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    NEED HELP!!!

    Ok, I have been going along AF just fine from Saturday until Friday. When I get to Friday something seems to snap in my head........and then I lose all focus and want to drink (and I do). Then I am quite happy to start all over again. I can't do any more than 6 days in a row AF.
    Does anyone else have this problem??
    I have been on naltrexone for some time now and have just received my Kudzu from MWO, so am starting this now too.
    Hope all you others are doing ok.

    NEED HELP!!!

    afraid so

    Hi DeBruce, yes I have that exact same problem. I am adding up the AF days during the week, and then when the weekend comes along, it is like some kind of switch or auto pilot of some kind goes off and I want my wine and don't get in my way! I just hope that since the mid week AF is going so well for me that one of these weeks I will just continue through the weekend. Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      NEED HELP!!!

      It's because you have it in your head that you can't make it through the weekend, so you don't!

      Your body doesn't know what day it is. You go 5 or 6 days AF and your body is just getting used to, and liking, not drinking. But The Beast says, "Oh, it's the WEEKEND, I can't POSSIBLY go the entire weekend without drinking, what would I do?" So you drink, and start the whole cycle over again. And The Beast is actually hoping you'll just get tired of this whole AF thing and just go back to drinking everyday. He's trying to wear you down.
      You have to take the bull by the horns and decide the day of the week means nothing. It's all in your head. Make it your mission to get through the weekend. Once you get through the first one, it will be much easier. These are just headgames The Beast plays with us. He is a cunning bastard...



        NEED HELP!!!

        I have to agree with Chief. I had a rough go today myself. Not because it was a weekend but because I was engaging in activities that normally led me to a local watering hole.

        So, the Beast kept prodding me to go there and prodding and prodding.

        I kicked the sucker's ass!!

        I drove past the watering hole, dropped by Walmart where my son works and chatted with him for a bit, bought some new sweats, came home and took a walk.

        Hmm. No desire for alcohol left. Beast fell asleep during all those activities.

        You can do it. Trust me. I am a true weenie. If I can do it, you can do it.

        AF April 9, 2016


          NEED HELP!!!

          Good Job Cindi!


            NEED HELP!!!

            Chief, I know you are right, the body doesn't know what day it is... I am on this journey and I see tremendous growth all around the boards, and it is a beast, and we are in a battle. I have improved alot over what and where I was. I'll keep plugging along here gaining inspiration from you and everybody else here, you are all wonderful. But sometimes we want to know if it's just us who are struggling or if there are others who know how we feel, right now.

            Cindi I have been following your posts after rehab and I think you are so strong and smart to do it. AA is a great organization, my brother runs meetings and is over 2 years sober.

            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              NEED HELP!!!


              I too so agree with you. Its all in the head. We think..."Its Friday!" So Friday means breaking out the wine, or whatever it is that we love to drink. Its our day to "let down". I think for many it is the one night that we can sleep in the next day which would allow for over-indulging the night before because we can sleep it off and be lazy the next day. For me, Friday nights were our night to "have fun". They still are. Even if not drinking, I still want to celebrate the weekend, cook something special, or go out, get together with friends, all of which are hard to do without alcohol.

              Tonight I made myself just treat it like another weeknight, and so it went like another weeknight. Downside for me is that my husband is upstairs working in his office, and there is nothing remotely different than a Monday night. That I hate. Not sure how to overcome that one. If I dont make a production, then everyone goes to their separate corner and there is no life in the house. Which makes me want to drink, which is why I didnt make a production in the first place to avoid it! Argghhhh....
              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

