It is funny you posted this last post. I have been thinking about this a lot and we discussed this quite a bit in rehab.
We have been numbing a lot of emotions. (In my case 30+ years of numbing.) We numbed boredom, depression, anxiety, stress, excitement, irritation, anger, happiness, sadness, ALL emotions.
Suddenly, we are dealing with these things and I, for one, tend to overreact to them all. Now, when my husband irritates me (God Bless him, after 32 years he still knows how to do it and do it well) I do jump all over him.
Unfortunately, asserting myself has never been a problem for me. Drunk or sober. :H
So, I need to take quick "check points" of my feelings when I sense them welling up, stand back and assess before I react. It is the only way I can deal reasonably with them. I truly do want the marriage to survive my sobriety.

I also know that learning how to respond appropriately to stimulii it crucial to my recovery. I not only want to recover, I want to recovery happily. I want to be a happy sober person and not one that struggles with sobriety.
Glad you posted this thread. It was a good reminder that I must continue to work on remembering 1. I have hurt others with my drinking and should do whatever I can to heal those hurts. 2. I must learn to deal with my emotions in a healthy way. 3. I must "checkpoint" before reacting to insure I don't inappropriately respond and hurt again.