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Talk about a trigger!

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    Talk about a trigger!

    Wow, sounds like the teacher is looking for brownie points at the school. Some teachers just have to show off.



      Talk about a trigger!

      I guess I'm glad I'm a step-parent. I could not more do P4T's/son's project than I could .........hmmmm what's good, I know ice skate. Does that mean if I were back in 4th grade I wouldn't pass?! :H


        Talk about a trigger!

        Oh Lordy, do I feel your pain! I have definately been there done that! Your story did make me giggle A! I'll be crossing my fingers that you get an "A" for your project.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Talk about a trigger!


          Yep, that probably means you wouldnt pass....LOL! Sheez, I'm worried about my grade! And after ALL that work, we got half way to school this morning and realized we left it on the counter!! :H So I did an illegal U-turn and raced back home...

          He was only a tad late. It was probably a good thing though... I should have sprinkled flour on his clothes and dabbled paint on his nose and shirt to complete the "how hard HE worked" on it.....LOL!
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Talk about a trigger!

            you are funny p!!!

            let me know your grade! if you get honors, i may come to your gradutation!


              Talk about a trigger!

              Waldorf?? No idea. We just went for expensive Private School and the teachers do the work very nicely - earn their pay. We go to quiz nights/fundraisers and the like, but all put on for us. Take a plate = Sophie cooks something or a packet of chips at the last minute

              Lazy but hey both working full time anyway. Homework takes up enuf time and they are pretty good about it - never really too much, mostly revision.
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Talk about a trigger!


                I made an A on my son's project!!!! :H

                (and I found out I made a 94 on my last exam as well) so I'm happy!!

                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  Talk about a trigger!

                  Hey Presto,

                  Think how much time it takes for a teacher to come up with this crap??? It is all the state (NCLB) dictating what must be taught in certain grade ranges. I am now teaching my 5th graders materials that once gave graduate students hives.

                  Sorry you have to go through this. Education is now about which parents can give the extra help - teachers don't have time to help those who don't get it at home. We are trying to fit in 15 hours of instruction into 7 hour days - or we will lose our funding. And, we are so accountable - we must put in our lesson plans into computer programs so they can analyze which teachers cover the most material and show the highest test scores (regardless of the student's starting points).

                  Ugggh. Teaching sucks now.

                  Love you, though.


                    Talk about a trigger!

                    Way to go Prest4time! How did the other parents do?

                    Love ya

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Talk about a trigger!

                      pansy, is this part of the "no child left behind" strategy? Sounds like "no child with round-the-clock teachers and resourceful parents left behind."
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Talk about a trigger!

                        I never saw the others, but I'm sure mine was the best.... it HAD to be? :H Glad its over, and we can just snuggle on the sofa, eat popcorn and watch Christmas movies tonight instead of slave labor... I mean parent labor... I mean homework! Sorry!

                        Ok, next thing on my list....

                        Oh yes, Christmas shopping....
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          Talk about a trigger!

                          That is ludicrous for 4th grade- anything that a parent has to do for the kid is obviously beyond their age and too much work. Kids are pushed too hard these days in that respect, they are overscheduled with homework, sports, etc., yet somehow this generation is deemed to be the laziest, fattest of all. Kind of ironic.

                          Miss you all! Camper :h
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            Talk about a trigger!

                            Another reason I need to quit drinking...I can't concentrate on my children's homework!


                              Talk about a trigger!

                              :welcome: Sailor2!

                              Glad you are here!


                                Talk about a trigger!

                                Absolutely Happy Camper - I am really pleased that in my daughter's school the homework is relative to her age group. Sophie started to finish it all on a Monday night and then SHE asked the teacher for more homework to do - that's showing an interest in learning, rather than have things that are too hard and having parents too involved so that the children feel somehow left out of the process.

                                Oh we complain sometimes about the projects - but she gets pooped off with us if we help too's HER project.

                                And she does tennis, hockey in winter, and piano and trumpet and chess and choir and is fit and happy and enjoying all this stuff cause she chose to do it - and most importantly (lucky with our choice of school) most of this is catered for within school hours or as after school activities so she's not exhausted (and neither are we - we both work full-time and would not be able to run her round too much). So there's time for bike rides and beach fun on the weekends, and the family can be together without stress.

                                That's what school should be like as far as i'm concerned - and that's what we are paying through the nose for. The academic results are excellent and they are all such "rounded" girls - it's a joy to have a child that can't wait to get back to school - even after a 4 day break.

                                Surely every child would get "left behind" if the work is above their level of comprehension and all they see is thier parents doing it for them?

                                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

