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Give me strength!

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    Give me strength!

    Trying really hard, sometimes succeeding, sometimes not succeeding. Today I had planned. Plenty to keep me busy, good attitude, no wine in house. This is going to work.... until..... well meaning neighbour leaves a bottle of port in the porch as a thank you for some hay I took over.... Noooo!!. That wasn't in the plan! So here I am, last post of the day, drinking......

    .................MILK! and eating cookies!! haha! Old Devil Al can't tempt me today. The port stays in the wine rack for tonight and tomorrow will be going to another home! Any home. I don't care. Just not this AF one!!

    Bessie xx

    Give me strength!

    Good for you Bessie! Way to give "old devil AL" his right old place in the wine rack.
    Awesome Job, give yourself a pat on the back!

    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


      Give me strength!

      Well done Bessie..........shows strong attitude to resist booze when it`s sitting right under your nose.

      Starlight Impress x


        Give me strength!

        You had me going Ms. Bessie!!! You Rascal!!!
        Al knocked on my door this afternoon too - but it was the beer aisle in the supermarket (always seems to whisper, scream or sing my name). And I thought to myself ....I'm not hungry, not thirsty, not angry, not stressed, not lonely, not anxious...... so WHY?????
        No reason. Just the early days of AF. He hangs around waiting for a crack in the fortress to appear. BLAH!!! Beat it AL!!! You stink!!!
        Way to go for you and me Bessie!!! Yipeeeeeeee!!!!
        wonder xx


          Give me strength!

          Well Done Bess and WW!


            Give me strength!

            Great stuff wonder.....keep going.

            Starlight Impress x


              Give me strength!

              Great job Bessie!


                Give me strength!

                Great job girls, well done.!
                Smack that old Al a good one. Be gone you old beast!

                magic xx
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  Give me strength!

                  GREAT hard and tempting, but we can all do this!!!


                    Give me strength!

                    Old Uncle AL....evil thing

                    Yeah, what's up with Old Uncle Al today. He tried to get me too. Driving home from work today it was snowing and that equals drive to liquor store, buy wine, make a fire in wood burning stove, drink wine, cook dinner, drink more wine, eat dinner, get loaded.....feel like crap next day.....end of story...

                    But I fooled him, never stopped and bought it.....why should I be happy for only a few hours tonight, and feel like crap ALL DAY tomorrow, and start all over.

                    So I made myself a cup of hot tea.

                    Good for you Bessie, and you sure did have us going there for a moment, and good job there too wonderworld. We showed him :thumbsup
                    Miss October :blinkylove:


                      Give me strength!

                      Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.... great job ladies..


