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what the

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    what the

    some times im good some times im fiucked up, I dont know whether losing my brother has anythig to do with it but I dont think I will ever get over it, five years now he was my best mate most the time I am ok but some days i am just fucked upi miss hi m so much. i haxe got lot of good shit happening but i alwatys fuhk it uop. need abullet kliosn it
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    what the

    Hi Max,
    So sorry about the stress, yes I lost a brother too! Nearly 20 years ago but the pain is still there.
    Can you go to bed now? before you have another drink?
    Wine goes down way too easy and especially as you are used to beer.
    Drink some water and have something to eat as the sugar kicks in about 3 o'clock in the morning and then you can't get back to sleep.
    You have been going so good, stress and Christmas coming up does not help.
    Will be thinking of you.
    Take care
    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


      what the

      Agreeing with Shas, Max.

      Can you go to bed now and we'll all talk in the morning? Don't do any more grog tonight. Please?

      Take care.


        what the

        :l Max,

        Hope that you are sleeping now, check in when you can .........

        BB xx


          what the

          Max, I`ve never lost anyone dear to me, so can`t know exactly how you feel. Just want to say that we`re all here for you. :l

          Starlight Impress x


            what the

            You know I love you Maxie. Check back in with us after you get some sleep.

            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              what the

              Thinking of you max :l


                what the

                Hey Max,

                It takes a long time to get over losing a sibling. I still wonder what life would be like if my brother hadn't died, and he died back in 1969. Sometimes I even cry now.

                Your pain doesn't diminish the good things that are going on in your life. But sometimes that pain will come along and knock you down when you don't even see it coming. If you can try to learn to accept it and sit with it instead of drinking, it will pass each time sooner. Drinking only adds shame and guilt to the mix of feelings you are going through. I know it is easier said than done.

                My thoughts are with you dear friend. Hang in there.


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  what the

                  Max -Max -

                  I don't really know you, only a few times in chat, but PLEASE know I am thinking about you and so very glad you came here with your very hard time last night. I read a few posts and just want to reach out. Sleep well, drink some tea, and come back when you wake up. We will listen. Ask those you know to meet you in private chat maybe....set a time........just stay here please.

                  "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                    what the

                    Maxman, I read you alot and am thinking of you, get back on the af train, okay?

                    I am truly sorry about your brother. I never lost a sibling, but from what others say it doesn't matter if it was 5 years or 30, times will creep up on you and there you are feeling the loss again. Maybe it's not a bad thing, because you are remembering him, but do not hurt yourself because you can find joy in the remembering as well as the heartache.

                    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                      what the

                      It is hard to lose someone close, and getting over it is not what I want, getting used to it is more like it. Try to think of the good time you had together and be thankful for the time you did have. It isn't easy, but it is something to work towards. My thoughts are with you.
                      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                        what the

                        feeling a bit better today, still a bit downthanks for all of your support. some how it doesnt matter how much I tell myself not to drink I still seem to end up with one in my hand, to make things worse for me today the chocolate bar I had on the way home from work brought up a reading on the breathalyser when I was testing myselfand I hardly eat chocolate. i feel as i f i am losing grip on everything. I know that I cannot drink but I still do it
                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                          what the

                          Yeah mate me too. So hate this booze thing. But I do think we can do it. Chin up old chappie


                            what the

                            max, we just have to keep on going forwards and as long as we keep trying, we are making progress. Glad you`re feeling a bit better today.

                            Starlight Impress x


                              what the

                              Hey Max, be patient with yourself. Many of us slipped, but we learn from those "mistakes" and move onward and upward. I say opr for improvement not perfection and life will get much better in the process. Take care, j
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

