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Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

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    Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

    yes, beatle excellent detective action on your part. there is a great book i'm reading now called the thyroid diet. and much research in this area as well. i came on to the planet with a thyroid problem and unfortunatley didn't get anyone to believe me til i was 47. but finally someone listened and i'm now on biothyroid month 2 coming up. i can feel the difference immeasurably. and the challange is in america that as it is explained in the research and the man that finally listened. is that the generally accepted norms for thyroid aren't based on what is actually healthy. that is why i'd go to dr and they would say oh your thyroid is fine. they take really average (which isn't healthy to begin with) people kick out the high and low and use that as the average. but i know my symptoms and i know they are worse. anyway, my dr. dan took one look at me when i dragged myself in to his center and he said wow, you have major thyroid issues right off the top. he clicked off the symptoms and i said yep pretty much since birth and he said cavalry is on the way. along with all the blood tests they did to prove it and the bio identical hormone replacements they put me on as well as after 35 the hormone levels for women tank.......


      Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

      I'm so glad you finally got the help you need and deserve, Boots.

      It is a tragedy how many people suffer from thyroid problems without being diagnosed. In fact, depression is one of the biggest misdiagnoses for thyroid disorders. Ha! And guess what-- antidepressives don't work on thyroid disorders, in fact they make them worse. So, not only are literally millions going undiagnosed and misdiagnosed, but they are also being HARMED by supposed medical treatment (all of which exacerbates drinking problems).

      I strongly suggest you look at, hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone resistance to follow the latest that is happening in this area. He has a newsletter full of the cutting edge news on thyroid treatment, all in very easy to understand terminology.

      ps love the new avatar...
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

        Beatle, thanks for this. It has me thinking....I have some of the symptoms, so will look into it further.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

          thanks so much beatle. and yes they did have me on antidepressants and it was a huge mistake. oh god i actually am feeling human again and it has only been a month. that is after oh i don't know it started about 35 of not feeling human. phew....... so, yes and i just bought like 10 other books to but haven't cracked them... books on these hormone replacements i'm taking. .yummy


            Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

            Great topic Beatle,
            About 6 mos after a complete hystorectomy (due to the big C), I started loosing weight rapidly, I never felt rested, started drinking a lot more than usual and more regularly, I felt like I was completely not myself, exhausted all the time. Then due to a few incidents involving sea weed (I am a spa consultant) and shellfish, resultiting in hives.....I put 2+2 together and got my thryroid checked for the third time. I had the blood tests and a thyroid scan. I was diagnosed with extreme Hyperthyroid, hyperthyroid makes our entire body work over time, very hard on the heart and all other organs. The only proven treatment was to take radio active iodine and kill my thyroid, which means taking synthroid the rest of my life. I am back to a lean, but healthy weight and feel 100% better. I am going to look into the armour thyroid, I have heard of this before and it sounds interesting.

            Thank you for presenting this thread, the thyroid gland and function are extremely important to our over all health and the number of woman in particular that suffer from this disease is staggering.
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Link between alcohol and hypothyroidism

              Yes, it is a tragedy that so many people suffer and go undiagnosed. Experts are trying to get standard testing done of women over 40-- like a pap smear or a mammogram. The test is very simple and it would probably uncover millions of misdiagnosed illnesses. Anybody who has any symptoms should insist on a test.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

