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Stop the ride........I want to get off.

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    Stop the ride........I want to get off.


    Dont take it tonight!!! The medicine has a long half-life which means it builds up slowly in your system. Not taking it tonight will not hurt you...especially at your dosage. But, if you are having an adverse reaction, taking it can make it worse. My advice. AND call the dr. immediately!!!

    I am not sure if you started the prozac because of anxiety or if the anx. started after the prozac..will have to read the other thread, but prozac can have some bad emotionally side effects if it is wrong for you.

    PM me if you want

    Love you

    formerly known as bak310


      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

      I agree with Beatle, you should be fine not to take it tonight.

      Star it took me 3 different meds to find the right one. I understand you being scared though. Funny after all I went though to find one that works for me after a year I went off it and I'm on nothing now and doing good. Star have you been seeing a counselor/therapist? Maybe working through "stuff" may help you reach that natural high you are looking for.


        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

        Thanks not taking it tonight. Needed advice on whether or not to take it from people who know a bit about these things........I really know very little about AD`s. Am sure I`ll be fine........will call doc in morning to tell her I`ve had to stop taking it.

        Beth, went on it for depression. I do suffer from anxiety, but had been calm for several mths.......the prozac has reawakened the anxiety.

        Marcie, have had an initial assessment for therapy and am now awaiting my session appointments.

        BB.........NHS Direct would make me go to G.P. out of hours service at opposite end of city at this time of night, so will hold out `til morning.

        I know AD`s do work for some people, but am personally afraid to try any more now. What a mess!!!

        Starlight Impress x


          Stop the ride........I want to get off.

          Maybe a partial lobotomy? I mean....would we know the difference? :H


            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

            Or yeah, smoke some weed...(only jokin!!).

            Love ya

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

              Star love - poor ol' you....I hope you feel better soon....not taking it tonight after only 10 days is a good move I think too.....Hopefully 24 hours will see things calm down...maybe few 5 minute wonder blips as it leaves your system but then............let's hope something begins to work....I want to try to Lithium Orotate for my 'phobia'....I think it's cheaper to get two bottles at the same time - much cheaper on shipping costs anyway...if you want to share an order, pm me and we'll sort it.... very cheap to send a little bottle to Scotland!!

              Thinking of you - take care and I hope your night is ok..... BTW what a brill Mum you are you see!....hanging in there for your daughter..... Lady Big Heart!

              Love FMSxx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                Star, I'm really sorry to hear you are going through this. To my understanding it can take a while to find the right meds and dosage. You have to go to the Doc tomorrow. Trust me, I've been having real bad anxiety lately, making really irrational decisions. I'm thinking of asking for Effexor even though I don't like to be medically dependent. Then the next day I don't feel as bad.

                Hope this doesn't seem like a ramble. I wish you the best, I haven't talked to you for a while. I'm going to go to chat tonight if you would like to come have a laugh or be more serious.



                  Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                  As I understand it, anxiety is not the original problem with you Star? If it is, you are on the wrong path. You want anxiety advice, here I am. (I also have the depression issue-- that's bipolar for you).
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                    Thanks Mike.
                    Beatle, I suffer from both depression and anxiety.........feeling very confused.......can`t seem to fix myself.

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                      My poor Star

                      We talked about this on chat the other day, but I'm sorry I didn't realize at the time just how bad the prozac was making you feel. Definitely stop it and talk to the doc ASAP. I really hope you can have a long talk with her and find something else to help you - depression needs some biochemical help sometimes. I know - I'm the Queen of Depression and need my meds.

                      You're so lovely - so sorry you are having to go through this right now. It will get better soon.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                        Can you tell me what dosage you take of lithuim orotate? I bought some and want to try it.


                          Stop the ride........I want to get off.


                          I am just going to echo was Mags has said. Absolutely do not give up on treating the depression. Otherwise, you will likely go back to the wine to make you feel better.

                          There are many meds out there and one will work for you. Please do not give up. PLEASE. I care a lot. A LOT.

                          Yes. I know there are those who subscribe to the "natural" thing but people used to live through hell that do not have do that now. Seriously.

                          You must work with your doctor, explain what you are going through now, and she/he can figure out the next best thing to help. You have done so well getting off the wine, please figure out how to make your life a little better, hell a lot better, and keep trying. It is so worth it.

                          My doc prescribed a med for me a few years back that did not work and I quit trying. It was a huge mistake. Now, I am willing to get back on the trail and figure out what can help. There are so many options out there. Not all of them are so invasive as Prozac and Effexor. Trust your docs, they just have to figure out what can help you without hurting you.

                          Sending this with all the love and care I can. (and that is a lot of love and care.)
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                            Star, do you take Calms Forte? I find if i pop a couple of those every few hours, they have a calming effect on me? Also, as your doctor about Wellbutrin, some have mentioned it on here, but it is an anti depressant as well as it helps to quit smoking? Just a thought, good luck to you. Hope your feeling better soon.
                            Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                              Hi Star,

                              It probably is the Prozac making you anxious and giving you the "heebie jeebies".

                              Don't take any more and call your doctor....good plan.

                              But please, please don't give up on antidepressants. You will find the one that is right for you and the world will open up anew. There are so many to try now, Prozac is a very old one. Besides the regular antidepressants there are mood stabalizers.........

                              I don't agree with Beatles assessment that they work for only 50% of those who try although I haven't done any research. My gut tells me that is incorrect.

                              I'd say, rather, that 50% of the adult population of the western world is on antidepressants! I know it's a tough road but it is so worth it, you're not a stranger to boulders in your way....

                              And I know you didn't ask for it but I'll give you my adivce on the topic anyway. I think it is too early in your recovery to try to quit smoking. Too stressful too soon.

                              In the grand scheme of the health of your lungs another 6 months of smoking isn't going to make a bit of difference. Trust me on this.

                              m. xx
                              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                              I am in the next seat.
                              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                                Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                                You don't have to worry about missing a dose or stopping abruptly, it won't warm you. Skip tonights dose and call your MD in the am.

