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    Besides... I have to have a drink everytime wonderworld puts her male angel on the sight... he's just too good to look at...
    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!



      i struggle every day you are not alone
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



        I think some of us have an easier time admitting slips than others. It is so very hard for me; I was raised to think that perfection was the only possible outcome (grades, weight, clothes, the Right Husband, the Right Children, the Right Schools) and to come up short, even by a small margin, was to FAIL. I had two girls instead of the "ideal" boy and girl combo---and my mother "felt sorry" for me...for...WHAT? Having two delightful daughters? No, for "failing" to have a son! ??? As if it were something I could have controlled, even had I wished to do so! And my sister has three children, so (in Mother's opinion) I fell short for not doing the same, or, better yet, "beating" Sisterjane by having four!

        So, no, I won't post my f**k-ups. Just can't do that yet, and may never be able to. It's hard enough to fight the bottle battle without fighting one's entire psychological makeup. Too damn many fires to put out at once.
        Jane Jane



          I am now becoming conscious of the fact that, as I HAVE managed to be successful (so far!), that, in its own way, makes me less comfortable posting about it.

          One part of me says - it could inspire others - (cos if that Satori guy can do it - ANYONE can!)

          Another part of me worries that I might actually be putting others off in the earliest stages because they see large numbers of AF days as impossibly ambitious.

          So even the question of posting honestly about one's successes can be a bit thought provoking!

          All I want to do is HELP others here after all - not hinder!

          Love :l


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



            Det and I have discussions about this where he chooses to omit or not use MWO to the extend that he needs it because he does not wish to discourage others.

            While I understand, we have found a pattern for him that he loses his way once he stops using MWO for his own purposes. For a dependency that has overtaken his world at times, he needs to be selfish and make sure he is taking care of himself, and then he will find that he has more to offer others.

            Considering how therapeutic it is to be able to help others and how it contributes to our sense of healthfulness, we have an opportunity to allow someone else to help us when we are having a hard time, which in turn is therapeutic to them.

            A beautiful give and take.

            * * I love Determinator * *



              hi heart. I have been here since March and cannot say that this has been easy.
              yes and especially the part about being honest, honest to myself that is.
              MWO is where I discovered how to be honest to me; honest to the fact that I was over drinking and causing myself pain and sorrow.
              Somehow seeing my words on the screen made me realize that I can't come here and tell a story while in the non virtual world doing something else.
              because truly I would be decieving myself.

              I have conquered some of the difficulties but oh my do I have a way to go.
              it's like climbing a mountain. you go through stages where you suffer, you want to give up, but a part of you keeps visualizing how beautiful and peaceful it will be a top the mountain.
              so you keep on trekking up and up........

              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                Heart, I have been struggling...heck not even trying very hard for awhile. I never have lied about it. I also was 34 days AF. I hate myself at times for failing but MWO has never failed me.:l



                  my heart, I think you have been fairly honest with yourself as far as I have read.

                  I think the hardest part for any and all of us is the 'excuses & procrastination' to actually get started dealing with it. There will always be an excuse to drink... we all know that one. Then there is always the 'I will start tomorrow', which usually gets pushed up a day, and then another day, and then another...

                  It is also EXTREMELY addictive and coming off is complete H*ll. Riding out the rough parts initially can be so horrible, the person finds only relief from drinking.

                  You can set a target date for your quit. Get all of the tools necessary to help you through the rough patches, and keep close to us. You can do this!

