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this will save my life

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    this will save my life

    you all would know that I am trying to go af without much success, my wife is almost at breaking point with trust issues and has threatened to leave me due to my drinking. well today I think I found the answer. I bought a digital breathalyser. I pick it up tomorrow. I have told my wife that she can test me at any time, which will take the lying out of the equasion, I think it will help me get her trust back sooner. I think it is what I need to stay af. I seem to get to a couple of runs of 10 to 16 days and then stuff up big time, now there are no more excuses. I cannot wait to pick it up. I reckon ot may also be a tool for others to use in the same situation. wish me luck, will let you know how it goes


    the future is so much brighter now!
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    this will save my life

    Good luck Maxmate ... you've got a lot to lose. Wishing you all good things.


      this will save my life

      Hi Max
      Sorry that things are so difficult for you.
      What a great proactive step in buying the
      breathyliser! This will be proof for your
      wife and also makes you accountable.
      This is a creative solution.
      My very best wishes and good luck


        this will save my life

        Good luck Maxman! I have one of those and it seems a little innacurate, I mean I tested .08 3 hours after drinking 1 glass of wine, that shouldn't be, maybe I have a slow metablosism. Anyway when you haven't been drinking at all it will always read "0", no doubt about that. I love it and have stopped many an argument between my teenage boys and their father over whether or not they had been drinking with it. When that thing reads "0" the discussion is over. I think it's a good thing to have : )
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          this will save my life

          Maxman, that is an excellent idea, I bought one last year, and it really did help .......

          Take care, BB xx


            this will save my life

            You are so positive about this and obviously care that your wife has some reassurance.
            I hope this works for the both of you.
            * * I love Determinator * *


              this will save my life

              yeh, we have one of those thingys... has helped when needed. Before, I used it mostly to make sure I could drive the kids to school in the morning! But I can see it would be good to keep you accountable... yet I think I would hate it if my husband used it on me-- I don't like being mistrusted (even if the mistrust is earned).
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                this will save my life

                May I suggest that rather than having your wife have to ask you to take the test when she is suspicious - which can breed resentment on both sides - that you just make the test a daily ritual. Every evening at a certain time you take the test. it might serve as regular positive reinforcement for you too. And your wife doesn't have to feel all icky about suspecting you, and she'll have room for trust to grow without doubt. Years ago my ex-husband was in drug rehab. When he came out the best advice I got from someone who had quit drinking years before was, "Trust him. Just trust him."

                It's so impressive that you are doing this!!
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

