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Alcohol and Perimenopause

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    Alcohol and Perimenopause

    What a great thread i have just been reading it all.I have suspected for a while that being peri-menapausal,has contributed to a spiral in my drinking,and more importantly the mental shift,that has been so noticeable for me.
    So thankyou Jane for bringing it up,and Barbi for your knowledge and research,and to everone else that has shared.It has certainly given me food for thought !! XX


      Alcohol and Perimenopause

      Boots that was fantastic,all that knowledge and active in the back seat! your hubby must be thrilled I know mine would be.
      On reading the outcome of the hormone deficiencies all I can say is "shoot me now!"

      JJ . I think after a ninth child I would need a long stay in a mental home!

      FMS. Love the idea of being the tribal "wise woman" rather than "a silly old cow" which is my usual title!

      Susanna & middle PP... can appreciate the comment about the chin hair and tweezers, just bought a set with a torch on them from QVC, Because our creator in all his wisdom tried to soften the blow of ageing by diminishing our eyesight. But would love to where I can get the matching holster.... (LOL)
      On a serious note, I read somewhere that in Japan there is not a word for menopause, The high soya diet means that the women do not suffer any symptoms that western woman suffer.
      I have tried to include Soya in my diet as a safeguard.
      Does anyone have any info on soya?

      Great thread Jane Jane.
      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


        Alcohol and Perimenopause

        Hi JJ and ladies ... I have been thinking about this association between alcohol and perimenopause over the past 2 weeks and am convinced there is a relationship for me. I am 46 and the past year of drinking/no drinking was an absolute rollercoaster for me. Heavier binges (adding vodka to the mix, while I sued to only drink beer), increased temper/angry outbursts (threw stuff around violently 3 times), while hair is thinning, odd periods (heavy vs. light, regular vs. irregular), acne, fatigue, serious depression (locking myself in bedroom, even bathroom and lie on floor), weight gain and hair loss (this one is absolutely killing me, I had really, really nice hair), and hair growth on chin!! Anyway I am absolutely convinced now, especially having read this thread. Will schedule an appointment with gyno ...

        Are there any natural supplements that can help? Thanks, j
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Alcohol and Perimenopause

          Janka, they do have combo's out there with black cohosh and some other naturals. I wasn't impressed with my results. We gals at the office love to go out for sushi, and always start with an order of edamame, yumm. Bootsy I will be on the lookout for a more open and updated md, but if I need some resources I shall certainly ask you, as you have done so much research and are very generous sharing your knowledge. They just had Dr. Northrup on public tv and she's got a package of books and cd's for sale of course big bucks, but I'm going to google her anyways. I'd rather spend the bucks at the docs than to find out it's info I already knew.
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            Alcohol and Perimenopause

            What wonderful reading! It is fantastic that all of us women can get together, share our different stories and actually see how normal we really are! Thanks, JJ!

            Jane-Jane - Definately have the same problem. Still have the long locks, but having some thinning around the temples. I had a hysterectomy three years ago (I'm 43), so my hormones are in FULL swing (don't get me started!) How much BioSil do you take? I also use Nioxin Folicle Booster and SWEAR it is helping!

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Alcohol and Perimenopause

              JJ - if I were living a few decades back and were honest about the things that happen in my mind a week before menses, I'd be institutionalized for sure.

              I've been thinking a lot about my thyroid lately. I was diagnosed as hypo after having my baby 10 years ago, been on synthetic thyroid med ever since. Get my th4 tested regularly. But I still have symptoms of hypothyroid. (you know, I don't want to go off on a tangent - I think I'm going to start a thyroid thread under "holistic").
              Anyway - bootcb got me to thinking about the big puzzle we have going on in this stage of our lives. I've been trying to rid my body of candida, I'm wondering if I have celiac disease, and now I'm thinking I need to learn more about hormonal changes and my thyroid and adrenals. Overwhelming!! I think I'll go to my naturopath and talk to her about it all. I'm sure my regular md would just give me antidepressants and send me on my way.

