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Sleepless Night

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    Sleepless Night

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone.

    Been staring at the ceiling all night long trying to stay dry. Been AF for almost 12 hours now.
    Do any of you experience insomnia when trying to abstain or is it just me?

    Sleepless Night

    Yes, Joe, that is absolutely typical. Good news, there are a lot of things that help. There is a thread on this in the Holistic Healing forum-- heaps of "solutions", mostly natural that really work. To sum it up: Melatonin (6 mg before bed), Calms Forte, valerian, tryptophan (Or 5-HTP), lithium oratate. I think that's most of them. All of them are natural. They really do work, though some work better for some and others for others. You have to experiment a little. (You can combine most of them too.).

    I take lithium oratate and melatonin at bedtime, which I recommend, together with tryptophan a little earlier in the evening.

    There is also heaps of advice, like listen to a meditation tape (the hypno tapes from the MWO programme put me to sleep!). Go check that thread for more... and good luck sleeping.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Sleepless Night

      Stick with it, Joe. Lots of good advice from beatle. I was an insomniac when I first went AF.......used to be on chat at 3 or 4 am. Good news is that your sleep will settle down........I sleep like a log now.

      Starlight Impress x


        Sleepless Night

        Hey Joe, yes ... it will change. Beatle gave you loads of options, plus I would drink warm milk before going to bed. Be patient with yourself ... do not be impatient with time ... it will get better, j
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Sleepless Night

          Hi Joe im only 6 days AF and found i never sleeped at all the first night,the second night i sleep for about 3 hours ,it does get better every day so stick with it..sleep 6 hours last night yeeeeeees
          Jacqui x
          Mwo,s worst speller....


            Sleepless Night

            opps...sleeped...sorry !!
            Mwo,s worst speller....


              Sleepless Night

              Joe, absolutely ......... but as everyone had said, it will get better ...

              Hang in there ..................

              BB xx


                Sleepless Night

                Just to chime in again. It may be several nights until you get a good night's sleep. But so worth it in the long run. Hang in there. Take some Calms Forte or melatonin and if you have the hypno CD's from here, they put all of us to sleep. Go on chat instead of staring at the ceiling. I fell asleep on chat last night! Better than the booze! Good luck - hang in there, Joe.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

