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Questioning Allen Carr?????

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    Questioning Allen Carr????? back focussed on trying to quit the fags. It`s pretty obvious that a nicotine patch is of no help to me........don`t find it does much to reduce the cravings. Am pretty annoyed at myself as had hoped to enter 2008 as an ex-smoker, and am now rapidly approaching that deadline.

    So, was shopping in town today and finally decided to buy a copy of Allan Carr`s "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". Am going to give my all to this particular attempt at quitting the fags. However, something is bothering me about Mr. Carr........if reading this book is likely to bring me success, why oh why did he write subsequent books about quitting smoking? Since his first book on this subject, he has written several other books on quitting geared towards female smokers, one about quitting smoking "permanently" and some other third such book. If Allen Carr`s book can truly stop us smoking, why did he need to produce any follow-up books to his original??........this causes me to have serious doubts about his theory. Anyone have thoughts on this or experience of using any of his books on smoking?

    Starlight Impress x

    Questioning Allen Carr?????

    My guess would be it was all a matter of marketing to different segments of society. I think the basic theory is the same, he just tweaked it a little to fit different groups of people. I read his quitting drinking book and I know he had two versions of that but they were pretty similar.

    Good luck with quitting smoking.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Questioning Allen Carr?????

      I think, Star, he must be simply marketing his original ideas through other books so as to make as much dosh as possible!!

      Here's a few thoughts I pondered on a few weeks back when I was deciding to quit smoking!

      Normally my reasons for quitting a drug would be if that particular drug was causing me great physical or emotional distress. I had no problem quitting 'speed' after I spent a few days in hospital after a bad reaction and I had no problem quitting drink when my life had hit rock bottom. 'Hendrix syndrome' (as I like to call it!) still plays a big part in my thinking about deciding to quit a drug etc and I was still really trying hard to see that nicotine is going to kill me. I do not see smoking as life threatening to me at the moment as I did with other drugs. I know all the dangers etc but it would not get through to me at all. I have to break down this barrier like I did with speed and alcohol, only without getting to the stages of hospitalising myself. My hendrix syndrome is telling me that 1000's of people smoke into their 80's 90's etc without getting cancer etc and until I get to hear different I'll continue to 'slowly kill myself'. Maybe that means me having a scare myself like finding a lump somewhere I don't know but the thinking definitely needs to change. I know I've put on a lot of weight recently and I am doing no exercise or weight lifting to combat the excess flab which I should be toning up into muscle. For my height I'm pretty much now the correct weight but the body mass contains too much fat. I need to get to the gym. I was again at Adventure Land with my daughter last week-end and I was absolutely knackered when I got home. Long walks anywhere these days I will put off and get a bus or a taxi and yet the first thing I do when I get to where I'm going is light up a fag because I'm knackered!!!. My breath stinks like shit and how I'm supposed to find a new partner when i can almost taste the crap of my my own breath is getting a bit frightening. I know I seriously need to look at my health issues here in a big way. The only problem is I can't see the bigger picture here or rather I can but I'm procrastinating or I'm stuck in my 'Hendrix syndrome' philosophy.

      Anyway even though I may not of quit smoking completely I have come to the conclusion that at least I can moderate my smoking!!
      I don't feel the need to get completely tarmacked after that first smoke anymore!!!.
      I still smoke before noon though which I have reduced to just 3!!! and I'm still putting the patches on occasionally but only when I feel I want some really vivid dreams or nightmares. I love em!! I was a right wing Nazi the other night involved in football hooliganism. It's just like the movie Total Recall when Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) visits Rekall and orders a special package that will let him "remember" an adventure he had on Mars as a secret agent!!!.

      I know you didn't ask for a long essay Star my dear!! This is just something that has been going on with me as far as my own attempts and ideas recently with giving up.

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Questioning Allen Carr?????

        Still miss my beloved wine, but can do without now with no great distress. Am just disgusted at myself for allowing fags to continue to enslave me. FILTHY habit, and that`s before even thinking of the health risks. When I finally grow up (not that it`s likely :H ) I aspire to be an ex-smoker.

        Starlight Impress x


          Questioning Allen Carr?????


          I don't know anything about Allan Carr's book. I hope it works for you. Another support to you that I used:

          Quit Smoking All Together with - Stop Smoking Help and Cessation Support

          I've been quit for almost 8 months...feeling and breathing much easier, but darn it if I don't still want a cigarette! My craves for a smoke have actually been much worse than my desire to drink during my 23 days AF...guess that tells me which is my stronger addiction?

          Good luck,


            Questioning Allen Carr?????

