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I'm going to see Boyzone ...

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    I'm going to see Boyzone ...

    Hi All, While I was away Mr Boop booked tickets to see the Boyzone reunion tour LIVE .......

    The tickets sold out within 3 hours but he got some!!!!!!

    I'm pretty sure that some of you will say who are they, and why on earth would I want to see them, but I just love Ronan Keating!!!!!

    :cheering :cheering :cheering

    I'm going to see Boyzone ...

    Me to, me to, he's scrummy yummy yummy. I think he looks at me when he looks in the camera. Tee hee. Do tell all, when you've been. He may say, hey Betty, you know that new girl on MWO, Skid Row, give her my number, I here she's doing great and starting to look mighty fine (thanks to you). Come back stage and have sody pop.
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


      I'm going to see Boyzone ...

      Skid Row;229859 wrote: Me to, me to, he's scrummy yummy yummy. I think he looks at me when he looks in the camera. Tee hee. Do tell all, when you've been. He may say, hey Betty, you know that new girl on MWO, Skid Row, give her my number, I here she's doing great and starting to look mighty fine (thanks to you). Come back stage and have sody pop.
      LOL, no Skid Row, it's me that he's looking at!!!!! :H :H :H

      But don't tell Mr Boop ......


        I'm going to see Boyzone ...

        Betty, I don't even know who you are talking about here, but do you think you can keep it secret from Mr Boop? I mean, he DID buy the tickets and, hey, he's on this forum, too. NO MORE SECRETS!
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          I'm going to see Boyzone ...

          no idea who they are. This is first thing that came to mind: LOL!

          hands to yourself & have fun! Attached files [img]/converted_files/375496=2565-attachment.jpg[/img]
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            I'm going to see Boyzone ...

            Thanks Beatle..
            Glad I spotted the thread,,,, I'm watching you Betty Boop,,, LOL.
            Boyzone, appeals to mainly the female population, thought I'd go along with Betty to see how they perform...... So that's me going to see Boyzone along with possibly 5 999 other females
            TIGGER1 :l

            Formerly Mr Boop


              I'm going to see Boyzone ...

              In your dreams Mr Boop.

              If you are the only male then Steven Gately will single you out for sure ............


                I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                Way to go Mr. Boop! It takes a truly confident male to brave that scene ! Make sure to dodge the flying, um, underthings! And be ready to catch any fainting damsels ! lol!!!


                  I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                  Wonderworld, thanks for the advise. Flying underthings... fainting damsels... sounds like it's going to be hard work, better do more at the gym to prepare... wish me luck... LOL
                  TIGGER1 :l

                  Formerly Mr Boop


                    I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                    I think the only song worth mentioning is a single by Ronan Keating called 'Life is a Rollercoaster'. I think you will need to keep an eye on Mr. Boop more than anything with all those young sweaty girls swooning all over the place Boops!!. Christ what I'd do right now to be in that environment.!!

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                      Why thankyou janie, your so kind!!
                      TIGGER1 :l

                      Formerly Mr Boop


                        I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                        Hey you two it sounds like you are going to have a fab night together!! Make sure you do lots of 'booooping!!'.

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          I'm going to see Boyzone ...

                          Amelia, you crack me up,,,, we'll have a fantastic time booooping!!
                          Assuming that means the Boop's dancing.....LOL
                          TIGGER1 :l

                          Formerly Mr Boop