              I gotta figure it out - I feel so much older than I really am, with lots of aches and pains, which makes me even more depressed, which makes me feel older, which... you get the idea.
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                Alcohol and Perimenopause

                Eastender---YES INDEED to the soy. I'm a believer in that, too! While I'm not a vegan and do eat dairy (give up CHEESE? Never! That's MY equivalent to Suze's chocolate) I do use soy milk on cereal, munch those tasty little roasted soynuts, and stir-fry tofu a lot. I think it really, really evens out the mood swings---no doubt---so probably is doing some good hormonally in less visible ways? It's supposed to help with male prostate-cancer prevention, so I make Mr. Jane eat it, too. Luckily he rather likes it. His very favorite thing is the Silk brand chocolate soymilk. Addictive! Sometimes I'll guzzzle a small glass of it when the Wine Craving hits and the sweetness helps.

                About the BioSil question---I put 8 drops into the gelcap, as the label on the bottle recommends.

                Bootcamp, I'm going to re-read all your posts in detail now. I think we could probably print 'em and we'd have a book!
                Jane Jane


                  Alcohol and Perimenopause

                  for thinning hair...... biotin and thymus are easy enough supplements to buy. inexpensive and begin working the minute you start taking them.... and go to they will do phone consultations and i bet can find dr.s in your area that know what is what..... consults are at no charge. just ask for handsome dan........... and i do mean handsome dan.......
                  soy is great and almond milk is better... for some odd reason. and believe it or not in china as that is my background, well in asia breast cancer and cancer in general is on the rise.... they don't have a word for menopause in the asian culture because they don't think about women in those terms. understanding how our mothers and mothers mothers dealt with their bodies is a whole noter thread.... they simply dealt with life. it was hard and it was difficult. in the chinese tradition we didn't have a great deal of use for girl children, we killed them, we put them in orphanages... we were still binding feet til not long ago.
                  just a thought.
                  enjoy the day.


                    Alcohol and Perimenopause

                    yeh, as I guess you know, I started a thyroid thread not so long back. There were many interesting comments there. I truly do think these issues are linked... and also linked with our drinking problems. But it is all so complex and we are all so different.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Alcohol and Perimenopause

                      Sorry boots, our mails crossed. I think what you have to say is much more relevant and important. But I am just ruminating on the thyroid-perimenopause-alcohol syndrome. (TPA, if I can be allowed to make up yet another term... I love doing that). You, if anyone, would know if there is a book about that---?
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Alcohol and Perimenopause

                        i am still reading up.... haven't really found a great deal of research on it yet. but i too believe it is related....... looking looking


                          Alcohol and Perimenopause

                          totally unrelated to female issues, but bootcampbarbie, do you think biotin and thymus would work for a male? My son, handsome that he is, is going bald at 22. He chose to deal by smoking rather than drinking. Do not feel you need to go into it, just if you have an opinion in your research along the way if they would help him too.
                          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                            Alcohol and Perimenopause

                            EEEK! All I can say today is I never reckoned on puberty all over again!!! Day one today (of the 28) and I have 12 of those horrible, painful but (fortunately) fairly invisible blind spots/boils on my face alone.....back of my neck - another 10 and my back - don't even go there! They hurt!!

                            TPA is a goody Beatle! My hair certainly stopped coming out when I got the thyroid right....BUT, that only happened after getting the adrenals better - adrenal support from loads of health shops (in USA) and web sites. (Nutri in the UK) The adrenals 'come before' the thyroid in the endocrine loop so have to be functioning efficiently before the thyroid can...

                            Hints for boils? (Charming..!!!) And I know I've had sugar but always have so why these things now?!?!? Just in the last 2 months....nothing else has changed. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

                            Love FMS xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Alcohol and Perimenopause

                              :h hideous what they were doing to girl children in china, still do abort them today. Forceably too... just hideous. So I imagine grown or mature women's health is so totally on the back burner too.
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                                Alcohol and Perimenopause

                                I've been reading here a few weeks and just reading has helped me be AF for 6 days now. I registered just to say what a great thread this is. I'm 39 and maybe young for this but I can strongly relate to a lot of it.

                                This is a truly wonderful site with even more wonderful people posting.


