me, I just mean we need to keep reading and posting in December full stop....obvious but I know I'm not making the time for it amongst all the 'busy-ness'. And triggers and learnings are coming up. And if I want to maintain and feel secure around my mod-ing, I must 'keep coming for lessons' !! (I want to: it's just the making time.)

              What does anyone else feel about this?
              I am going to try to come back to this post every day. Of course, I'm coming back after being gone for awhile so I'm probably feeling a need to be here more than others. I know what you mean w/DF being kind of an ambiguous goal. We all know when we've been REALLY drunk, but where is the line between being a little buzzed and a little drunk? Well, at least for now, I'm trying not to overthink it. I know this program has worked for me before if I do my part. So, I'm kinda just focusing on doing what I know I need to do (as far as taking the supps, Naltrexone, and have to get back to the hypno too). And, hoping that if I just do my part, the DF will follow.

              Right now, I am getting overwhelmed when I think too far ahead so I'm just not. Thinking ahead is kinda what got me off-track to begin with. I started thinking do I really have to take these pills forever? Let's see what happens if I don't take them sometimes? And, am I really gonna go through my life without ever having a good buzz again? Let's skip the pill once/week and just enjoy wine on those nights. Ugh! This is so cliche, but I guess I just need to take it one day at a time for now.

              Thanks for listening to me ramble aimlessly! :H


                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                Hey DFers. I stopped out for drinks last night and I did have more than I should have but didn't get drunk.

                Of course I had that stupid thought in my head that I have to buy more on my way home. I did buy more, but only drank 2 beers in the 5 hours I was home before bed. I thought that was quite an accomplishment. Before I would have finished off the whole 12 pack or close to it anyway. I felt pretty crappy this morning though. It was a good reminder what drinking does. When I was drinking so much, I rarely got hangovers.

                Now I'm waiting for my new mattresses to be delivered. YAY! I think I may have to take a nap after they get here so I can "test" them out. I'll have to wait till later tonight to really "test" them out since hubby's at work until 9pm. :H


                  DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                  I am in for an AF December and 2008!
                  AF since 7/5/2009


                    DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                    Well in that case...Loved1, you've only got a year to practice up for it! :H

                    DF here too.
                    But I am starting to listen to my hypno's a bit more often. Definately the subliminal at least every other morning if possible.

                    We have our Christmas party @ work tomorrow night so I'll be dosing up on L-glut & kudzu before I leave the house, & make sure I drink lots of water.
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                      Jude Hi... Hope the works party goes well.. xx
                      TIGGER1 :l

                      Formerly Mr Boop


                        DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                        Loved1, your post started me because we have the same avatar and I was expecting it to be one of my posts and when I read it I was like WHAT, I never promised to be AF!!! Maybe I will change my avatar just so I don't confuse myself again. LOL

                        Anyway, just coming back to check in again. I REALLY felt like having some wine last night after baking cookies all day. I took some extra l-glut, but still felt like having some wine so I thought what the heck, I am trying for moderation right so one glass won't hurt. Well, mark this day on your calendar because I really only had one glass (and it was a small glass) and didn't want any more. That Naltrexone really takes the kick out of it for me. I'm glad I switched to taking the Naltrexone earlier in the day because I was getting so tempted to skip it when I took it later in the day. I think there is just a lot more motivation to stay sober when you have just woken up and feel great & full of energy (contrast to the minor and major hangovers I used to have regularly).

                        Also, after a week of being sober, I am starting to feel the changes... its like I am kinda numb when I drink regularly and I'm starting to feel my feelings more again... my love for my children and appreciation for life feels stronger. And, I don't feel SO overwhelmed by everything.

                        I hope you all are doing great too! Thanks for being here!!!


                          DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                          Well done everyone, can't believe it's my 40th birthday and i'm on here LOL .......

                          Had birthday lunch with the girls today and only had one small drink, and are going out to my favourite seafood restaurant this evening, the food there is soooo good that I won't worry about drink!!!!

                          BB xx


                            DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                            Betty, Happy day again... I guess you and Mr. B are out munching on some delicious seafood right now. I'm thinking of you and your lobster and drooling (lol).
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                              Betty Boop,

                              How cool is this??

                              You are too cool.

                              Love you,

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                DRUNK FREE DECEMBER

                                btw, I love being Sober through all this. DFD..omg.

                                Love you,
                                AF April 9, 2016

