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List the plus points - PLEASE

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    List the plus points - PLEASE

    Just thought it might be good for those just starting out to have some plus points shouted out (LOUDLY) from those who are further down the line and can speak from experience. One I have just noticed (and I am truly in the early days) is my girl is off to Guides and I have to pick her up at 8.30pm, usually annoying because I want to drink my bottle of wine, but not tonight, tonight I am happy to take her, truly happy. I want nothing better than for my kids to have a full and busy life. This is ace, I have always taxiid them everywhere, but never before has it been a true pleasure, before today I can honestly say it was a duty and I did it to be a good Mum (but really didn't want to have to wait to start my wine). I bet there are loads better than this, but I thought I could make a start. Looking forward to hearing all your good bits.
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H

    List the plus points - PLEASE

    Hey Skid,

    Good points about being sober?

    1. Clear head, being able to think, make decisions and not have to question your decision.

    2. Being able to remember what happened yesterday.

    3. Liking who you are. Not embarassing yourself or others.

    4. Looking better. No hangovers, feeling better.

    5. Being responsible for yourself and your children.

    6. Alcohol no longer rules your life.

    7. Increased self esteem.

    8. More disposable income or more money to pay down debt.

    9. Better problem solving skills.

    10. Better health, longer life.

    11. Better relationships with those you love.

    12. Better performance at work.

    Life is just so much more fun sober, free and sober!

    Courage and strength Skid!

    magic xx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      List the plus points - PLEASE

      Well said Magic! I agree with all the points you've made above. I will add, no guilt the morning after...for me that is a HUGE one! I've felt a sense of awakening, seeing everything in a whole new light (maybe lucidity?). Also I am so proud of myself...imagine that!

      Day 20AF


        List the plus points - PLEASE

        Coming from another mom-I'm happy that I can tuck the babes in without having booze breath. You may think they are still young but they are far wiser. My daughter(just turned 9) has never said anything but "knows" that in the past mommy did get sick a lot (hang overs on the couch) and slept quite often (passing out). Come on'-who am I foolin'? She must have known something was wrong. I knew at her age my dad drank (he was a functional alkie accept on occassions where he passed out at night). So I am happy too that I can be a responsible parent that can be depended on-24/7. And I do it with all the unconditional love a parent can give.

        I'm also happy of not having the burden of alcohol consuming my every thought, my every action, my every emotion. I'm free to live my life the way I want to without alcohol dictating how my day will turn out.

        p.s. I'd rather "watch you ski" LOL.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          List the plus points - PLEASE

          A "Cost/Benefit" Ratio is an excellent idea to write up when you're questioning what the pros and cons might be of a sober life. For me, there are absolutely NO pros. I tried every which way to figure out how to moderate. Made every last deal with the devil I possibly could. Here are a few of the pros of sobriety I can throw out there:

          1) I am not depressed.
          2) I am not depressed.
          3) I am not depressed.
          4) Oh, did I mention that I'm no longer depressed?

          Life is so much better when you're not depressed. Alcohol has a way of keeping you depressed you know. In it's evil little clutches.

          Free as a bird!
          Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


            List the plus points - PLEASE

            magic and living proof have it in a nutshell
            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


              List the plus points - PLEASE

              Less calories consumed! :H

              Maybe it's just a girl thing....but I eat better, don't have the empty calories of alcohol and don't pig out with the munchies. Without trying I've lost 7lbs since the middle of October

              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                List the plus points - PLEASE

                No more anxiety, no more depression even though I continue to face serious personal challenges
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  List the plus points - PLEASE

                  I have to agree with Living Proof! I struggled with depression and now I am no longer on anti d's and feeling much better about myself and life in general!


                    List the plus points - PLEASE

                    Being there for my children is a great feeling. Never having to worry that I can't react in an emergency or just enjoy being with them.

                    The freedom that comes with being AF is the best feeling in the world.

                    My anxiety and depression are to the point where they are non-existant now. This is after almost a year of being 99% AF.

                    Life can throw whatever it wants to my way, and my coping skills are 10-fold from where they were a year ago.

                    I wouldn't trade in this last year of blood, sweat, and tears for anything. I can also say that this has been one of the most enjoyable years I have had in about 10! Even with all of the BS in my marriage, etc... I find when I am sober, I can enjoy the good even when things seem bad.


                      List the plus points - PLEASE

                      I agree -- very good points. I am going to print these out...

                      ...but I hope you don't imply that being depressed is only a result of alcohol. Many people stop drinking and are still depressed and think, what the f--k, what is the use of being sober when I'm just as depressed? (myself, for example).

                      My point is only that depression and alcohol do go hand-in-hand, but they are NOT one and the same. Many people will recover from depression when they stop drinking... and many people won't. It can be dangerous to think that quitting alcohol will solve all your problems. It can have a backlash effect.

                      Quitting alcohol is the first and most important step. But often there is still much to be done after that.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        List the plus points - PLEASE

                        I agree 100% beatle. In my case alcohol was a huge cause of my depression. I know that is not the case with everyone.


                          List the plus points - PLEASE

                          Beatle, thank you for pointing this out.

                          Some of us drink to medicate our depression. Which came first the chicken or the egg?

                          I've been sober a long time but I still struggle daily with depression, it's an awful lot easier with out the alcohol.

                          If you are one of the "lucky" ones whose depression lifts when you become sober I am truly pleased for you....

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            List the plus points - PLEASE

                            I agree with you beatle on the depression part. For me when I quit, a LOT of my anxiety and depression went away.... however, there were still underlying issues that needed to be dealt with.

                            Hence, I was on 3 different types of meds for it this year alone. Now I am down to one. BUT it has been a LONG and HARD year. Working on the issues that were suppressed with years of alcohol abuse still needed to be addressed. Still are being addressed.

                            My point in my earlier post was a LOT of it was eleviated from quitting. Like magic said, there is still a struggle, but it is a lot easier without alcohol. A lot easier.


                              List the plus points - PLEASE

                              good everyone! I am glad you all see these things! I am still sober and its now 18 months.
                              Gabby :flower:

