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    One of the things I learned about in rehab is PAWS. Forewarned is forearmed.

    PAWS is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndome. Below is a link describing the symptoms.

    Not everyone who quits drinking/drugging suffers from it but 70-90% do show some symptoms in varying degrees.

    Post Acute Withdrawl - Relapse Prevention Specialists - TLC The Living Center

    Because PAWS can make sobriety a challenge at first (and for several months to 2 years), it is a really good idea to understand what is happening with you so you can deal with it without relapsing.

    The medical community is becoming aware that PAWS may be a very big contributor to relapse. Understanding what you are going through and perhaps counseling to help alleviate/ameliorate the symptoms can help.

    When I told my hubby about this, he laughed and asked me how I would know whether I was suffering from PAWS or not.

    Anyway, just sharing some of the stuff I recently learned in rehab. I am exhibiting a few of the symptoms - overreacting to emotional stimulii, uncoordinated (more than normal for me), and difficulty concentrating.

    btw, PAWS doesn't just affect alcoholics, it also affects drug addicts. One of my counselors told me it took him over a year before he would walk anywhere near the edge of a curb without fear of falling off.

    AF April 9, 2016


    Thanks Cindi

    I have been wanting to know more about PAWS. I have thought many times I probably suffer from it but not many people I talk to know much about it. I'll print this out and read this today when I am supposed to be "working". Keep the good stuff coming.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



      Cindi, thanks ever so much for sharing!!

      Lovely to see you back :l :l :l



        Thanks Cindi. The idea of PAWS is really interesting..........reinforces my belief that some of us, myself included, have a heck of a long way to go. How wonderful it would be if quitting drinking made us whole again after the initial withdrawal period. It`s a tough old road we travel.

        Starlight Impress x




          True, it is a bit of a rough row to hoe, but so much better that what we were sowing before!!

          The idea is to be aware so that you can deal with it rather than let it cause you to relapse - because then you get to start all over again. Arrgghh.

          AF April 9, 2016



            db2fromala;229779 wrote: Star,

            True, it is a bit of a rough row to hoe, but so much better that what we were sowing before!!

            The idea is to be aware so that you can deal with it rather than let it cause you to relapse - because then you get to start all over again. Arrgghh.

            hi Cindi!
            Great to see you back and I'm looking forward to more of your posts concerning your progress through rehab. I haven't checked the link yet but one of the things I found intriguing was the lack of co-ordination. About a month back I thought I was suddenly showing signs of dyslexia or something similar. My typing skills had gone completely nuts and I was unable to string a sentence together without having to correct my spelling. I don't mean just simple spelling mistakes but words were totally jumbled and letters in the wrong place. I seriously thought my brain was reacting too slow or confused as I typed the words out on screen. It did become very worrying at first and it got to the stage were It was taking me forever to type a post as I had to keep retyping words over and over again.

            I really did thing something was horribly wrong so far as to say I even at one point considered dementia setting in early due to my alcohol abuse. My initial thoughts were how can this be drink related if I've been sober for nearly 5 months now. Obviously it takes a lot longer for our bodies and minds to heal considering the years of abuse we have put them through me thinks!!!

            Anyway I'm off to check out the link, it sounds like good reading Cindi!

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009



              Thanks for sharing this informative article Cindi

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

