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The UK's drink problem....

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    The UK's drink problem....

    Just some thoughts/observations:

    Where I live, alcohol is very strongly controlled and very highly taxed. It is claimed that the alcohol consumption per capita is one of the lowest in Europe. However, the statistics do not take into account illegal import (very easy and widespread) and "homemade" spirits (rampant in the countryside). SO, actually, the goverment has lost control of what its citizens are drinking by making it so expensive and difficult to purchase.

    Also, making alcohol expensive and difficult to obtain is unfair to those responsible drinkers, and there are many, who just want to enjoy a good bottle of wine on a Saturday evening. Is it fair to punish them and make them suffer because a minority of the population -- like you and me -- have a problem controlling our alcohol intake?

    Advertising for alcohol is also forbidden here. This I believe is a very good thing. I cannot see any benefits from advertising alcohol whatsoever (except for the money the advertising companies rake in, and presumably the taxes they pay on that income, which I'm certain is not enough to cover the health costs stemming from alcohol.)

    Education is of course very important. Also, changing the perception of drinking as something to do often and to intoxication into something to do rarely and in moderation. The perception of smoking has been changed over most of the western world in the past couple decades. My children think smoking is disgusting and dirty-- not cool and elegant, as past generations did. Smokers have to stand outside in the cold to get their "fix". This is the image our children see of smokers... hunched over, freezing, desperately puffing on their "cancer sticks". I think they will have a much easier time to resist smoking than drinking.

    I don't know. I don't have any answers. I just think image and education are more important than access.

    One last thing. I think governements and the health care community in general should take more responsibility for those that do become addicted to anything, and follow up on the latest science and research to help them get rid of their addictions. It should not be that only the rich have access to the latest progress in "curing" people, while the rest go either treated by old-fashioned, outdated, ineffective methods.... or just untreated. As long as it is such a stigma to be addicted to alcohol, many people will go untreated or put off the treatment they need for too long.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      The UK's drink problem....

      Wow, Beatle...that is so well put...thanks!
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        The UK's drink problem....

        Lots of thoughts on this thread. The one thing that stands out, and that I truly hadn't thought about much before - are we a cuture largely or poeple who are split up into 3 categories - !. the non drinkers (ie - never)
        2. the binge drinkers
        3. the true alchoholics (no one here needs a definition!)

        I must admit, most of the people I know fall into one of the above categoreis. Rarely do you find anyone who enjoyes one glass of wine with their meal on Friday night, and that's it for the week.

        Am I alone in this belief? Maybe that's part of the problem with my own drinking - that I have never experienced any other "example" than either #2 or #3. And what does that say for us as a society?

        You know, I never before really thought prohibition was a good thing - but maybe there were some good things to be said about it .Grass (weed) is illegal - doesn't mean that grass is not going to be bought and sold, but does serve to curtal it somewhat? Something to think about.
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

