Last night was horrible - aggravation (not agitiation) - v v v high.
Just went to psychiatrist - meds to be upped - am going higher - crash through ceiling time.
Just couldn't help it. Stopped at bottle-o on way back.
Only had one though. Not feeling like a binge but I want to calm calm calm......
I know some on here not into P-meds at all but oh my god, try bipolar for size, I hate this horrible feeling, I know i'm going up up up and nothing will bring me down except meds, and i HATE taking them (and yes i've been down the no med road and my best friend is a naturopath and even she wouldn't tell me to not take them- but if I didn't......
I wish people would stop talking all the time about natural bloody alternatives every time a prescribed med comes up on this BB - it's really hard to be compliant at the best of times - when like this want to chuck em down the loo - but what then....go buy a house or 2, kick a hole in the wall, scare the crap out of my 9 year old....oh if only you knew how hard it is and how easy it would be to just stop it all and well.....
Anyway, rant over and have only had one (well half way thru a glass).