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Stop the ride........I want to get off.

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    Stop the ride........I want to get off.

    Ugghhh........some of you may have seen it in my smoking thread. Am not doing so good.........was on here earlier, having a bit of a laugh to try to keep myself occupied, then I went to try and have nap, but am not feeling any better.

    Is day 10 on prozac at 20 mg and I have what I call the heebie jeebies big-time. It started about 3 days ago and my anxiety has gone through the roof. Due to take my prozac just now, but am scared to take it in case it makes me feel worse, yet am scared not to take it. Am in panic mode, yet trying to stay not really managing to stay calm. Any thoughts? Was going to call doc earlier for advice(surgery is closed now), but didn`t want to seem like a pest.

    Starlight Impress x

    Stop the ride........I want to get off.


    Wow. It sounds like you are not reacting well to the Prozac. I remember years ago when I took it, it had absolutely no effect on me at all.

    Getting antsy and anxious is definitely not what you need right now.

    Call the doctor and let them know immediately, please? I know you don't want to be a pest but you sometimes have to be a pest for things to get better. The doctor won't know unless you let him/her know.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

      I would suggest you phone your doctor immediately tomorrow morning. Do you have an emergency room you can get to? You are OBVIOUSLY having an adverse reaction to this medication.

      Can you call a taxi and go? Does your doctor have an emergency number you can call?


        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

        Star, I agree with Cindi and AFM, you should call your doctor now and tell him.


          Stop the ride........I want to get off.

          The docs will tell you to just ride it out. I know, I've been through it... many times. My reaction is that if my body says NO NO NO, then I stop fighting my body. It knows better than me. That's why I'm not on anti-Ds even though my docs think I should be. You have to decide if it's worth fighting your body. It MIGHT get better.

          For some people these meds are lifesavers, they transform their lives. But around 50% don't do so well on them. Many of those, like myself, go crazy on them (I've given them 2 weeks a few times, 2 weeks of pure hell). YOU have to decide, but if you are doing bad at 10 days, I reckon you are not responding well to this drug. Go ahead and give it another 4 days if you want, but if you feel horrible still, it is not working for you.

          Remember, they only work for about half the population. Lucky you if you are one, but doesn't sound like it to me. I am NOT against these drugs. Hurrah for the ones that get help. We all need to take the help wherever we can get it. The sad thing is that we get our hopes up, and the truth is they do help some and they don't help others.

          Not to sound so negative. Please keep searching. I've said it before and I'll say it again, lithium oratate has helped me far more than any of the 6 or 7 andti-Ds I've tried. It's a little up and down. But a big help, with no side effects, and helped from about the second day.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

            Star when I had an awful time on Prozac my doc switched me to Effexor and it was great. There are many different anti-d's out there, maybe another would be better. Yes they do take a bit to work, but if you are feeling worse on Prozac(as I did), doc should prescribe something else.


              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

              Sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly, Star. Have you thought about possibly calling your Pharmacy/chemist to ask about possible side effects?

              What ever you do, I think you should speak to a medical professional. If you are having an adverse or allergic reaction, you could have your meds changed.

              Hope you feel better very soon.
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                Didn't you have an adverse reaction to the last one he had you on? Wasn't it in the same anti-d family?

                You are a strong cookie, no doubt about it. I know you will take care of this and things will work out just fine. It sucks having to experiment, but honestly, when you find something that does work, life is much better.


                  Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                  Can`t do anything about it tonight.......have teenager here whom I don`t want to upset or this Mum is having to do her best to act normal. Am very level-headed........believe I can get through the night and call doc. in morning.........have no intentions of riding it out........this stuff is freaking me right coming off of it.

                  Big question is........should I take tonight`s capsule??? This will be day 11 on 20 mg, which is dose I started at. Am worried that I may have worse reaction if I suddenly stop taking it, thereby instantly going from 20 mg to zero???

                  Am done with AD`s........prozac is my 2nd AD in less than 6 wks........don`t think AD`s are for me at all.......they`re beginning to scare the hell out of me. Need to find a natural high.

                  Just feel scared, but trying to self-talk myself to some sort of calm.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                    Marcie, am scared to try any more.........


                      Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                      There is smoking weed. NO, I am JUST kidding, kiddo. Seriously, I HATE THE STUFF. RUINED MY MARRIAGE along with ALCOHOL! (rant over, whew!)

                      I don't know what to say about tonight's dosage. I honestly wouldn't take it and hit the hay as soon as I could. Pound back some water too.

                      Anxiety is the worst thing in the world. THE WORST - I am a MAJOR sufferer, and I know what you are going through.

                      Definitely phone your doctor first thing.


                        Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                        Star, I have tried many, many fine anti-ds. Funnily enuf, I am experiencing hyper symptoms myself today due to forgettng the drugs. :bang So I am doing the thing all my MWOers said and getting my drugs and developing a method to take them daily.

                        You on the other hand, need to right now, call ur doc, say these side-effects on Prozac are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Your friend in USA said you'd better change Star to one that doesn't give her hives, doesn't make her hyper and works. OR ELSE! :bat

                        Then listen to the doc about stopping Prozac or tapering down until u have it out of your system and start the new one PRONTO.
                        You;re :welcome:


                          Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                          That`s it........I think it`s made me hyper........I feel as high as a kite and so jittery.


                            Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                            don't take it. You don't get addicted before 4 weeks or something. Just get off it. I experienced all this many times (why do you think I am so impassioned?). I was pacing up and down the rooms, the house, the stairs, could not sit down 24/7, yeh... crazy. stop it. you will feel better soon.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Stop the ride........I want to get off.

                              Star, can you call NHS direct??? They get a doctor to call you right back and they will give you proper medical advice .......

                              Hope that you sort this ....

                              BB xx