            Yes "Northern Lady" (aaagh!) - I think he wrote a good book (one that lots bought and made the publishers lots of money) so, like we now have 'Sister Act 2,3,4,5,' etc..... (can't think of all the other rather more 'classy' films!!), so we have 'Stop Smoking Now 2,3,4' !!

            You can do it....I know you can...I'm wishing you all the success you deserve!

            Love FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Questioning Allen Carr?????

              Hi Starlight. I am rooting for you to kick the Nicodemon. That was such a tough one for me. I haven't read Alan Carr's books but have heard good things. However YOU have to be ready and want to quit, in my opinion. There may be various things to do to help take the edge off, but I have never heard of anything anywhere that "makes quitting smoking easy." (but if you find it, PM me and we'll make our first million together!!)

              Like Pepper, I found Quit Smoking All Together with - Stop Smoking Help and Cessation Support to be a tremendous resource. I'm not sure how I would have gotten through the first 100 days without my friends at Quitnet. I was a loony tune - just ask Mr. Doggy. But I celebrated 9 months quit on Monday, and I rarely think of smoking any more. I guess I was reverse - when I quit smoking my desire for alcohol skyrocketed. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I know I face a life where cravings Can and Do and Will hit me frome time to time - and it's likely to be that way forever. But on Monday, I was thinking about how cool it is to have my freedom from that ball and chain, be able to BREATHE, etc. etc.

              Another nice community is tales from the quit. The site owner Kevin, finally quit smoking after being treated for emphasyma (sp). Just reading Kevin's "Tales of the Quit" is a great way to get information and good advice and inspiration.

              A site that has excellent research data is WhyQuit - the Internet's leading cold turkey quit smoking resource. They have a discussion board and it's very "tough love" oriented. Was a little harsh for my taste, but there are great articles and other motivators on the site even if the discussion forum isn't up your alley.

              I had one accupuncture treatment. The guy I saw isn't one of the "I'm gonna make my first million off of smokers" dudes. He has been practicing for over 20 years, and teaches accupuncture. He mainly deals with pain management. He was very honest with me. He said that an initial treatment would help take the edge off the first 3 days or so of detox. He did not promise any magic bullets. I did find the treatment very relaxing - in fact I was almost asleep on the table by the end of it. He told me it should keep me relaxed and sleepy for a few days, which it did. So those first 3 days went fairly smooth as I "hid out" and napped a lot. Then the CRAZY Dawg appeared LOL. It was SO WORTH toughing it out.

              Anyway, those are a few resources I found useful. You have done really well with the Booze Beast, and I have no doubt that when you are ready, you will be equally successful with the Nicodemon!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Questioning Allen Carr?????

                Just a quick reply having only read Allen Carr's book on quitting drinking -- I think he has a unique approach, and either it works or it doesnt. To me, his idea of envisioning drinking Comet (alcohol is poison) and try to envision Comet instead of wine just didnt do it for me. I know the difference.... I clean my tub with comet and there will never be any confusion. His philosophy is about training your mind to view something you love as disgusting and poisonous. I can do that by other methods, but comet and wine just dont mix. However, my Mom once upon a time was able to lose weight because of a diet that made her envision noodles as worms, rice as maggots, etc and she just could not eat it because that's all she thought about while chewing it. Somehow I still taste wine and not comet with a good glass of Cab. Oh well. So much for a quick reply and my thoughts on Allen Carr.
                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  Questioning Allen Carr?????

                  Quit Smoking

                  I quit smoking after 20 years. I used Allen Carr's original book "How to quit smoking the easy way", and Wellbutian and hot tamalies (the candy). I knew about 2 months prior to my quit and really started focusing on it 15 days prior so I was ready and it really worked. I think the book really helped me get in the right frame of mind.

                  I have been a non smoker for 18 months now and am now applying the same process towards my drinking using this site, the supps and topa.

                  Good luck, you can do this!
                  "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


                    Questioning Allen Carr?????

                    Finding Me,

                    That is awesome. I know it works for so many, and I was so dissapointed that it didnt for me. But he has great mental strategies, and afterall, I think the ultimate battle lies in the mind. I am so glad to hear that, and I will always promote it because it does work if its a good fit for so many.
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      Questioning Allen Carr?????

                      Hi Star. I am an expert on the Allen Carr books and the Allen Carr clinics. I think the reason he wrote subsequent books was to get more money! Thats one reason. The other was to simply update the books.

                      I recommend going to one of his clinics for a 4 hour session. I was able to stop very, very easily after that. but only for a year. then I went back to it, stupidly.

                      I totally think it is the only way to stop. Using Will power is no good for me. I have none!!! But, he changes your whole way of thinking. Read the book Star. Its very good.

