Jane Jane....this is a great thread! Brilliant!
It's giving people the chance to discover we're not all going mad....as in, mad!!!
Yes, 'in-the-old-days' we would have been dead (sorry) and later on, not having the timing such that we have teenagers (they'd have long flown), eldery parents (they'd have 'flown' too), and not been working in the sorts of environments we have to today. We'd probably haev been working in 'women's work' - importantly, with women in a way to discuss all this openly and as a natural happening..... support and acceptance....in fact, think about how many 'tribes' would have us as Wise Women...honoured and revered in our own place!! Instead we are pretending to be the same as men and younger women to keep up in the working world and pushing all our feelings and experiences under the carpet in shame and fear....NOT GOOD!!!
Bring on the honesty and support of this The Wise Women's thread!! TWWT!! (And no, that does not look like 'twit'! Toowit Towoo maybe: wise owls!
Hugs to all huggy needing ladies!
FMS xx