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Stop the ride........I want to get off.

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    Stop the ride........I want to get off.

    I agree Nancy - talk therapy - specially for those who have anxiety/panic is essential - It wont "cure" my bipolar but it sure helps me get through life with it!

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

      That's 2 people here that have mentioned Luvox as a good Med - but there are not just SSRIs there are Tricyclics too which can be very effective for those who don't react well to SSRI's - they are older and better tested.

      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

        yeah there are other meds, just check the side effects profile and ask about weight gain side effects with all meds. it isn't just about vanity, as weight gain affects your self-esteem and can make you depressed.


          Stop the ride........I want to get off.

          Glad you are doing better. Thanks Beatle for the lithium orotate info. I always end up drinking agin because after 4 bdays or so of no sleep I can't take it anymore. I will try this dosage in the evening to see if it helps. I have been taking it in the day and i think it helps alot. Good luck to you all to acheive your goal tonight.


            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

            yeah that's right nancy, but sometimes a little weight gain is a very small price to pay not to be panicking and extremely anxious, but I know what you mean about avoiding those that can cause it. The only one I would tell people not to touch is one called Zyprexa - ouch - 3 KGs in 2 weeks - went off that baby faster than my 1st boyfriend

            You'll be OK Star, they will get it right - it does take time, but the panic and anxiety can be helped, and then a good therapist or psycologist would be great - later when your settled and your child is feeling better etc.

            The one i'm on now can cause anorexia, but it' s not working....not happy!!

            Love you heaps Star, keep your chin up!

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

              Can't your doctor give you some ativan? Mine prescribed me 30 pills in the late summer and I have only had to use them 3 times. When you feel that doozy coming on, they work immediately.

              Just until you can find an anti-d to help you. You shouldn't have to suffer in the interim.


                Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                True, even some seroquel (low dose) may be of use - and it is not addictive. I take it at night to stop the old thought roller coaster from setting in - think think think.....

                Well, your doc will know some stuff - but it doesn't hurt to go in with a list and ask about them...Drs are not infallible - no, really, get outta here - and they appreciate patient suggestions as they often forget what's on the market as things change so fast.

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                  I think that's a good idea as well Star. Ask for something for the anxiety so if you have a bad night you can take one and get some rest and keep yourself from panicking .


                    Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                    Cashy: you truly crack me up (advice to continue smoking fags and smoke pot etc)!!I think you were right on with your advice about holding off on quitting smoking temporarily, though when I first read your response i was a bit shocked!! BUT I think weight gain can be really depressing. Looking your best makes you feel good and is an incentive to keep going with AF and other healthy things like exercise and healthy eating. I thought the reason newer meds were prescribed is that some have better side effect profiles.

                    Generally: I don't think Star had a problem with anxiety before she took the meds. So why should she take anti-anxiety meds now? she was depressed. Also, some antidepressants address anxiety.


                      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                      Actually, nancy, Star did have problems with anxiety before the meds.


                        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                        Blooming heck..........yeah, why should I have to wait `til prozac is out of my system.........I need something from doc to calm me down 2.30 am and am online, `cos can`t sleep as my head is racing.

                        A jumpy, jittery Starlight Impress x


                          Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                          Do you have any melatonin? I know how you are feeling. It just sucks! How about herbal tea? Hang in there. Definitely check into the doctor and see what he can do for you in the morning.


                            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                            Oh I was only joking Nancy - about the weed that is (in fact I was echoing someone else's sentiment further up the thread so cannot take the credit!). And I fully understand about the weight issue - been there and it's not good - but I can tell you that with the pain and stress i was causing myself, my family and my young daughter in particular - a few kilos that I took off later really was not my main concern.

                            The smoking was also a been there done that issue for me - I could not give up when depressed but felt so guilty when tried and failed all the time - so my DR actaully told me to put it off until other things were more under control, cause then I could succeed, and/or try again without the horrible guilt and pain that the depression heaped on top of the failure. And she was so very right.

                            It is important to look good for sure, but when you can hardly make it out of the house due to crippling anxiety, well, there are some things that you may have to put up with for a little while. And the up side of all that was that being on those meds allowed me to put time and focus on myself that I couldn't do before hand - so it's a cycle, but one that if you are conscious and informed you can actually end up leading a much healthier lifestyle by getting the other issues in check.

                            Eg go on pill that MAY make you gain weight.become more conscious of the things you are eating/eat a more healthy diet/become more healthy in mind and body/not need as much medication etc etc etc. And ALL of the pills, SSRIs included say that wieight gain can occur - some even say gain and loss in the same side effect profile list!

                            I am NOT being flippant about any of this. And I do understand that Star is under alot of pressure, prozac or not.

                            The good thing is that her Dr is listening to her and she is seeking help so that she can sort through this and get to the other side for her own sake and her family's. Star is being very brave and I admire her for her fortitude during this difficult time in her life.

                            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                              Hang in there Star do need to get prozac out of system but there must be something for the interim...

                              Lotsa love

                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                                Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                                well said Cash Register...

                                love your posts.

