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Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

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    Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

    O.K.........have read the book and am still smoking, despite consciously approaching the book with a positive and open mind.
    Why am I still smoking? Well, I`ll tell you. I found Carr`s take on the whole smoking thing to be most condescending........he more or less tells the reader to put a big cheesy grin on your face and rejoice in the knowledge that you immediately become a non-smoker after extinguishing your final cigarette. He says to tell yourself that you are free and to immediately bask in that freedom, rather than consider you have given anything up. We are not to mourn........we are to rejoice.

    Sorry Mr. Carr..........I didn`t find anything at all in this book that I didn`t already know..........I already know that it`s a filthy, expensive death ride. Yes, I guess I was looking for some sort of magic solution, which of course, I didn`t find. All the book really taught me was that as far as nicotine goes, I am indeed an addict.

    Starlight Impress x

    Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

    I am glad that you are sharing your review on it. I know I won't buy it now. I only managed to quit for just over 6 weeks, but recently started to puff a bit again.

    There is NO miracle cure out there. This Allen Carr seems like all the others, out there to make a buck. Like, cummon... let's read something that we don't already know!


      Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

      sorry star I know you really want to quit. sounds like a hoax. time to find another way huh?
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

        Starlight - I read the A Carr "Giving up drinking" book. In fact I think I bought it twice and didn't finish it either time. So maybe the books aren't what does it. HOWEVER, hubby did the CD for giving up smoking and it really worked for him. Admittedly it did take two goes as he thought he would be safe with the odd cigar having given up coffin nails. But it worked first time for another friend who was a real dyed-in-the-wool smoker. Maybe give that a try before you give up on him? I didn't listen to the CD but it did seem to involve hubby wandering round the garden, plugged into CD player (err portable, obviously) smoking a fag and drinking whisky!! Whatever! It worked for him. He says he feels like the non-smoker that he obviously now is.

        As you are in the UK do you want me to send it up to you? It's still with a friend of ours (for whom it hasn't worked - horses for courses I guess?) but I can get it up in the next few days if you want to give it a go.



          Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

          I read the quit drinking one and like you Star thought he was very condesecending and I did not like his style of writing. Everything he said was common sense to me, i.e., alcohol is poison (really?? had no idea) but I think his style appeals to a certain group of people. Some people really are still clueless about how dangerous drinking and smoking can be (look at people who actually have the nerve to sue cigarette makers). I think he had a valid theory in trying to get people to see their vices in a different light, a more negative one, instead of glamourizing them like so much of society does but it did not work for me.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

            I listened to the quit smoking one about 3 times. Each time I was more annoyed and it did not work. He says will power doesn't work.....well if you don't have will power you don't have anything!
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

              Star can I ask in all seriousness do you really want to give up?

              I'm not taking the piss or anything like that star but I wonder if like me at the back of your mind the habit doesn't quite seem as important as other things going on around you.

              Love as always
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                Oh boy? Allen carr worked for Me!! I was a hard core smoker for 25 years It ,sorry


                  Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                  It is good to know it worked for you Flyboy! Maybe it enhanced your 'will' to want to quit?

                  Poor Allen is getting trashed on this thread, so it is good for some positive feedback. I honestly think it is a state of mind, and then the book could be classified as 'gravy' or 'icing on the cake'.


                    Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                    Hi Starlight.

                    You may know that I am a HUGE alan carr fan, having read his stop drinking books. I see where you are coming from. I think what he is great for is dispelling illusions about addictions. Like when you are a smoker you feel like you can't do anything without cigs, not lift a phone. When I smoked, every occasion had to be accompanied by a smoke. He is right to point those things out. But maybe you don't have illusions about it.

                    Reading his book changed my mindset a lot. I would say he dramatically changed the way I look at drinking in society. But it did not make me stop drinking. His formula is simplistic and doesn't seem to take physical factors into account. Also, his style is arrogant. He has so much faith in his easy way and if you are a more skeptical person this can be a turn-off. But I think confidence can be attractive too.

                    Sorry the book disappointed you but it was worth a shot. I think someone suggested to you that you are trying to do a lot of things at once and advised you to lay off your quitting smoking plans. At first I thought that was not a good response because smoking is so unhealthy and we should support you in your attempts to quit. but maybe she has a point that you wait until your depression lifts and how the anti-depressants go. Then tackle the smoking. The depression should lift in a few weeks. Maybe what hippie is suggesting is right that your mindset is not quite there with respect to smoking and maybe this is because you are not feeling good generally.

                    Good luck with it!


                      Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                      Star baby, like I said b4 - this may not be a good time - let the antidepressant settle etc and then go for it - I need to be stable to give up - and i've given up enuf times to know!

                      And I know there's never a good time blah blah but this is really not an excuse, it's not the best of times.

                      And I know this is not "the best response" and smoking sucks and is bad for you (no!!!) etc, but how much do you want to put your body through at one time????

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                        Hi Starlight
                        I agree with what the others have said regarding depression and quitting the fags.
                        It can really make you feel depressed and deprived!
                        For my 2 cents worth I found using the nicotine inhalers effecitve for me.
                        I tried all sorts of therapies in attempt to give up. These worked for me
                        that was 4 years ago. It took me lots of tries but these finally did the trick.
                        The only thing is I became addicted to the inhaler!!:H Anyway I managed to stop
                        completely after 6 months of using it
                        Wishing you all the best but take care of the depression first!:l Pan


                          Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                          Am so glad I started this thread. Thanks for all your beginning to think that many of you are right and that this is perhaps not the best time for me to try to quit smoking. On the one hand, I find this frustrating though as I believe I really do want to quit.

                          I know you are all is my 10th day on the fluoxetine and God!!! do I feel awful. I`ve notced over past 3 days or so that my anxiety had increased, but managed to keep myself busy by coming on here and telling myself I could escape the panic when bedtime came. Only, it`s worse today, as I woke up in panic mode. Am due at dentist in half an hour........only round the corner, but that wee walk seems like a marathon at the moment........trying to pull myself together to manage to go. Ughhhh

                          I know there are no miracles and any drug takes a while to kick in.......just wish the fluoxetine would hurry up and do its stuff, instead of freaking me out in the interim. Ughhh
                          Trying my hardest to do the positive self-talk to get my act together. Perhaps the fags should be the least of my concerns for the time-being.

                          Thanks again all.

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                            Oh well, managed to drag myself to dentist.........his professional opinion and my cosmetic opinion didn`t concur.........seeking new dentist!!! never rains but it pours round here. :H

                            Sticking with the fluoxetine for now........hopefully I won`t feel quite so jittery and nervous once the drug settles down. Was thinking of phoning doc to tell her that I`m not feeling good, but don`t want to seem like a pest.

                            Hanging round here for now........may do wee bit of Christmas shopping later if I manage to chill.

                            Starlight Impress x

                            Wishing I wasn`t single today..........a man would be nice to take care of me when I don`t feel good. 1-2-3 Awwwwwwww :H


                              Allen Carr`s Easy Way to quit fags.........not!!!!

                              I know the cigerette companies looked for ways to get us hooked( found ways to get the brain nicotine faster) Do the wine makers find ways to hook us faster?? it's all about the $$$$ to them!!!

