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I am still here!!!!

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    I am still here!!!!

    I know I haven't been on the boards much lately. I started a new anti-depressant and it is making me sleep ALL the time. I have never been like this. I typically sleep very little. I am going back o the doctor tomorrow. I literally and slepping 18 hours a day...barely functioning. I am on Efeexor....anyone else have this problem?

    I am still here!!!!

    Hi Luv,

    I have not been posting much either. Not sure what to say about Effexor - I know if you google side effects then you should be able to see what comes up. I took it for a while and I seem to remember being really tired, but then I lost my benefits. That was a LONG time ago, so I can't be sure.
    Good you are going to the doc. Hope this goes away or you find one that works!!



      I am still here!!!!

      I'm so sorry, Luv!

      I was on Effexor and did not have a good experience - to put it mildly! It is also very difficult to come off of, so be careful when you do. I think now they give you something else to help you come off because it is just awful. So, be careful and mention this to the doc. They down play it, but it was so bad for me it took two times to come off. The first time I felt so horrible I couldn't bare it and went back on. Then I planned to be down for a week and started going down, but I couldn't work for that week.

      Good luck, and maybe ask the doc if there is anything else you can be on. ALso, google effexor and look up what others are people are going through....

      Wishing you all the best, and check in, OK?

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I am still here!!!!


        Sorry you're having a rough time on it -- sometimes I think the side effects outweigh the benefits and its just not worth it. I too had a bad experience on Effexor. I've been on several anti-depressants in the past, and Effexor was by far the worst. I didnt have that much tiredness, but it definitely made me feel draggy, but the worst for me was the nausea. By three in the afternoon, I was running to the restroom sick about half the time.

        I had much better results with Zoloft and Lexapro. Zoloft actually "perked" me up and my eyes would pop open really early each morning, and it really worked with the depression. I still battled nausea with it too, but not as bad, and it wore off after about a week or so. After that, it was wonderful. Lexapro was very similar.

        I would see if you can switch to something else with less side effects.

        Good luck!
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          I am still here!!!!

          :l Luv :l Hope you can find something's rough when meds make you sick!
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            I am still here!!!!

            Nope- but I'm glad you're back. :l

            p.s. Pansy: absolutely love the quote" Just do it...again!"
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              I am still here!!!!

              I have been on a few ADs and Zoloft was the only one with the least side effects and I had no problem stopping. And it did help with my depression at the time. Do not take Paxil if that is offered. Like MM's experience with Effexor it was absolute hell trying to come off of. Hope you start feeling perkier soon.....
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                I am still here!!!!

                I was on effexor as well. I didn't have many sx with that drug. Effexor worked pretty well for me. It is a bit harsh to come off of so make sure you talk to your doc before stopping if that is what you decide to do.


                  I am still here!!!!

                  Luv, I hope and pray that your Doctor will perscribe something that will be right for you... You deserve all the happiness this old world can muster. Love You, Hugs,

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    I am still here!!!!

                    was never on effexor but was on lexapro ( yuck) and wellbutrin - the wellbutrin worked the best but I feel that it made me drink more....i am off all of it now....good luck...buckle


                      I am still here!!!!

                      Luv, wondering about you. have never taken effexor. But zoloft made my body ache and lexapro, well sick as a DAWG! I'm went off of xanax ( which was hell) only to find its the only thing that works for my de[pression/panic attacks i just don't take as much now. I hope you feel better soon hon, i missthe lil' spitfire
                      love ya


                        I am still here!!!!

                        Hey luv was wondering!

                        I am on effexor and had no side effects but if I miss a couple I have a horrible reaction. It really is the worst AD to come off of so do be careful.


                          I am still here!!!!

                          Hey Luv,
                          Not had any experience with Effexor either. Glad you are ok.

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            I am still here!!!!

                            I am OFF Effexor and trying Wellbutrin. Anyone have good things to say about it? Effexor was a damn nightmare. Hell I mine as well have been drunk. I felt like an idiot and slept as much as I could.


                              I am still here!!!!

                              Good luck with the Wellbutrin, LUV. :l

                              Starlight Impress x

