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AF and health....

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    AF and health....

    I am having a naff time health-wise on my current AF stint.....first a kidney infection and now a flu/tummy bug. :upset: Is there any evidence that going AF after years of drinking could cause a period of general un-health? Maybe a detox thing? Or is my immune system shot? This is day 49 for me and two weeks before this I did a 40 day stretch (but didn't feel ill then) Has anyone else experienced this? To be honest, it's a real bummer and I feel so let down....I was hoping to feel a real step-up in energy and well being by now.

    Sorry to be a cry baby......just fed up with being poorly :bigcry:

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    AF and health....

    Suze, it really is that time of year when everyone starts getting sick. Everyone I know is sick right now. I doubt it has anything to do with alcohol. Just try and rest and I am sure your energy will be back in a couple of days.

    GREAT job on all of the AF days!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      AF and health....

      Hi Suze.
      Hope you feel better soon.
      Sending you a :l from one Cry Baby to another. :H

      Starlight Impress x


        AF and health....

        Waaaaaa waaaaa...thanks for the hugs you three....I've gone all weepy ........:upset:

        Suze x
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          AF and health....


          Pretty sure it is coincidence. Hang in there and be kind to yourself, I'm sure you'll get the boost you've been hoping for before too long. Congrats on 49 days!


            AF and health....

            Hey Suze - coincidences do happen. And many will say (not necessarily here!) that alcohol has depressed your immune system....I don't think so...not by now. This sounds like the sort of 'healing crisis' that some of us go throguh when things really change.....note the really!! Coz it's good! Your inner vibrations have changed and the body's on a bit of a de-tox... the only way out is through so just you keep going!! (DOn't have to do it all again!!!) See it as a good sign of progress....if you can whilst feeling ugh...poor you!!

            Louise Hay in her 'You can Heal Your Life' says of kidney problems - they are to do with "Criticism, disappointment, failure, shame, reacting like a little kid".....and if those things were ever there, not even now, but in the past - and if they were some of the reasons you drank....well! At last they are coming out for real and not being supressed by booze! 'Fear of the new and inability to assimilate it' goes with stomach problems.... The body often sort of slows us up while we go into neutral to change change away!!! I leave those with you in case they help any!!

            Get Well Soon!!!
            Love FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              AF and health....

              Not to poop on the party, but Suze, alcohol can indeed weaken our immune systems. One of the ways this can happen is through an overgrowth of Candida Albicans which is a yeast that is native to our systems, but can be problematic if our systems get out of whack and that Candida takes over. Some MD's debunk the existance of this problem, but it's pretty well documented and holistic type treatment courses are available.

              Here is one website to get you started if you are interested in more research. Some common causes include heavy anti-biotic treatment, excessive consumption of sugar, or things that readily turn to sugar in our bodies such as ALCOHOL, high carbohydrate foods, etc. WholeApproach Candida Symptoms ? Candida Yeast Infection Symptom Assessment Questionnaire ???????????????????????

              I did the Phase I treatment offered through Whole Approach and my symptoms got MUCH better. Now I'm sure I need to go back and re-do things a bit since I fell off the AF wagon.

              Anyway, not trying to suggest this is what's going on with you. But I believe it's a possibility for many of us. So it doesn't hurt to check out the questionairre's and do a little reading, and least that's what I think.

              Mean time, hope you get feeling better soon!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF and health....

                I don't really have anything to offer regarding the immune system and AF --I just wanted to say that today I bought the Louise Hay book FMS is talking about. I was browsing in the bookstore and I was drawn to it. Interesting coincidence



                  AF and health....

                  Suse. I guess what I am wondering about is how much MORE sick you could possibly have been, if you were still drinking. There is no way of telling, but could be that you would have been a lot worse. Food for thought?
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    AF and health....

                    Hey, just thought I'd put my 2 cents in. I experienced a period of "un-well" for awhile during my first long AF stint. Its funny, I never use to get sick when I'd drink. I use to joke that the alcohol was killing all the bacteria in my system. When Bogart and Hepburn were making the "African Queen", Bogart and John Houston were the only one that didn't get dysentry. They were huge alcoholics who use to wake up and continue drinking...........everyone else in the shoot was deathly ill. Anyway, I got infection after infection the cleaner I got. Then I went to the doctors because I was dizzy............vertigo!
                    I was fine but I do remember a couple of months that were a stabilizing period. Is it coincidence? Maybe and maybe not.


                      AF and health....

                      when I was doing the master cleanse and was also AF I experienced a lot of detox symptoms.
                      stomach upset
                      headaches (I never ever get headaches)
                      sweating and shaking (stinky sweat and breath)
                      mood swings (really bad)
                      lower back pain
                      gall bladder making strange sounds.

                      I was reading a lot about how the body deals with detox. sometimes if you don't flush the toxins out properly, they get into your blood stream and stay in your system, and could take up to 90 days to release.

                      this is why it's important to drink lots and lots of water. stay away from coffee and refined flours and sugars and processed junk food (food for candida)
                      take probiotics. good bacteria that helps digestion.
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        AF and health....

                        Heck! Got it all to come then!!! Quick, where's the choccy!?!? Munch munch!

                        (You gave that up too didn't you, Suze?? Hmmm....perhaps you're well on your way to feeling absolutely fabulously de-toxed!! Hope so anyway...)
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          AF and health....

                          Tis the season for colds and flues! My daughter and I have had either/or since the beginning of November. First it was a stomach bug - which landed us both on our asses for a week, with a lovely night of barfing. (Nothing like trying to be there for your little one while you are chucking up too!). Then we got this cold that has been lingering around for over 2 weeks.

                          Having said that though.... When I came off of the alcohol I felt really sick too. I felt fluey and had a couple of colds. It could be your body's way of ridding the toxins and just making you feel like complete crap. My soon to be ex-husband was the same way when he did his stint of AF for a few weeks. He said he felt like absolute hell. Like he had a virus that wouldn't leave.

                          So, it could be either. Just drink lots of fluids and take good care. Get lots of rest when you can as well.


                            AF and health....

                            Thanks everyone:h

                            My feeling is that the abs and painkillers I was on for the kidney infection just lowered my immune system so badly (even though I took probiotics and all that stuff) that it's having trouble shaking off this weird bug......brought home from work by my medic husband I suspect!!! Nuffink to do with AF.

                            I'm going to stop whining about it now...thanks for listening...I'm still here...and will post when I feel well again LOL!!


                            Suze xx
                            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                              AF and health....

                              Thinking of you-how are you feeling today?
                              Anna :h :l
                              IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