                      I'm puffing again secretly! And hiding the butts in the flower bed! Not drinking though.....

                      Bella xxx


                        Questioning Allen Carr?????

                        Hi Starlight

                        I quit using his first book about 11 years ago. It was easy and i just did exactly as he said in the book...apart from one thing-he said DON'T SMOKE ANOTHER CIG THINKING YOU CAN QUIT USING MY METHOD AGAIN-BECAUSE IT WONT WORK!

                        Well about a month after quitting without any cravings at all, I took a cig offered to me at the end of a night's work- I just took it as a reflex- I was not thinking and did not want it but smoked it anyway.

                        Within a week or two I was back to square one. I reread the book and guess what- it did not work. Well, after that, I tried everything and just could not stop. Finally I was able to stop after a visit to the UK, I used the complete change in routine as a stepping stone to making it easier. It worked and i did not smoke for about 6 years until my dad got ill with cancer, and I decided to have a fag 'to make me feel better'- How Does my mind work??!!!! My dad (who had never smoked) would have been thrilled!!! I dont think.

                        Anyway, I smoked for about 3 months and was up to around 5 to 10 a day and bought Allen Carr's book again, but this time it was a much thicker book. In the new version he explained that he had updated the book as since the first version he had personally councilled 1000s of smokers and other councillers and had added the new experiences he had learned to the book. I began reading but I am sorry to say got bored after the first few hundred pages, it was just too long and repetitive, and I did not finish it. I think his first book (the one that originally worked for me) was the most helpful.

                        I gave up the second time after around 4 months. This time was slightly easier as I knew I could be in a place where I never thought about cigs (after all I had been there for years) and it was just a matter of going a few hours without cigs to get the nicotine completely out of my system (48 to 72 hours is the norm- after that that it is all mental- no more physical withdrawal) and then it was just a case of ignoring the triggers (making a phone call, drinking a coffee, etc, etc). If for the last 30 years (I started smoking at 11) you have lit a fag every time you have a cup of tea, that is bound to cause you some problems at first, but once you have had about 5 cups without a cig, then the new habit starts to kick in.

                        My advice is to read the book with an open mind, regardless of your opinions that he later wrote more- (I believe he was just trying to include more experience into his writing, but that did not actually improve the original in my opinion) and you will probably find as I did, at the end of it all desire to smoke has gone.

                        The second time I was quitting, I found a CD on ebay which was also very very helpful- I have just looked and the seller is still there- it is only 99p and a great tool- but I don't think you should listen till after the book- first just do as the book says- just my opinion but as someone who has quit twice - and yes, the second time for good(!) I do have some experience!

                        The ebay link is:

                        LISTEN to THIS, STOP SMOKING guaranteed - sample here on eBay, also, Other, Everything Else (end time 30-Nov-07 20:00:00 GMT)

                        Good luck, please keep us informed!


                          Questioning Allen Carr?????

                          I read the book. I chewed the gum (which led to fat jaws, mind you). I sucked on the mints. I sucked on the inhaler ;lovely
                          such a great Advertisement.

                          Anyway...if you want to quit smoking the only way I found that worked was Cold Turkey and Will Power. Like with drinking, there is no magic pill....just a lot of bitchiness!


                            Questioning Allen Carr?????

                            pepper;230665 wrote: Starlight,

                            I don't know anything about Allan Carr's book. I hope it works for you. Another support to you that I used:

                            Quit Smoking All Together with - Stop Smoking Help and Cessation Support

                            I've been quit for almost 8 months...feeling and breathing much easier, but darn it if I don't still want a cigarette! My craves for a smoke have actually been much worse than my desire to drink during my 23 days AF...guess that tells me which is my stronger addiction?

                            Good luck,
                            Sorry, just read Pepper's post after already reply- when I talked to ex-smokers when trying to quit, many would tell me they still had cravings- even after years. When I had given up, I realised these were not really cravings- just those annoying little 'triggers' coming back occasionally, basically because you 'forgot' you had given up! They only last a few seconds then you thankfully remember you no longer smoke and carry on the day. it is now 3 years since I have smoked, and I never ever think about it.


                              Questioning Allen Carr?????

                              Congratulations to everyone who has posted that they have QUIT. It's a tough one.

                              Starlight, there is one more web site that I found really, really helpful. FFSONLINE.ORG. I went through this program diligently - did ALL of the writing exercises. I found it helpful to really understand my triggers, reasons for smoking, and reasons for quitting. Having this stuff in writing is nice too - you can drag it out for review any time.

                              Just wanted to share another resource in case you want to check it out.

                              Day 2 AF
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

