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It's the Little Things...

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    It's the Little Things...

    Hi Everyone:

    I love not having black-outs & hang-overs. However, I've been appreciating the smaller things that have come along w/being AF:
    -regaining my sense of more drunken revelry or self-conscious withdrawal.
    -focussing on the people, places, or activities I'm engaged more obsessing about when, where, or how I'll drink instead.
    -being able to make mistakes & rectify more excessive remorse or paranoia (was she drunk when she did that?).
    -not rushing around more having to get home to drink (I actually dented my new car rushing home to open the bottle, & I was sober at the time).
    These are just a few of the small things that have enhanced my life. Has anyone else got some small (or big) things to share? I never get tired of reading them.

    Again, (as I've said many times), I could never have been able to write this thread wo/MWO. Thank you, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    It's the Little Things...

    Hi Mary

    Waking up with a clear head and being able to remember everything from the night before is the greatest gift. I thought I was enhancing my life by drinking but actually I was not experiencing life to the full.



      It's the Little Things...

      Hi Mary

      I'm on day 3 AF but these last 2 nights I've actually done things rather than sit down and drink till I manage to drag myself into bed (or fall asleep on the sofa). No more feeling that life is boring and has a routine.


        It's the Little Things...

        Rustop: Alcohol just adds a dull film over clarity at all. Thanks for the reminder.
        Lotus: I get more done but not at the frenetic pace I used to work at...over compensation I guess. M
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          It's the Little Things...

          We start off by seeking clarity and serenity through the bottle, but end up with a hangover and foggier than before we started seeking clarity, crazy cycle.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            It's the Little Things...

            Spending sober time with my sober hubby at night.

            AF April 9, 2016


              It's the Little Things...

              I bet that is nice cindi. my next relationship will be with someone who isn't interested in alcohol, I promise myself that.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                It's the Little Things...

                Not having to be terrified of someone noticing all the bottles when I take them to recycling!!
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                  It's the Little Things...

                  Hi Mary, I've read your posts and you made a lot of progress. its amazing. you give me inspiration. I have the same problem as you where it was hard to stop once i started drinking. did you ever take the kudzu and glutamine and attempted to moderate? did they help with the stopping when you should?


                    It's the Little Things...

                    My once beautiful handwriting is now more shaking hands!!
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      It's the Little Things...

                      Me: I never took any of the supplements or kudzu. I've only used the multi-vits I've always taken. I think that my stopping has a lot to do w/just getting completely disgusted w/being an active alcoholic. At some point, I just said: "This is it. I'm stopping." After a few false starts, I'm 69 days AF today. This is not to say that the supplements aren't a valuable tool for some folks. M
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        It's the Little Things...

                        Congratulations and thank you for your advice. Whether it has been directed direcly at me or not it has been an inspiration.

