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Apologies and Shame

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    Apologies and Shame

    We all love and care about you so dearly. Please do whatever it takes to get yourself well. You deserve to be well.........use every tool at your disposal, every single deserve to have a good life. Look to the`re even talking about a girl you`ve got your eye on.........get yourself off the drink and the world really can be your oyster.

    :l :l :l

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      Apologies and Shame

      hey my man... hopefully you are going to be able to love yourself enough to stop the madness. yes? wow, your internal organs must be screaming right now.... i had a friend of mine that actually died at 32 from over drinking. can you imagine? his body just gave out. no amount of me screaming at him did any good. he just drank himself to death.
      sorry you can't get yourself to detox center. but pride is an easy thing to give up when you are faced with death. seems small in comparison really. maybe put pride on the hat rack and look up his former best friend
      humility... then call all of those centers, bear gave you the numbers for.. you can't have a girlfriend if you are using and abusing. :0 love sistah boots


        Apologies and Shame

        Sending you continued love, support and all the good stuff... I love you and want the best this old world can muster for you my friend... Take Care of You because we cannot be physically be there to do it for you... We would if we could xxx Time to climb out now...

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Apologies and Shame

          Thinking of you Morrison. Rehab sounds like a good idea as someone mentioned. We care about you and UNDERSTAND what an alcoholic asshole is like at times because most of us were one, or are still one. (I have no idea of what you have done on here by the way). I am responding only from the part in your post where it said you took out two garbage bags full of empties.

          You are so young with lots of life ahead of you if you want it. Bear sent you a list of places to call, please call them. Sending you lots of strength.


            Apologies and Shame

            I don't know exactly what to say...I love you should know that! will kill you as much or more than the alcohol. I let all pride go today. I needed to for me to heal. DON'T SAY everyone has to. But, what I am saying is out your damn pride down before you are dead. Morrison, GO HOME! Please go home to your family and begin to try and heal. I have not lived at home or near family since I left home at 16. Sometimes you gotta have support from those you love and you HAVE TO GET OUT OF VEGAS!!!!!

