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Now I know why I drink!

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    Now I know why I drink!

    Hello All!

    I have just come back from the pub having drunk 2 glasses of white wine. I sat with my husband and son and have left them both there to watch the footy on tv. I had to go, as I am ready to drop a baby and cannot be seen to drink any more. .....Now I know why I drink!!!!! I feel like a different person. I am enlivened, I am ready for a party and I feel soooo good! I want more!!!!!! I won a bottle of white wine at my son's Xmas fair today and proudly walked around with it. 3 people came over to me and said "oh, that will be nice in a few weeks time!" Or words to that affect. I came here to MWO to stop myself from opening the bottle. Why does drink make me feel so good. I have lost any worries in my head, I feel happy and its soooo f****** hard! Maybe I could have just 1 more small glass - would that harm my un-born that much? Help! I'm quite responsible when it comes to this baby and I have been soo good for 9 months. I only have 16 more days to go until I go in for a C-Section. Alcohol is making me care just that little bit less. I just feel good at the moment and It makes a damn change!

    Love to everyone here.

    Bella xxxx

    Now I know why I drink!

    Hi Bella

    I really hope some people come to this thread quickly and give you some good advice.
    maybe you should post on ASAP because it's a worrying message.

    It's just an illusion bella. the drinks make you feel good at first then they make you feel horrible because you can't stop. It's become the forbidden fruit to you and i am worried that you are going to go on a big binge after the birth. I also think that if you can't have it that much, it seems to be even better than ever!

    Don't be misled by that feeling Bella. Did you read the threads recently about alcohol and feel-good chemicals? i think it is on a mental illness thread. Maybe Cindi from alabama can help with this. It's a short term high. And with your history, you should steer clear for the next 16 days. Is there another way for you to relax? maybe massage?

    hang in there.


      Now I know why I drink!

      Feel-good chemicals is right. A big binge is right too. thankyou for replying Nancy. x


        Now I know why I drink!

        Bella, you've gotta wait girl. We know at times you have been feeling blue. But you really shouldn't start on that bottle. You have had 2 glasses already - can you find another way to unwind. You do sound so lonely. Is there a friend that you could call right now and have a big girly gossip with?? Tomorrow is another day. Could you put aside an hour or so with a pen and paper and think about what you may be able to do to bridge the gap between you and your man?
        We are here Bella.
        Please don't drink the wine..... You are crying out for help, so please just stay on the boards and type instead.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Now I know why I drink!

          Bella, don't open that bottle. Think of how alcohol is going to make your baby feel, if you are feeling effects from 2 glassed of wine, for sure the baby is feeling it a lot more.

          Hang in there. Be strong, you can do it. :l


            Now I know why I drink!

            Hi again

            I think a girly chat is a good idea.

            Also, I think if at all possible you should abstain, not even one drink, until the birth.
            IT just seems to make you frustrated and deprived. Also, I have said this to you before, but I wonder why you can't open up to your husband a bit about this. It's his child too and it sounds like mom needs some attention and pampering. Or is there a female relative who can keep you company?


              Now I know why I drink!

              Hi Bella,i am sure you will have loads of responsis to your thread.Please hold back,from drinking.You have done soo well.I know its hard,have been there twice.It will pass just give it time.I am sue that when tomorrow comes you will feel so different.Not much longer to go xx


                Now I know why I drink!

                Bella more just now...please? Yes, you feel good just now...any more WONT make you feel 'gooder''ll lead to feeling awful/sick/poo/disappointed/worried/craving/missing-out/guilty.....shall I go on?!?!?

                Come here and type and type and a the telly ( even the b***** footie!!) EAT!!! Chocolate even! Lots of it! Drink a pint of water to fill you up....

                Then - I hope you'll have sat on the BBB (Booze Beast Bu**ger!!)...

                Love and hugs
                FMS xx (It's going to be OK)
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Now I know why I drink!

                  Not to be a bad influence, but...this close to delivery, a glass or two, even a whole fifth, won't have much effect on the cerebral cortex of the fully-developed fetus. If any damage was to be done, it would have been in the first/second trimester. My brother is an OB/GYN and confirms this. So don't beat yourself up if you succumb. Stay strong if you can, but don't feel like the devil himself if you don't. Your baby will bounce out just fine!
                  Jane Jane


                    Now I know why I drink!

                    I see your point jane jane, but I don't think a few glasses is the problem here.
                    the concern at this point is not the baby's development, though I am no expert what you says sounds right.
                    the problem here is the potential that bella is not going to be able to stop at two.


                      Now I know why I drink!

                      Bella: Do you think you could stop at one more little glass? I know I couldn't. Mary
                      PS: Doesn't the baby get what we get when he/she is in utero? You wouldn't pour a small glass of wine into its bottle, would you?
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Now I know why I drink!

                        O.K., I know you've had a rough time, and you are at the end of your pregnancy, but you shouldn't be drinking. I don't know if what Jane Jane said is true or not, but anything you put into your body affects your baby. Not only that, what if you drink too much and fall? That could have serious consequences. You drinking right now is selfish. You can decide what you put into your body but your baby doesn't have that option, and is relying on you to make those decisions.



                          Now I know why I drink!

                          I retract my bad enabling advice. I hope temptation was resisted, and that mother and baby are being good. And I'm sending prayers for a fine chubby little bundle of joy!
                          Jane Jane


                            Now I know why I drink!

                            Hi Bella~

                            Oh, sweetie, that is our problem most of the time, isn't it. That wonderful feeling we get after two glasses of wine. I love that feeling, too! It feels so good that we keep chasing that feeling, and chasing, and chasing! This is a good lesson for you. I am not sure if you are going to try and moderate when your baby is born, but keep this illusion in mind. If you can stay to two glasses, that's great, but it sounds like the craving and wanting was very much there. You are about to me a new Mom, you need to be able to control that anyway you can. You have written of some issues with depression in the past, and drinking can make it worse. That and the sleep deprivation you will no doubt have will be all triggers to drink and maybe not stay with just two. It's time to be a Mom, that means we do whatever we have to and put our babies first. Enjoy your baby with open and clear eyes, heart and mind she/he deserves your full attention.

                            I care so much for you. Please write soon and let us know how you are.


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Now I know why I drink!

                              Are you ok?
                              * * I love Determinator * *

